Is Buddhism the least hated tradition?

1) I didn't say religous beleif is evil.
2) Did Stalin kill people in the name of lack of beleif?
3) I said because Christians and Muslims have conducted so many violent acts in the name of their God that their religions are more hated than the other religions.

If you are Christian of course you can not see this about Christianity. But it's probably pretty clear in regards to Islam. You'd probably say to yourself. Yeah, that's true, Muslims are violent and kill people in the name of their God. But if you are Muslim then of course you can not see this about Islam. But it's probably pretty clear in regards to Christianity. You'd probably say to yourself. Yeah, that's true, Christians are violent and killed people in the name of their Religion.

Well I agree with this completely, thats one reason they're hated, but it also has to do with atheists, they hate Jesus because they were previously Christian, I would say Chrisitanity is hated more than Islam by atheists
Maybe you are partially right on this?

I'm atheist but I do not "hate" Jesus, I couldn't as I don't even think there was a Jesus. Also, I don't "hate" Christianity, I think that when taken in moderation Christianity has it's place in society for some people.

I don't even know what Islam means so I couldn't hate it.

From what I can see of "Christian" societies (ex: Europe, USA, AU, NZ, CA, etc..) they seem to be doing fine not because of Christianity, but because we have (or had) a strong sense of civic duty, long well established civil institutions and secular democracies. Within this framework I believe that Christianity can offer some people the consul and or sense of community they need to get on with it.

"Buddhist" counties with similar Civic institutions seem to be doing well (Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan) have those that don't, don't.

Most "Islamic" countries do not have the well established civil institutions and secular democracies and those ones are f*cked but those that do, like Turkey, are giving it a go. I think if they can keep religion in check they will do fine, if not they'll be screwed.

Anyway, I think if people from all walks of life were asked which beleif system after their own is the most peaceful Buddhism would come up on top.
Anyway, I think if people from all walks of life were asked which beleif system after their own is the most peaceful Buddhism would come up on top.

Buddhism the most peaceful? What about Taoism? Taoism calls upon using no force, because "force binds the Qi", non-violence, no war, etc..Taoism also doesn't condemn anyone to hell like Gautama Buddha does, Taoism also a LOT more non-theistic and less supernatural/mystical than Buddhism ever is and ever was, Taoism is the least supernatural of all religions
Anyway, I think if people from all walks of life were asked which beleif system after their own is the most peaceful Buddhism would come up on top.
depends who you are asking
present day Burmese?
christians 60 years ago?
etc etc

IOW its all about public image (or a lack of it)

for instance a muslim who beats up someone else is reported as " a muslim"
If a buddhist person beats up someone else they are reported as buddhist only if they are done up in religious attire
Buddhism the most peaceful? What about Taoism? Taoism calls upon using no force, because "force binds the Qi", non-violence, no war, etc..Taoism also doesn't condemn anyone to hell like Gautama Buddha does, Taoism also a LOT more non-theistic and less supernatural/mystical than Buddhism ever is and ever was, Taoism is the least supernatural of all religions
That's true, but I don't think enough people would know anything about Taoism (or even it is a religion) and so I think they'd still pick Buddhism.

My guess is Christians would either pick Judaism as a natural extension of their own belief or, if foreced to pick again, pick Buddhism.

Muslims might pick Christianity for similar reasons (few'd pick Judaism for sure) but I think many would probably pick Buddhism.

Taoist will go for Buddhism.

Shinto will go for Buddhism.

Hindu will go for Buddhism.

So Buddhism is the clear winner.
There are many atheists on this site, who if not for their disbelief, probably would have been Christians. Hence, they tend to gravitate toward hating Jesus.
Not entirely accurate.

The majority of atheists more of hate the way Jesus' teachings were corrupted by power-hungry Church leaders, and we despise the incredibly poor, and quite frankly, stupid, ideas he and his teachings use as a basis for ethics.

Now, generally, christian ethics aren't bad: help the poor; respect people; be kind, please rewind; etc.
It's just that the basis of those ethics -a psychopathic sky bully- is a pretty damn shitty basis for morality.

Buddhism and other philosophical religions like it have a much better basis for morality- do good because it is inherently good, and avoid harm because it is inherently harmful. Indo-European paganism also holds this view of ethics, which is I partake in it.