Is a religion based on human sacrifice moral and ethical?

Is a religion based on human sacrifice moral and ethical?

No, not at all.

Over the ages, a number of pagan religions have based their theology around the notion that God needs or wants sacrifices. This phenomena has been recorded on many continents from various tribes and peoples who had no knowledge of each other.

I'd be interested to hear what the religions are. Keep in mind, we don't know what truly happened unless we were there.

I find it strange that God, any God, would be pleased or able to be bribed by some sacrifice, be it human or not. Seems like it is just humans thinking they can somehow change God’s mind about anything from the weather, the forgiveness of sin or a better crop.

I do to.

Can God be bribed by accepting burnt offerings such as virgins being thrown into volcanoes, meat or crops?

Bribe him with faith

Can God be bought off so cheaply?


What of Jesus our brother?

Want to make a deal? You stop blaspheming the sons of God, and God you observe a simple life as a peaceful, and charitable man and I garunte you a spot in my Heaven.

If Christianity is based on human sacrifice

It is. They sacrificed Jesus, Jude, Mother Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, and Simon-Peter. They killed Joseph and every follower of Jude during the flight into Egypt along with the wife of Joseph.

it seems to me that that would be immoral and unethical. It would mean that the innocent was murdered while the guilty were allowed to walk away. That is not good justice. Good justice says that the guilty pay and the innocent go free.

This church and all will face the wrath of the Lamb all the same as your neighborhood comic store, they are not holier than thou.

Is religious human sacrifice moral, ethical and good justice?

No, not at all.
You say no yet you are lined up waiting to profit in the murder that God planned for Jesus.


Thanks for the fear tactics BTW.
Christians really like that fear and guilt trip.


It won't be murder. He will either take the evil men from the world to be reincarnated in the end days, or he will call his faithful and we will go. Its that simple.
B S.

Check the text.

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Psalm 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:



Which i guess didn't apply to original sin or jesus.
It won't be murder. He will either take the evil men from the world to be reincarnated in the end days, or he will call his faithful and we will go. Its that simple.

The murder I spoke of was God's of Jesus. Not God and mankind.

Why would your God reincarnate the evil one's just to torture them in hell eternally?
Is your God that much of an A hole?

Not according to the majority of mainstream Christian churches. You are expressing an opinion that has the texture of heresy. I have no problem with that unless you refuse to admit it.

Heresy against a cult based on human sacrifice; an immoral practice.
A cult that profits from murders of the innocent so the guilty can walk.
Ask me if I care.

God ultimately knew Jesus would be killed, imo.

Of course.
He planned it even as he knew there was no need for it and that it went against scripture.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

Heresy against a cult based on human sacrifice; an immoral practice.
A cult that profits from murders of the innocent so the guilty can walk.
Ask me if I care.
Of cpurse you don't care, just as you don't care that your arguments are illogical and flawed.
The murder I spoke of was God's of Jesus. Not God and mankind.

Why would your God reincarnate the evil one's just to torture them in hell eternally?
Is your God that much of an A hole?



Day of Adam, YHWH orderes his city empty, angels go to earth. 21 A.D, Jesus is hung. 2003 A.D the first man sets foot in Heaven, John the angel of bravery. 2011 A.D rapturing of the faithful, and the wicked begins. Let me start my saying doth shall not judge, lest ye be judged. Anyways, God loves all his children, he could burn the wicked now, but he wants to save all he can so he will reincarnate them to give them more opportunities to repent. The faithful will soon be sealed.

Don't slander my faith, please. I would like all of your objective input, please.
What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

He did not plan that. Man did. I was there, I do not remember, but it went something like this.
YHWH: They will only put you to death.
Yeshua: And they will feel my wrath.
YHWH: Then go forth, Christ.
The fact or whether Jesus lived or not is irrelevant.
It is the belief that human sacrifice is somehow good justice and that a God would accept an innocent's murder to let the guilty walk is what is immoral.


The American way is based on sacrifice from the minute your feet hit the floor. It is not about Jesus but the Jesus message that rules the day based on religious doctrine turned into law and perception . Or to say " We live in Sacrificeville "
Kids suffer school
parent suffer work

Hell just brushing your teeth you sacrifice 3 to 5 minutes

All about priorities. You get this reward for this sacrifice . Brush your teeth regular and you get healthy teeth

Now I am not on board with the hole Jesus message because I don't think you have to suffer before you obtain mercy. That is a slow way of doing things. Like putting up a cross wire across a road dirt bikes frequent. Stub your toe kind of think . Jesus was an idiot for punishment, the poor slob.

There is a better way. A way with out punishment. You still have to suffer the mundane to get your rewards, but the joy of doing it is also a reward.

The construction crew not in stress mode of sacrifice, but rather accomplishment mode of production .
Or as they say in the dairy business: A happy cow is a productive cow.

Jesus was an idiot when you give it serious thought. That boy created hella pain for Me and you . He made us sinners to and that I can't forgive him for .
I am not a fucking sinner . Fuck you Jesus very much. He has to come through Me if he don't like that . I will beat him like a red headed step child I tell you and his mother too
Dude. Jesus is not, and was not God. Jesus nullified the penalty for our sins? ME NO THINK SO. Jesus did not die in place of sinners. God can't sacrifice.. death is superior to life, and in death you can observe life. What was sacraficed if Jesus couldn't be killed? My living child! My son, King of kings, savior of humanity. They killed their savior, ILULZ! There are 5 Christ, but only one savior, and he's PISSED. God did not incarnate himself, ever.

Im sick of this. From the man who likens himself to God, all you have is time. We will not save this world, and 1/4 to 1/3 of you will burn. Yes, she just proved the Catholic church preaches false hood, morelulz!

What are you talking about . Jesus was killed. After that they say he rose on the 3rd day . I tend to think Mary made that up . She was like that . Kind of a man hater is the impression I get. She also knew how gullible Men were .
I rose on the 3rd day . That is why they picked the whole 3rd day thing . Jesus was pretending to be Me really . The little thief. Channel Me in the ass the little fucker did , yet he couldn't help him self from using mt name Me all the time . Go read your bible and see how many times my Me name was taken in vain and you will get the Idea.
The American way is based on sacrifice from the minute your feet hit the floor. It is not about Jesus but the Jesus message that rules the day based on religious doctrine turned into law and perception . Or to say " We live in Sacrificeville "
Kids suffer school
parent suffer work

Hell just brushing your teeth you sacrifice 3 to 5 minutes

All about priorities. You get this reward for this sacrifice . Brush your teeth regular and you get healthy teeth

Now I am not on board with the hole Jesus message because I don't think you have to suffer before you obtain mercy. That is a slow way of doing things. Like putting up a cross wire across a road dirt bikes frequent. Stub your toe kind of think . Jesus was an idiot for punishment, the poor slob.

There is a better way. A way with out punishment. You still have to suffer the mundane to get your rewards, but the joy of doing it is also a reward.

The construction crew not in stress mode of sacrifice, but rather accomplishment mode of production .
Or as they say in the dairy business: A happy cow is a productive cow.

Jesus was an idiot when you give it serious thought. That boy created hella pain for Me and you . He made us sinners to and that I can't forgive him for .
I am not a fucking sinner . Fuck you Jesus very much. He has to come through Me if he don't like that . I will beat him like a red headed step child I tell you and his mother too


Dude. Jesus is not, and was not God. Jesus nullified the penalty for our sins? ME NO THINK SO. Jesus did not die in place of sinners. God can't sacrifice.. death is superior to life, and in death you can observe life. What was sacraficed if Jesus couldn't be killed? My living child! My son, King of kings, savior of humanity. They killed their savior, ILULZ! There are 5 Christ, but only one savior, and he's PISSED. God did not incarnate himself, ever.

Im sick of this. From the man who likens himself to God, all you have is time. We will not save this world, and 1/4 to 1/3 of you will burn. Yes, she just proved the Catholic church preaches false hood, morelulz!


What are you talking about . Jesus was killed. After that they say he rose on the 3rd day . I tend to think Mary made that up . She was like that . Kind of a man hater is the impression I get. She also knew how gullible Men were .
I rose on the 3rd day . That is why they picked the whole 3rd day thing . Jesus was pretending to be Me really . The little thief. Channel Me in the ass the little fucker did , yet he couldn't help him self from using mt name Me all the time . Go read your bible and see how many times my Me name was taken in vain and you will get the Idea.

Goodhouse condemned his people to violent death generation after generation.