Is Breastfeeding/Skin Hunger Incest?

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Based upon scientific findings in the area of sexual chemicals that are responsible for bonding, it may provide evidence for moralists to justify broadening incest and molestation laws. You decide.

I can send you the link to the article I am referencing in pm, but I do not have 20 posts, so I can not provide it here.

Here is a quote from the article:
Oxytocin is a hormone that is released during orgasm in both sexes, and is responsible for the bonding or emotional connection that occurs as the result of a sexual encounter. Oxytocin is released during breastfeeding, and is believed to be responsible for the pleasurable feelings and bonding that take place between mother and child during this period of development.

Oxytocin is released during sex and during breastfeeding. Incest or not?

Children have what is called "skin hunger" and Oxytocin is released when they are touched by their parents. US law uses legal phrasing that bases the law on the occurrence of sexual emotions in a parent or a child. A parent or child may touch each other in non-sexual ways. This phrasing implies that the touching does not create the release of oxytocin in either one of their bodies.Does this turn the entire body into a sexual genital creating a new moral legal claim for molestation based upon scientific evidence?

The law is not utopian perfect. It can be pushed one way or another. Would you elaborate on what you statement means in regard to the thread topic?
elaborate on what? we are humans, we have physical body needs. Starting from our young years until we are very old. The laws are there to protect us, not demean our human life values.
Children at that age are still in development, I'm guessing that any release of chemicals is to help develop tactile senses.

What I'm actually trying to query about your overall post is what are you trying to imply?. Are you trying to pervert the laws to favour abuse? or perverting it to stop any child being nurtured? (Somewhat different from abuse)
Well during sexual encounters two other chemicals are released by the brain. So I do not think you can make a sexual comparison based on the information you have provided.
Oxytocin is released during sex and during breastfeeding. Incest or not?

Incest (n.): Sexual intercourse between persons too closely related to marry (as between a parent and a child).​

Release of oxytocin is clearly insufficient to amount to incest.

You might as well argue that because adrenalin is released when somebody kills in a murderous frenzy that all activities involving a release of adrenalin (e.g. sky diving) are the same as murder.
Based upon scientific findings in the area of sexual chemicals that are responsible for bonding, it may provide evidence for moralists to justify broadening incest and molestation laws. You decide.

I can send you the link to the article I am referencing in pm, but I do not have 20 posts, so I can not provide it here.

Here is a quote from the article:

Oxytocin is released during sex and during breastfeeding. Incest or not?

Children have what is called "skin hunger" and Oxytocin is released when they are touched by their parents. US law uses legal phrasing that bases the law on the occurrence of sexual emotions in a parent or a child. A parent or child may touch each other in non-sexual ways. This phrasing implies that the touching does not create the release of oxytocin in either one of their bodies.Does this turn the entire body into a sexual genital creating a new moral legal claim for molestation based upon scientific evidence?

Children at that age are still in development, I'm guessing that any release of chemicals is to help develop tactile senses.

What I'm actually trying to query about your overall post is what are you trying to imply?. Are you trying to pervert the laws to favour abuse? or perverting it to stop any child being nurtured? (Somewhat different from abuse)

No matter what, you seem intent on thinking that what he wants to do is to pervert the laws, laugh :p. I remember reading an article wherein a mother admitted that she found that breastfeeding her child was arousing; she got censured for it, I can't remember in exactly what way though.

Incest (n.): Sexual intercourse between persons too closely related to marry (as between a parent and a child).​

Release of oxytocin is clearly insufficient to amount to incest.

You might as well argue that because adrenalin is released when somebody kills in a murderous frenzy that all activities involving a release of adrenalin (e.g. sky diving) are the same as murder.

I find your choice of examples to be interesting. In any case, I personally think that wikipedia's definition of incest is more thorough:
Incest refers to any sexual activity between closely related persons (often within the immediate family) that is illegal or socially taboo. The type of sexual activity and the nature of the relationship between persons that constitutes a breach of law or social taboo vary with culture and jurisdiction. Some societies consider it to include only those who live in the same household, or who belong to the same clan or lineage; other societies consider it to include "blood relatives"; other societies further include those related by adoption or marriage.[1]​

I think Stryder is getting much closer to the point and the article I read hammers it home:
Is it wrong to be aroused during breastfeeding? Must a mother stop breastfeeding her child at, say, 2? I happen to have known a mother who kept on breastfeeding her child for much longer then that. The child in question definitely liked breasts when he grew older, but then many guys like breasts; I'm not sure if his like had anything to do with his extra long feeding time.

Finally, sure, we can go for the idea that breastfeeding, or stimulation of the breasts is somewhat different from sexual intercourse; but are we saying that it is therefore ok for mothers to let them suck on them, even if the breasts have stopped producing milk or never did? All of these questions open up pandora's boxes when it comes to our society, which certainly has dogmatic traits in it and generally doesn't even like these questions to be raised; reminds me of a certain other subject in sciforums I'm involved in :p.
it may provide evidence for moralists to justify broadening incest and molestation laws. You decide.

As the statement says, it may provide evidence, but does not say it actually does provide anything .
it may provide evidence for moralists to justify broadening incest and molestation laws. You decide.

As the statement says, it may provide evidence, but does not say it actually does provide anything .

Personally, I think that ancientregime is suggesting that incest laws are too restrictive and could be construed to mean that a mother shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed her child; certainly if the mother admits she is sexually aroused, she can get into trouble, as I've read in an article somewhere.
Personally, I think that ancientregime is suggesting that incest laws are too restrictive and could be construed to mean that a mother shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed her child; certainly if the mother admits she is sexually aroused, she can get into trouble, as I've read in an article somewhere.

Not in my experience.
My wife was told upfront that she may experience sexual arousal when breast feeding by the nurses and to not be alarmed or embarrassed.

I do believe this could be part of the reason many women can't bring themselves to do it. Ultimately the child loses in this case because the health benefits of breast feeding for children are immense.

My advise to the OP: Grow up.
Yes, I can see many women becoming aroused while breastfeeding.. after not sleeping for weeks on end, barely finding time to have a shower, let alone eat, having nipples that are at times so sore that the baby even attaching makes the mother cry and sometimes said nipples can and will bleed and blister, or when the breast is engorged and agonisingly painful.. yeah.. I can see how all that can be an arousing experience. Or when you're past the pain stage and still find yourself so tired that you can barely remember what day it is, let alone the date and you're getting up every 2-3 hours in the night to breastfeed.. you can't remember if you even brushed your teeth that morning or even before going to that thing called bed.. something you've not experienced for what seems like ages now.. and then baby throws up all over you and your boobs.. yeah.. really arousing that..


Children have what is called "skin hunger" and Oxytocin is released when they are touched by their parents.

When babies are first born, they are placed naked on the belly of their mother or sometimes the dad will be asked to take off his top and cuddle the baby up against his chest to help warm the child up and to provide that first comforting touch. It is not arousing.. babies need to be held against the skin, especially in those first few months.. for them it is a manner of providing comfort and sometimes even helps relieve colic as your body heat helps them relax and fart to their heart's content.

A parent or child may touch each other in non-sexual ways.
And do all the time. Each time you change their nappy, give them a bath, roll around on the floor with them, dress them, hug them, etc.

This phrasing implies that the touching does not create the release of oxytocin in either one of their bodies.
It very well might. But that does not mean that the child instantly becomes a sexual being because of the release of the hormone. The alternative is to teach babies to feed and change themselves so that as parents, we don't touch them, in case they release said hormone.

Does this turn the entire body into a sexual genital creating a new moral legal claim for molestation based upon scientific evidence?
Huh? Do you turn "into a sexual genital" each time someone bumps your hand as they walk past? How exactly does a whole body turn into a "sexual genital"? You're not making much sense.

scott3x said:
Personally, I think that ancientregime is suggesting that incest laws are too restrictive and could be construed to mean that a mother shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed her child; certainly if the mother admits she is sexually aroused, she can get into trouble, as I've read in an article somewhere.
I'm sorry, what? Becoming aroused is not exactly something one can predict. Can you control becoming aroused at any given time? As I said before, most women are usually too damn tired and/or sore to even consider feeling turned on when the baby breastfeeds.. You try not sleeping and/or getting up every 3 or so hours to breastfeed for an hour, changing a dirty nappy and then getting the little blighter off to sleep and then think whether knowing you need to change yet another nappy and have to get them to sleep after the feed, only to have to rinse and repeat again in a couple of hours.. whether you'd find the baby breastfeeding a turn on.

The laws regarding breastfeeding are getting tighter and tighter because people who are not the one's feeding are the one's finding issue with said breastfeeding. They think it is arousing and sexual. Usually the mother and child do not because they know the whole saga that goes with it. But a bare breast and suckling at that breast.. it screams "sex" doesn't it?

That this subject could even be open to debate or discussion says a lot about just how perverted society has become to the point where a woman breastfeeding a child can be placed in the same line as "incest".
Not in my experience.
My wife was told upfront that she may experience sexual arousal when breast feeding by the nurses and to not be alarmed or embarrassed.

I was told the same thing as well. For me it was more a sense of "oh dear god the relief" when the baby fed, simply because of the discomfort of the let down that sometimes occurs before a feed.. pain.. real pain.. and that feeling of relief, almost orgasmic and toe curling relief from the pain when baby starts to drink and the pain and discomfort lessens.. I guess some could view that as being arousing. I never did.
Based upon scientific findings in the area of sexual chemicals that are responsible for bonding, it may provide evidence for moralists to justify broadening incest and molestation laws. You decide.

I can send you the link to the article I am referencing in pm, but I do not have 20 posts, so I can not provide it here.

Here is a quote from the article:

Oxytocin is released during sex and during breastfeeding. Incest or not?

Children have what is called "skin hunger" and Oxytocin is released when they are touched by their parents. US law uses legal phrasing that bases the law on the occurrence of sexual emotions in a parent or a child. A parent or child may touch each other in non-sexual ways. This phrasing implies that the touching does not create the release of oxytocin in either one of their bodies.Does this turn the entire body into a sexual genital creating a new moral legal claim for molestation based upon scientific evidence?

is this a serious question? how can breastfeeding be incest???

breastfeeding is the most natural thing a woman can do after giving birth, i havent heard the term skin hunger before thats just bat shit crazy
is this a serious question? how can breastfeeding be incest???

breastfeeding is the most natural thing a woman can do after giving birth, i havent heard the term skin hunger before thats just bat shit crazy

You go girl!
What's next? Batheing the kids is incest?
Children at that age are still in development, I'm guessing that any release of chemicals is to help develop tactile senses.

What I'm actually trying to query about your overall post is what are you trying to imply?. Are you trying to pervert the laws to favour abuse? or perverting it to stop any child being nurtured? (Somewhat different from abuse)

This sounds like accusation that I am making an attempt to pervert the law. Not the case. In fact, I do not think science can pervert the law. Ther is only one way to pervert the law, a belief system which imposes personal preference upon everyone else.

Case in point, people who make claims breatfeeding can be considered child molestation. Laws that are not science based can make it possible for preference to be legislated. Science based legislation is not preference oriented; it allows for the widest possibility of expression, where that expression does not violate the rights of others--a naturally cooperative tendency of humans.

I imply to learn what I can from the discussion, let scientific discussion decide my point of view, not preference discussion. That will be added as momentum to stop psuedo-science legislation that calls harmless, natural behavior zexual abuse. The said chemicals can be used this way for private moral agendas. The law are already written in ways that will interpret things in this ambiguos way.

Again, I'm not interested in opinions in terms of shaping the law. I'm interested in letting nature and science do that.
Hugs also release feel good chemicals.
There is nothing wrong with a hug, it brings people closer together.
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