Is Bible a reliable Historical about GOD and His Son Jesus?


I don't believe magnetism has a 'conscious' will either. You seem to have problem with the word 'will'.

Please go here
to gain an understanding of why it is you and not I that has a problem with the word 'will'. This is the first link I have ever posted so I don't know if it'll work or if I am doing it right.

Basically, the word 'will' is implicitly linked with conscious thought. You are expressing yourself incorrectly if you believe differently.

Like atoms, animals are not conscius of themselves either. Still they can "will", and do many things, just like atoms. What is will? It doesn't have to be conscious.

You don't know what you are talking about. Animals are conscious of themselves- humans are not unique in their intelligence, only the extent of their intelligence.

Animals decide what to do. Atoms don't. And 'will' does have to be conscious, otherwise it is not 'will', it is something else.

For example, atoms interact, they don't will.

What is that makes your hand move?

Impulses from my brain travel down my nervous system to my arm muscles which make it move. Please, seriously, do SOME biology. What you believe is totally completely removed from reality.

The gravity pulls it down, but you are able to win over gravity, just by "willing". The will must be a great power

No, gravity does not 'pull' down. I said do some biology, but it is apparent that you also need to do some physics.

You can even levitate for a moment, by 'jumping'.

Oh dear. You must be taking the piss. I hope this is one big joke on me. Some kind of initiation for new-comers.

what is it that moves your body. Is it your muscles? No. The will makes the muscles operate, whatever way "I will".

Electrical impulses from your conscious thought travel down your nervous system from your brain to your arm.

DO SOME FREAKING BIOLOGY! Have you ever thought of being informed on the reality you exist in? I think not. You're one ignorant sumbitch.

The will is not located anywhere, it stems from the separation of the two poles which you see everywhere in the world. If you "love" someone, where does your will for unification exist? In your mind, and you think your mind is in your brain.

No shit sherlock. The mind is a result of the brain- love is a result of the biological urge for self preservation and reproduction. I have come to the conclusion you are woefully ignorant on almost all matters relating to the physical world.

In fact, there is no point in continuing to argue with you, your arguments are pure speculation based on nothing even resembling evidence let alone fact. Further, your beliefs are completely removed from the world you live in- who fed your head with such crap? You can't even use the word 'will' properly.

the bible is just a book about wine and crazy shit.
i think the wine came first.
Hapsburg: the bible is just a book about wine and crazy shit.
i think the wine came first.
M*W: I think you're right.

In the beginning, wine created the heavens and earth. The earth was without form and void with no wine, and there was darkness over the deep before wine was fermented.

And wine said, "let there be light," and there was lo-carb wine, and wine saw it was good and not too filling, and wine called light "refreshing but watery," and wine called night "Merlot," and there was wine in the morning and evening on the first day.

And wine said, "let there be wine for all gathered in one place," and wine called it "a party" from the evening to the morning of the second day, and the wine was good.

Then wine said, "let earth produce vegetation, and there were trees bearing grapes of many kinds, and wine saw that this was good on the third day.

And wine said, "let there be light in the sky to separate the day from night to mark seasons, days and years, and wine saw that this was good, and wine marked the seasons, and the days and years were set aside to revel in the rich flavor and aroma of the wine, and wine saw that there were many such days and nights, and some afternoons to relish the goodness of the wine, and this was good.

And wine said, "let the water turn into wine for all living creatures." And wine saw that it was all good. And wine said "let the grapes propagate according to their own kind," and there was a good variety, and it was good.

Then wine said, "let the land produce living creatures according to their kind," and the living creatures were created upon the face of the earth to stomp the grapes, and this is good.

Then, at the end sixth day of creation, wine rested when the grapes were created, and the living creatures were upon the earth stomping the grapes, and wine saw that this was good business.

On the seventh day, the wine was blessed it to keep it holy, and all the living creatures worshipped wine on the seventh day, and this was good enough until morning.
staples disconnected said:
Basically, the word 'will' is implicitly linked with conscious thought. You are expressing yourself incorrectly if you believe differently.

I thought you were intelligent enough to understand my point although I used the word 'will'.

For example, atoms interact, they don't will.

You're restricted by words.

No, gravity does not 'pull' down. I said do some biology, but it is apparent that you also need to do some physics.

I thought you were intelligent enough to understand my point although I used the word 'pull'.
It seems you don't understand what I say.
actually, i meant that those who wrote the bible drank a lot of wine, then wrote some unbelievably crazy shit:
"i see a shrub that looks like...A BEAST! with seven or was it, a hundred heads! all spitting semen and fire if you dont believe! aggahhh! so, that scare ya, non-beleiver?"
"yes! ahhh!"
thats pretty much what happened.
I'm new here, so bear with me if I say anything that's already been said.

I'm not a Christian, but isn't it fair to say that the bible was meant to be taken figuratively? If you read the philosophy of St. Augustine, particularly in the Confessions, there's a few passages about non-literal bible interpretation---for instance, something about how people interpret the 7 day creation story to actually mean 7 days, when really, it's far from it.

I'm not an Augustine expert, but there seems to be a lot of problems when the bible is taken too literally. Why not read it as an inspirational story rather than a historical document?

I thought you were intelligent enough to understand my point although I used the word 'will'.

I'll break this down for you. The internet, for the purpose as it is used here, is a medium entirely based in written language. I enter the internet expecting english- there is no other way to communicate in the internet.

That you cannot sufficiently explain yourself in a medium that is solely based on information created by language, is your problem and not mine.

Further, you have still failed to develop a coherent argument. You are the intelligent one?

You're restricted by words.

Would you like to explain to me how we are going to debate things otherwise? I personally believe language/words to be one of the greatest prisons created by mankind, but you cannot escape it in this medium. If you are unable to express yourself correctly in the written english language, how am I or anyone else for that matter, supposed to respond to your ‘arguments’?

What's more you haven't even bothered to answer my more searching questions.

I thought you were intelligent enough to understand my point although I used the word 'pull'

Thanks for insulting my intelligence again. For your information, if I was so inclined, I could join Mensa. I have no way of proving that to you here, but I especially excel in language based aptitude tests. If you want to come into the internet, be prepared to have any and everyone pull you up for the language you use, as language is the only way we have to explicitly communicate in this medium.

Basically, I would like you to post some evidence for your arguments in an attempt to answer some of the questions I have asked of you. In correct written english. Otherwise don't bother. I have no way of understanding you unless you yourself are explicit in your arguments. Based on what you have posted I'm expecting nothing special.

It seems you don't understand what I say

How could anyone? You don't say what you mean.

staples and MW make the most sense here.
simple as that.
and, new guy, there are alot of people who take the bible (i will pronounce it bib-uhl to spite you christians!hahah) seriously, and believe that the entire thing is what actually happened. i know a lot of people who do.
its sad...and annoying.
staples disconnected said:
Animals are conscious of themselves

So you suppose that if an ant saw its mirror image, it would recognize itself?

No, gravity does not 'pull' down.

That's a general expression, you can say that it pulls.

Electrical impulses from your conscious thought travel down your nervous system from your brain to your arm.

What makes the 'electrical impulses from your conscious thought travel down your nervous system from your brain to your arm'?

The mind is a result of the brain- love is a result of the biological urge for self preservation and reproduction.

Why do magnets attract each other (or repell)? Don't say that 'they absorb the magnetic field'. Why do 'opposites' attract?

I have come to the conclusion you are woefully ignorant on almost all matters relating to the physical world.

There is no physical reality. The only reality you cope with is the world within your mind. Everything is spiritual.

who fed your head with such crap?

You did, the same way as you created everything else you see.
Yorda said:
So you suppose that if an ant saw its mirror image, it would recognize itself?
no, because they dont know what a mirror is! If you could tell it in its language what a mirror is, then maybe...
but you cant. so stop whining yord.

I'll take a break from trying to get Yorda to make some sense, and answer your post, it's a stink thing when no-one replies to your posts.

I'm not a Christian, but isn't it fair to say that the bible was meant to be taken figuratively?

I have thought that perhaps this could be true, but then, where do you stop with the figurative interpretation? IMO if it is possible not to take one part of the bible literally, then it all comes into question- it's like studying a novel. You can say that the author was symbolising this, then tease it out so it applies to the whole book, but where do you stop? Once you break that literal barrier, interpretations can number in the thousands depending on a books size.

If you bring everything into question, you then do not have a solid platform from which you can principally derive your beliefs. If Adam and Eve are not supposed to be taken literally, there is no basis for Christianity. If you don't take Jesus literally, there is no salvation for humanity. Taking a figurative approach and believing in Christianity, for me, is more contradictory than one who believes literally in the bible- literalists are just delusional.

I would just like to add that Jesus sacrificed nothing (again my opinion), and it is my understanding that humanity was supposed to be saved through Christ's sacrifice. But not dying isn't a sacrifice. So do we take the figurative path and say it was his getting tortured that was his sacrifice? People have endured much worse. Where does Jesus open the path to salvation? I personally don't see it.

"If you read the philosophy of St. Augustine, particularly in the Confessions, there's a few passages about non-literal bible interpretation---for instance, something about how people interpret the 7 day creation story to actually mean 7 days, when really, it's far from it."

But you debase the Sunday worship aspect of Christianity through saying that. Which as you see in the thread about Sunday worship, Christians believe in and hold onto as a principle of their faith. It would be contradictory to say that you believed in a figurative take on the seven days of creation and that the time period was much longer, then to turn around and say that you believe in Sunday as the day of worship.

I'm not an Augustine expert, but there seems to be a lot of problems when the bible is taken too literally. Why not read it as an inspirational story rather than a historical document?

Because then you have no religion. Which for Christians cannot be done.

Hapsburg, thanks for backing me up. Yorda cannot be reached.

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