Is Abortion a right someone should have?


Live the life
Registered Senior Member
I've always been pro-life, because I think abortion is wrong. I was recently arguing with my friend that abortion isn't a right that women should be entiled too. If you don't want to have children yet, then don't be screwing around.
That makes sense okay. So she says that a women who has been raped should still have the right to have a child aborted. But still that's just as wrong as before. There's still another life involed, and whether you have an abortion if it's due to rape or just carelessness it's killing a child.
She argues that when the child is inside you, it's not a real child. But that's not true! I don't understand how someone could think like that! The child is very much alive. It has a heart beat and everything. So it may not be out of your body, but it's still a living person whose rights are being ignored.
How could someone be so cruel to even think about having their child aborted?
What really get's to me is that 99% of the abortions done today are done by women who are over 27 who are making an income over over 35,000 a year. My friend says "well they don't have to have a child, if they don't want too. Why ruin her career?" uh, well why'd she get knocked up in the fisrt place? It's amazing that someone could even get pregnant in this day in age, what with all the birth control out there?
What do you think about this all?
I think we should all get together and tell all women what to do with their bodies and with their lives. If they fuck, and get pregnant, we should force them to have the child even if they can't afford it. ...and in so doing, we force them to fuck up their entire lives just for a few moments of sexual pleasure. That'll teach the bitch!! :)

Baron Max
That's a hard question. Maybe it is best left with those who must make the choice. I think it can be a very brutal form of birth control. If you want to see pictures of the mess it makes, go to...

The responsibility falls on both. Wear a condom or insist that he does. That's the best way to prevent abortion. As for rape, again, the choice falls on those involved.
women have a god given right to determine if they have a child or not.
if i were female i would give these pro lifers a little taste of what i mean.
women have a god given right to determine if they have a child or not.

Hmm... I agree that the responsibility is with the mother and those who assist in the abortion.
First off, Abortions are only legal in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it should be. They should not and are not legal for more formed fetus(es?).
There's still another life involed, and whether you have an abortion if it's due to rape or just carelessness it's killing a child.
She argues that when the child is inside you, it's not a real child. But that's not true! I don't understand how someone could think like that!
At the time when abortion is legal, the embryo/fetus is NOT a person. It doesn't feel, think, have emotions, has self awareness, or any of the things that make us human. It IS living, but so are bananas and cockroaches. The life that "baby" has is comparable to the life of a banana.
so in short: yes abortion should be legal up to the first trimester, I agree on the 24 hour rule, I think that BOTH parents must agree to have an abortion (otherwise, if they are competent, and agree to take care of the baby themselves, they should have the baby and give it to the parent who wants it... the other one should not have any responsability for the baby though).
It's the woman's body so she should have the right to do with it as she wishes. As for the baby's rights, it's not a person until later development in which time it's illegal to abort it. But even then, the baby is leeching off her mother's body. If that baby is able to be born without the mother, then hey, go right ahead and keep the baby, but that's not the way it is. An unborn baby should have no rights. The woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her body. Without her body, there'd be no unborn baby in the first place.

- N
i don't consider a baby (for lack of a better word) alive until it becomes aware of it's own existence.
I disagree that a baby is part of the mother's body. It may be inside it, but it's separate from the mother. And I don't see what helplessness/dependancy has anything to do with having rights or not.
Hey, I know ....why don't we all get together and tell everyone else how they should live and what they should think and how they should act? Woudn't that be great? ...the whole world thinking, acting and living exactlly as we tell them to? Wow, what a wonderful world that would be, huh?

Baron Max
We already have that. It's called c-o-n-g-r-e-s-s, and the rules are called l-a-w-s. They prevent people from stealing, yelling "FIRE!" in a movie theater, and doing other wrong things.
So she says that a women who has been raped should still have the right to have a child aborted. But still that's just as wrong as before. There's still another life involed, and whether you have an abortion if it's due to rape or just carelessness it's killing a child.

A child is a small human being which exists after birth. A bunch of cells or a foetus is not a child.

She argues that when the child is inside you, it's not a real child. But that's not true! I don't understand how someone could think like that! The child is very much alive. It has a heart beat and everything. So it may not be out of your body, but it's still a living person whose rights are being ignored.

An unborn mouse has a heart beat too. Is it entitled to equal protection?

Do you eat meat? Would you say that an adult cow, which was killed so you could eat it, has more or less sentience than, say, a month-old human foetus? If more, then why is it ok to kill the cow, but not the foetus?

What really get's to me is that 99% of the abortions done today are done by women who are over 27 who are making an income over over 35,000 a year.

I don't believe you. Please provide a reference so I can check that statistic.

My friend says "well they don't have to have a child, if they don't want too. Why ruin her career?" uh, well why'd she get knocked up in the fisrt place? It's amazing that someone could even get pregnant in this day in age, what with all the birth control out there?

No birth control is 100% effective. Condoms can break. Sometimes women forget to take the pill. Some people are raped, or otherwise forced to have sex against their will.

What do I think about all this?

I ask: who are YOU to make decisions for other people? I'm sure that almost any woman who has considered an abortion will tell you it is an agonisingly difficult decision to make. But it is HERS to make, not yours.
No birth control is 100% effective. Condoms can break. Sometimes women forget to take the pill. Some people are raped, or otherwise forced to have sex against their will.
not to mention conditions may change. Maybe they WANTED a kid, but then the dad died or something and now the woman alone can't take care of the baby, or whatever. That's why the doors should always be open.
my reasoning
a woman can get pregnant while in a coma

a man in a coma can not get anybody pregnant
i am old enough that i don't worry about that too much (although it happens)
but rape? i don't know man, violence isn't a turn on for me.