@NM --
because it is not your testimony.
Whose testimony it is is irrelevant. I wouldn't care if it was the testimony of every single person on earth, it still doesn't equal evidence. Belief is never evidence.
the more you think about God the easier it is to see him.
This is deep fried tripe on a bike. I was a theist, remember, I know full well how the mindset works. Not once did I actually see or experience god, I just had experiences which I
believed were from god. Big difference.
when you see him, then this is your testimony, then all other testimonies that do not line up with your testimony will seem false, this is where the humanity in us makes it about ourselves.
And this is why testimony is not evidence. Why should I take your testimony over, say, a muslim's testimony, or a hindu's? There's no reason to do so
unless you provide evidence to corroborate your testimony.
I meant what I said, hence the example that followed in my next post. You want another example of why testimony isn't evidence? Here's one. During the dark ages, it was common practice to drill holes in the skull to relieve everything from headaches to narcolepsy. This was because the belief, and testimony, was that demons were causing these illnesses by taking up residence in the skull and a hole needed to be drilled to let them out. This was the testimony of virtually every medical "expert" at that time. Did that testimony constitute evidence that demons were actually causing these things? Absolutely not.
one must distinguish between the mathematical terms and philosophical terms
In a technical discussion yes, this would be the case. However this can't even laughably be considered a technical discussion. No, for a thread like this common parlance is typically clear enough and any miscommunications can be quickly remedied with further clarification.
think about it..how hard would it be for someone to 'make something up' and convince others it is real? much less survive the ages..
lets conduct a test..lets go back in time and convince everyone that God is a Squirrel..do you really think it would last?
To the modern ages, or haven't you heard of Shintoism? People believed that the Earth was flat for thousands of years after this was discovered to be false, religion is no different.
@lightgigantic --
I mean generally we can accept that without thinking having a blood splattered shirts isn't merely the consequence of a forensic analysis, yes?
Yes, however there are numerous possible explanations for having a blood splattered shirt. For example the person could be a butcher or work in a slaughter house, perhaps they god injured and bled on their own shirt. However, no matter how you slice it, testimony isn't evidence.