Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
As long as she and other continue to deny these facts I will continue to irritate them with these facts. I'm waiting for someone to say "yes they do have that in common but we can come up with a logical reasoning that would forbid public urination and not breastfeeding, the would circumnavigate these commonalities, that reasoning being..." and thus the discussion can continue until we have a unbreakable argument that advocates breastfeeding and not urination as well.

I think the most obvious answer is that people find urine and feces much more offensive than breastmilk. Not to mention when people urinate they urinate on something and anyone who has hung out with the homeless knows that urine smells terrible and its messy. Wading through pools of it on the sidewalk personally effects everyone on the sidewalk. But lactating women don't tend to spray milk all over the walls of buildings. Chances are if you probably never know when a woman has breastfed somewhere. Once she and the baby are done, nothing is left behind. So it does not effect anyone besides the baby and the mother. If you don't like looking at it, you don't have to stare. Plus when you're dealing with little kids and babies people are always more forgiving. When a little boy urinates in public, people chuckle. Of course the smell of little boy pee has nothing on the smell of big man pee.
The two things you stated are facts, so they can't refuted only the comparison can, which is what everyone has done several times over. I don't know what you're waiting for other than a certificate proving that breasts aren't obscene. Short of that you aren't really arguing anything.
Then make a constructive argument of why these differences matter.

I want you to do an experiment, place a cup of urine and a cup of milk out in the open and see which rots first. Urine has a far lower energy content and is far more caustic to microbial growth, I assure you milk with all its fats, sugars and benign pH is far more effective at growing dangerous bacteria.

its not any less food when put in a bottle.

Aside for breast feeding the breast in cumbersome lump of fat, its is used physically for one thing only, the penis two!

and that why we don't cover breast up, that why no one here has said they are modest or prudent and try never to show their lactating breast. yes of course reality does not exist for you. Breast and the genitals a covered because people have some kind of social developed modesty about them, develop for the primary reason that the sight of these organs was arousing to many of them.

no there isolation is for lactating and a sexual attractant. The sexual function of both organs seems to be the one that get people irritated.

Then make a constructive argument of why these differences matter.

Why do they matter? Because the two functions are really only applicable in that they involve exposure of a region of the body deemed private, and they involve liquids. The two functions are fundamentally different.

I want you to do an experiment, place a cup of urine and a cup of milk out in the open and see which rots first. Urine has a far lower energy content and is far more caustic to microbial growth, I assure you milk with all its fats, sugars and benign pH is far more effective at growing dangerous bacteria.

No, thanks, I'm too lazy to go find a lactating woman, and I'd rather not freak her out in any case by asking for some of her milk.

its not any less food when put in a bottle.

Why should she, when her child is crying RIGHT NOW? Why should people's opinions be more important than the kid's need for sustenance?

Breast and the genitals a covered because people have some kind of social developed modesty about them, develop for the primary reason that the sight of these organs was arousing to many of them.

Funny, what about African tribeswomen who go around with bare breasts? No one in their society points at them saying 'Cover those up, you're being lewd!'
Why do they matter? Because the two functions are really only applicable in that they involve exposure of a region of the body deemed private, and they involve liquids. The two functions are fundamentally different.

Exactly, there so called fundamental difference does not matter.

No, thanks, I'm too lazy to go find a lactating woman, and I'd rather not freak her out in any case by asking for some of her milk.

Wondrous cop out, if so necessary you could do the experiment with cow milk (preferable whole milk).

Why should she, when her child is crying RIGHT NOW? Why should people's opinions be more important than the kid's need for sustenance?

They shouldn't, but its of great convince to have it put in a bottle ahead of time, it removes any social awkwardness she may feel and she could even get someone else to feed the baby while she goes out and gets some much needed relaxation.

Funny, what about African tribeswomen who go around with bare breasts? No one in their society points at them saying 'Cover those up, you're being lewd!'

Exactly, socially developed modesty, not ingrained and is why some societies don't have this contrived self loathing of their bodies or its functions.
Pissing in the corner

ElectricFetus said:

Wondrous cop out, if so necessary you could do the experiment with cow milk (preferable whole milk).

I'll only stick my nose into this part of it to point out the experiment I proposed to Asguard.

Anyone is welcome to try it.
Just looked at this thread for the first time. The poll results here are fairly conclusive, I'd say.
I'm asking people to bare with the sight of seeing breastfeeding and urination

No you aren't. You are asking people to equate the two, which they rightly are refusing.

The two aren't equivalant. One is feeding and non invasive, the other sprays urine all over the place.

You may enjoy that and think its important for some reason, the rest of us are fine with using the dedicated room for it instead of having it where we eat.
Backstage Johnny

Captain Kremmen said:

You proposed to Asguard?

You remind me of a bit from The Muppet Show:

Kermit: That's a very old line.

Stadler: Well, I'm a very old man.
The two aren't equivalant. One is feeding and non invasive, the other sprays urine all over the place.

I've specified urinals repeatedly, so I don't get where you got "sprays urine all over the place." We place urinals on the side of some buildings with those little pink odor absorbing things, no problem, I specified that before too, but you haven't noticed.
Just a couple little things

ElectricFetus said:

I've specified urinals repeatedly, so I don't get where you got "sprays urine all over the place." We place urinals on the side of some buildings with those little pink odor absorbing things, no problem ....

Two points:

(1) Is this a civic expense you're proposing?
(2) Yeah ... um ... I'm certain you've looked at a men's room floor under and around urinals.​

They build restrooms do they not, might be cheaper just to build the equipment hanging off buildings. That give me a great idea I kind of floor based system its just a less then a meter by meter wide and leads to a off-center drain via a shallow funnel shaped surface, that way it out of sight, mostly, but one really must avoid stepping in it, especially if the automatic flush has not commenced. One can squat and take a dump in it as well, it will be great, greatest invention since the failed "blo-job matic" because at least nothing can go wrong with this one.

Damn that sucks. Wouldn't want to lose my virtual penis over a machine. And when I think about's a bit nasty when reminding myself that other people used it, too.....*shudders in disgust*
Damn that sucks. Wouldn't want to lose my virtual penis over a machine. And when I think about's a bit nasty when reminding myself that other people used it, too.....*shudders in disgust*

I doubt many men consider such logic, if they did I doubt prostitution would be such a large industry.
Prostitutes can still..wash themselves. And I wouldn't generalise...not all men are like that. Some would never go near a prostitute.

I said "many" not "all". Also for all you know the blo-job matic could have be self cleaning, what with powerful disinfectants, steam injectors, maybe a blast of flaming butane for 2 minute, probably the erroneous activation of the auto-cleaning system at the worse possible time was why it was recalled. No disrespect but I'm sure a machine could be kept far more hygienic then a vagina.