Is a religion based on human sacrifice moral and ethical?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Is a religion based on human sacrifice moral and ethical?

Over the ages, a number of pagan religions have based their theology around the notion that God needs or wants sacrifices. This phenomena has been recorded on many continents from various tribes and peoples who had no knowledge of each other.

I find it strange that God, any God, would be pleased or able to be bribed by some sacrifice, be it human or not. Seems like it is just humans thinking they can somehow change God’s mind about anything from the weather, the forgiveness of sin or a better crop.

Can God be bribed by accepting burnt offerings such as virgins being thrown into volcanoes, meat or crops?

Can God be bought off so cheaply?

What of Jesus our brother?

Psalm 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

If Christianity is based on human sacrifice, it seems to me that that would be immoral and unethical. It would mean that the innocent was murdered while the guilty were allowed to walk away. That is not good justice. Good justice says that the guilty pay and the innocent go free.

Is religious human sacrifice moral, ethical and good justice?

Can God be bribed by accepting burnt offerings such as virgins being thrown into volcanoes, meat or crops?
Who knows? Maybe. If you believe the Bible, then the answer is yes.
Yes, you did.

Did Jesus really sacrifice anything? He rose from the dead, so i would say not. but god is all about symbols, hes happy you made an effort to kill something and burn it in his name. apparently
Is a religion based on human sacrifice moral and ethical?

Over the ages, a number of pagan religions have based their theology around the notion that God needs or wants sacrifices. This phenomena has been recorded on many continents from various tribes and peoples who had no knowledge of each other.

I find it strange that God, any God, would be pleased or able to be bribed by some sacrifice, be it human or not. Seems like it is just humans thinking they can somehow change God’s mind about anything from the weather, the forgiveness of sin or a better crop.

Can God be bribed by accepting burnt offerings such as virgins being thrown into volcanoes, meat or crops?

Can God be bought off so cheaply?

What of Jesus our brother?

Psalm 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

If Christianity is based on human sacrifice, it seems to me that that would be immoral and unethical. It would mean that the innocent was murdered while the guilty were allowed to walk away. That is not good justice. Good justice says that the guilty pay and the innocent go free.

Is religious human sacrifice moral, ethical and good justice?


You are assuming everyone believes in your God and in Christ?

The quickest and easiest link I could find, which gives a broad view of human sacrifice across the globe (that we know of at least) can be found in wiki.
War requires humans sacrifices. This secular version of human sacrifice is still going strong. Why do secular leaders require human sacrifices? They do this to appease their subjective perception of evil.
Yes, you did.

Did Jesus really sacrifice anything? He rose from the dead, so i would say not. but god is all about symbols, hes happy you made an effort to kill something and burn it in his name. apparently

The fact or whether Jesus lived or not is irrelevant.
It is the belief that human sacrifice is somehow good justice and that a God would accept an innocent's murder to let the guilty walk is what is immoral.

You are assuming everyone believes in your God and in Christ?

That God is not my God. I would reject him even if real if he is as described in the bible.

I assume nothing but do direct the question to believers. I ask true believers to justify their immoral stance.
The quickest and easiest link I could find, which gives a broad view of human sacrifice across the globe (that we know of at least) can be found in wiki.


This does not give us your moral position.
Care to lay it out?

War requires humans sacrifices. This secular version of human sacrifice is still going strong. Why do secular leaders require human sacrifices? They do this to appease their subjective perception of evil.

This has nothing to do with the question.
Care to try again.

Is human sacrifice ---to a God--- moral or not?
Does it show good justice to kill the innocent and let the guilty walk?

You appear to be conflating the sacrifice of a God made incarnate with a human sacrifice and therefore drawing the faulty conclusion that Christianity is based on human sacrifice. That's dumb, even for you.
The fact or whether Jesus lived or not is irrelevant.
It is the belief that human sacrifice is somehow good justice and that a God would accept an innocent's murder to let the guilty walk is what is immoral.


IMmoral according to who? you? I thought the great thing about religion is that it's moreality is defined clearly in it's texts and not subjective. Religion at the time of the hebrews said that sacrifice to god was what he wanted -there were sacrificial goats and offerings and jesus is just another form of that morality.
I think we have to conclude that the sacrifice that characterizes bronze age middle eastern religions is not moral when judged by modern standards. However, at least it's just a historical sacrifice and not an ongoing demand for more sacrifices.
You appear to be conflating the sacrifice of a God made incarnate with a human sacrifice and therefore drawing the faulty conclusion that Christianity is based on human sacrifice. That's dumb, even for you.

Can God die?
No. Jesus' was a human sacrifice.

IMmoral according to who? you? I thought the great thing about religion is that it's moreality is defined clearly in it's texts and not subjective. Religion at the time of the hebrews said that sacrifice to god was what he wanted -there were sacrificial goats and offerings and jesus is just another form of that morality.

B S.

Check the text.

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Psalm 49:7
None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:


I think we have to conclude that the sacrifice that characterizes bronze age middle eastern religions is not moral when judged by modern standards. However, at least it's just a historical sacrifice and not an ongoing demand for more sacrifices.


God's demands never stop.

We must love honor obey and on and on.

That is sacrificing our own wishes and will for an absentee super miracle working God that needs and wants us to love his sorry ass.

If you are saying that Christianity is absurd and immoral, you will get no argument from me.