Is "anything truly possible " ?

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Nasor said;
Can 1 = 2?
Yes it can. Counting and numbering systems are conventions. You can choose your numbering system.
Humans can choose what numbering system to use, Nature cannot. It doesn't deal with symbolisms at all, it acts on relative values processed by mathematical functions. It cannot do otherwise except perhaps at Planck scale. But even at that scale the universe uses "values" as the determining factors of "intercchange" and "exchange".

"Numbers" are Human symbolic inventions. "Values" are Universal properties.
Can 1 = 2?

Yes it can. Counting and numbering systems are conventions. You can choose your numbering system.

Humans can choose what numbering system to use, Nature cannot. It doesn't deal with symbolisms at all, it acts on relative values processed by mathematical functions. It cannot do otherwise except perhaps at Planck scale. But even at that scale the universe uses "values" as the determining factors of "intercchange" and "exchange".

"Numbers" are Human symbolic inventions. "Values" are Universal properties.


Disagree ;

the Universe dos not Act on relative values at all .

The Universe Acts because of physical objects movements and properties .
The Universe Acts because of physical objects movements and properties
You are missing a step. Your movements are based on "random physical order" and that is a false premise.

The "properties" you are referring to are inherent potentials which allow an object to interact with other objects in a specific orderly "mathematical" manner.

Take the order away and chaos ensues. That is the argument for ID. But the flaw with that argument is that it requires a "conscious designer"

A mathematical universe is a self-organizing quasi-intelligent pattern of values which interact via mathematical functions.
The physical world is a result of self-organizing patterns of various value densities, which may become expressed in reality as physical objects. That is the definition of "inherent potential".

To place reality before potential is advocating for the concept of "irreducible complexity" and is "illogical".

Definition of potential (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: something that can develop or become actual. (a potential for violence)
b: PROMISE sense 2
2a: any of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be readily calculated
b: the work required to move a unit positive charge from a reference point (as at infinity) to a point in question

Potential = That which may become Reality

Reality is always preceded by Potential, a property of mathematical value.

river said:
The Universe Acts because of physical objects movements and properties

You are missing a step. Your movements are based on "random physical order" and that is a false premise.

The "properties" you are referring to are inherent potentials which allow an object to interact with other objects in a specific orderly "mathematical" manner.

Take the order away and chaos ensues. That is the argument for ID. But the flaw with that argument is that it requires a "conscious designer"

A mathematical universe is a self-organizing quasi-intelligent pattern of values which interact via mathematical functions.
The physical world is a result of self-organizing patterns of various value densities, which may become expressed in reality as physical objects. That is the definition of "inherent potential".

To place reality before potential is advocating for the concept of "irreducible complexity" and is "illogical".

Definition of potential (Entry 2 of 2)



You are actually ignoring the physical reality before any mathematics .

And THAT IS FALSE Thinking .

Properties of matter are all physical in Nature , magnetic fields , rotation , vibration , heat , cold etc.
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Properties of matter are all physical in Nature , magnetic fields , rotation , vibration , heat , cold etc.
The properties of all matter lie in their arranged patterns of mathematically ordered constituent values.
The properties of all matter lie in their arranged patterns of mathematically ordered constituent values.

Constituent Values based on Physical Interactions , of the Physical Properties of Energy and Matter in all States , including Plasma's ( in our Solar System ) and Cosmic Plasma's .
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The Universe Acts because of physical objects movements and properties .​
Properties of matter are all physical in Nature , magnetic fields , rotation , vibration , heat , cold etc.
Kindergarten stuff...of course all matter has properties...lets list some more...density, volume, mass, dimensions, malleability, hardness, odor, melting point etc.......and of course those properties can change depending on the state of matter...sold, liquid, gaseous.
I'm closing this thread because the question of the thread has been answered. The answer is "No. Not everything is possible."
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