is allah shaking his head in disbelief?

Jenyar: Perfect Thunder (follow the link for notes on it) is besides the point at the moment, but I think you should look closely at what you posted:

Set aside the part about becoming like Christ for the moment, and focus on the words in bold. The Gospel of Thomas says that Thomas showed true insight into Jesus nature, and this only supports what we read in John: “My Lord and my God!” - because of this, his "mouth is wholly incapable of saying" how anybody could be like Jesus, for He is not just a heavenly being (angel) and a wise philosopher. Not to mention that Jesus' question seems to echo the messianic Isaiah 40, which mean He again identifies himself in terms of (Thomas') God:
25 "To whom will you compare me?
Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One.​
Jesus then responds to Thomas' acknowledgement: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

So you have to ask yourself if you really believe the words of Thomas regarding Jesus fall outside his Jewish background. They certainly "identified Jesus as being separate from the disciples and superior to them. ... their appointed King".
M*W: I believe there is more truth in the Gnostic Gospels than in the bible. These people knew Jesus and walked with him. Paul did not know Jesus, so what Paul wrote, and what the Gospel writers wrote, are just fictional creations about Rabbi Jesus. That's like me writing a book about quantum physics. Would you believe the book I wrote or the one Stephen Hawkings wrote? Jesus was, in fact, separate from most of the disciples. Peter, and possibly Matthew, were the only two of the original disciples Jesus actually knew, and even then, Matthew is questionable.