Is Buddhism a Failure?

Be interesting to make a list of "failed" religions, on various criteria. It seems unlikely that Buddhism would resemble very many of the others, in the description of its failed state.

There's an article in this month's Harper's concerning a formerly major religion - Zoroastrianism - that seems to be failing overall. The latest blow mentioned was an environmental screwup in its remaining outpost in India, where the necessary vultures were poisoned by agricultural chemicals; the repercussions are apparently, potentially, serious, among the already dwindling number of Parsis still observant.
For me? No. Just like atheism the ideology makes no sense to me. But homosexuality makes as little sense to me. Does it mean that I think there is anything wrong with being a homosexual? Nope. Let people have the option of choosing what they want. I don't see myself turning homosexual to make them feel better about their orientation.
I didn't ask "For SAM is it possible". I asked: "Is it a possibility".

SMALL CHILD: Is it possible black peoples are as smart as White peoples.
WASPY: For me no that is not possible SMALL CHILD.

This small child grows up and one day refuses to hire a black, because, for some dumb-arse reason they got it in their head that black people are not smart. Fast forward to slavery. Fast forward to ghettos. Fast forward to the mess the middle east is in.

Do you seriously think that the responce is tolerant just because the person says "For me"?


Note: You are the small child SAM so we forgive you.

:) you used the title heading to make people think it was a question. You should have made it "Buddhism is a failure, and im going to tell you why."

Your thread maybe is the failure?, Buddhism is alive and well in the east and also the west. I have communications with many buddhists in and outside of london all the time. People tend to see and notice what they are within themselves. Buddhism is not merely a religion it is alot more than that you yourself most likely adhere to buddhist wisdom or qualities or training methods without knowing it.

There are many types of buddhism and I would say Zen/Cha'an buddhism cannot really be argued with/against from any standpoint, be it a scientist,rabbi,priest or bum on the street, Zen uddhism is a very healthy practice I would have to say buddhist monks are some of the nicest people in the world I have ever met I have never met a buddhist who I even dislike slightly. I cannot sayt he same for Atheists, jews, muslims or christians.

Sam what do you know about the spectrum that is buddhism? let me hear your presentation on one of my most studied philosophies and lifestyles, drop some of your perls of Wisdom on me I would love to throw back a Rebuttle it's been a while since I had a written debate, so come on lets do this I might be Rusty at debunking your gnarled and wretched ethics.

"Sprays some Philosophical air fresh-ner around"

It was smelling slightly stagnant.

Do you know why "buddhist Societys" never really flourish?. Listen because it is the truth what I say ok.

Bhuddist's like Daoists and all tree hugging pagan type people like myself (even though im kind of muslim/christian/Jewish/Daoistic/buddhist monkish) do not try to gain power and sieze oil and fight for land. No we live normal lives within these capitalist consumer countries and kind of live as half consumer/business men and half spiritual trying to try our best in a world you people fucked up.

We are living amongst you in maybe every country if not most, you cannot have a true buddhist/Daoist Society in the modern world. Because some asshole with an AK47 and some banditos will come and rape you if you can't defend yourself. Maybe that's why I Respect Martial Monks so much Like my Shaolin Brothers, They are a mix of both, they realise the need to protect the ones they love and their Land.

If there was a huge nation of Daoists/Hippies/Bhuddhits/Pagan wierdo's What would happen? America would probably Carpet bomb them, or some bastards would try to rob everything and somehow take advantage of them. To fund a military takes an economy that reaps a strong Yield from it's citizens either from tax or punishments and stealth taxes. And before you know it the hippy communit is just a consumer capitalist society in it's infancy read to spawn into a huge ugly mess of a beast.

Notice I said trying to try. just to emphasize how much it's doomed to fail lol.

Bueno Pues.
I think we need to know what the hell Buddhism IS to know how to measure it to know whether it is a "Failure".

Are the Japanese a Buddhist society? Are they a failure? SAM seems to think if a society isn't pumping out 12-14 children per woman - it's a failure. Doomed... DOOOMED!! To failure :) Is this the fault of Buddhism?


Islamic societies tend to remain poor. Poor people tend to have lots of children. Lots of poor children = success in SAM's book.

And there we have it. Buddhism is a failure.
When has SAM ever stated that? Can you back that up with citations from her posts?

Unfortunately, some people have a tendency to base all their posts on stereotypes and racism.
Ask SAM yourself. Why do Hindu people need idols and statues? It's not because there is any truth to their silly small minded claims of divinity. That's not even a possibility. Nope. It's simply because they are simple small minded little people who need to SEE and TOUCh something. You know, they just don't get that there is only One True God. You know like "Highbrow" Muslims.
*turns to Mecca to pray towards silly square magical moon-rock that she can SEE and TOUCH*
The wall itself could be an interesting archeological structure. A peace of history. I'd like to say a throwback to The Age of Superstition, but apparently many of you are still living there.
When people worship at it they are displaying their superstition and IMO their intolerance. I wonder how many people went to that wall and prayed for some disease to come and kill off the Muslims so they could go up on their Temple Mount? Hmmmm makes one wonder.