Is Christianity waning in your area?

Lori 7:

How does one go about having a relationship with God through Christ while rejecting the church which is essential to Christianity?

organized religion is not essential to having a spiritual relationship with god. why would it be?

"The" church is actually the group of people who have this kind of relationship with God, not the people who go to church.
then what is the relevance of the Hawkings link you posted.
OilIsMastery said:
Steven Hawking's mother was a Marxist and a Communist. Of course he doesn't believe in God.
and you know this how?
OilIsMastery said:
God laughs at paradoxes.
thats probably because he is one.
OilIsMastery said:
relevance to WW1 and relevance to communism or atheism in the first world war, please.
Or is it you just open your mouth but you've no idea what will come out. It sounds like you aspire to become mentally handicapped.
Seriously. You would rather gaze in wonderment at the invisible barriers on the bus, than have the intellectual capacity to identify them as windows.
The difference is your theist parents didn't brainwash you like Marxists do to their children.

How do you know that a) I wasn't might have worn off and b) that Marxists indoctrinate their children. What evidence have you to support such a view ?
Lori 7:

organized religion is not essential to having a spiritual relationship with god. why would it be?

It is telling that all spiritual movements have been organized throughout history. Even such basic things as beliefs, holy books, et cetera, require some form of heirarchy and clergy and such.

"The" church is actually the group of people who have this kind of relationship with God, not the people who go to church.

There's a mile wide difference between the average believer and a holy man. It's quite apparent when one meets one. It likely makes sense to allow said holy men to talk about things and rule on matters.
Religion is not waning in my area at all, that's why I joined the Freedom From Religion Foundation in case they begin to infringe on my rights. There's a church not to far down from where I live. They are quite courteous when I join them to have discussions on their beliefs. There are also several mega-churches down here too. So where is this place? Down south in Georgia baby!
Unfortunately Christianity doesn't seem to be on the wane at all in this part of California. From ridiculous bumperstickers, to homes full of Jesus crap, to an excessive number of Christian radio stations, the evidence I see is not encouraging.
brainwashing and politically driven conformist bullshit is on the rise everywhere. it keeps people from having to think for themselves and the masses under control. after all, they have to have a way of getting to all the people who don't do drugs and watch television.