Irrefutable proof that there is a life after death???


Registered Senior Member
I just read text in an magazine(these are the newst researchments)where it said that there were researchments about can mind live after death.It was actually about near-death experiences,where 12 patients had miokard/heart attack.They had near-death experiences,and they were conscious when doctor was checking if they were conscious in what doctors where doing in the given moment.Patients said that they were conscious,and told what they saw,doctor confirmed that it was true,which means,when all the functions of the brain and entire body where zero,patient has been conscious.Patient was conscious at the moment when the doctor was checking patient's vital functions of the brain and body.does this prove that mind can live after the brain and all other vital functions are completely shut down???
Well I am a doctor so I can tell you that this sounds like a load of shit.

If it were true what does that mean? All the people in coffins are just sitting down there bored out of their brains? Wishing a doctor was above them doing things to amuse them?

haha, I kind of hope so, teach them to try and hide from the food chain, I'm going to be eaten by lions when i die so I won't have that problem. I'll be alive in lions:cool: :awesome: :totallyrad: :irock: :notthecarirocimeaniasinmerocksthefuckout:
Personally,I don't believe in these craps and there is absolutely nothing what will change my mind,because there all other experiments have shown that,once you destroy brain you lose everything:emotions,consciousness(self-awareness and etc.)and that's it-your ego/mind doesn't exist anymore-you have only basic functions like eating and drinking.But how to explain when a patient,whose vital functions of the brain and body are completely shut down,is aware of what is doctor doing in that given moment?Should doctors use magnetic resonance to see if brain really is dead?I'm sure there would be the asnwer that this is all just an activitiy of the brain(so the brain isn't really dead),but how to prove it(maybe with magnetic resonance) when your brain's and body's vital functions are passive/dead/shut down?I think what doctors should do is to scan the entire body and the entire brain,both in details with magnetic resonance.Than we will see,what is the real truth.
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The clues are in there. 'near death' experience, and all recovered to tell the tale. So nobody actually died, meaning the experiences they had, are actually irrelevant. Put it this way, would you want some as a tour guide, that had 'nearly' been somewhere?

I'm not surprised people have some pretty trippy experiences when their body is shutting down, but it's merely akin to seeing stars when you get bashed on the head. The stars aren't real, are they? So the things people experience in near death experiences aren't real either, are they?

Death isn't an absolute line either, peope die of different things. I had a friend who was diagnosed as 'brain dead' at one point, after a traumatic injury. He has severe memory problems, but he occasionally sent us emails. If we assumed people were dead once they flatlined, or our machines recorded no activity, why do we put people on ventilators, or defibrilators? Because at that point, people are only a bit dead, and can be revived.
That's the proof that we will never fully understand how our brain functions...many people think that we fully understand brain,but I would say that today we only know only 10%(if not less than that) of the brain.We also know that we're using only 3% of the brain.Maybe those activities are simply inside other 97% undiscovered waves that brain has.
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I believe thats false, it is not true we only use 10%. The only link I can find is Snopes

In all those cases the person did not die as they evidently came back. It could show that consciousness may carry on for a time but does not mean that when the body ceases there is anything more
Do you people just believe anything that anyone tells you without ever bothering to actually think about it? 3%? Tell me, if you had 97% of your brain removed, do you think that you would still be any good at algebra? Do you think that you could even survive?
If my memory serves me correct their was an experiment done by a French doctor with one of the last men to be executed by the guillotine.
The convict was asked after they had their head amputated to blink, and funnily enough he did... well his head.

This is where all those films (notibly gory horror flicks) that go on about cutting peoples heads off to show them their lifeless torso come from.

There are then point like the human mind starves of oxygen by about 3 minutes, at which point if a person is revived they are likely to suffer brain damage (the longer the period the more severe if they should come back)

As for all this "The human brain only uses 10%" stuff, people tend to neglect that the mind doesn't have compressed networks and that the pathways used are spread out for multiple reasons (one being that it stops overheating, the other is to stop what would be refered to in the computer world as a "Buffer overflow", where an impulse of thought interfers or changes to a pathway that it should be on)

If the human mind was to increase it's usage, so the mind was operating at over 10% by more than a margin, then you would be looking at all the problems that would come with it from small cases of disorders to absolute insanity.

What people tend to neglect is that when you are dead, your body stops producing the equilibrium of chemical combinations that are necessary to keep your cells balanced. This means that certain chemicals become unchecked and begin to destroy the organism, along with all those bacteria that the body constantly tries to keep in check too. If a person is dead too long it won't just be lack of oxygen, it would be blood poisoning and failures of organs.

Its very likely that the "Life after death" experiences that people suffer is their subconscious minds coming to some conclusion about the trauma they have gone through, since afterall their system would be on the verge of stopping all together. To then be "Artificially" brought back to life, would generate such a shock, If their Left Hemisphere was record by electrodes you'd probably see the areas of the brain that deal with creativity, trying to create something to explain the events unfolding at the time of "near death".

However something thats always mention when you say "near death", death is absolute and impossible to just go near. Your either dead, or alive (Unless your Schrodingers Cat, but thats a completely different kettle of fish altogether.)
There is irrefutable proof that there is no life after death-at least not in this known,obervable universe:To live after death you would break laws of physics,here is how:Any system(from the simplest to the most complex,it doesn't matter if it's living or dead) works in this way.Let's suppose you have a mobile phone.Every device,organism(both living and dead) and everything else in nature has a system inside itself which keeps its existence,so does the human body.If something is damaged like cell phone(works on the same system like human body does,only difference is human body is much more complex-but human body works on the same principles) you can't turn that on,you must fix,in near-death experiences,where the brain is supposedly shut down,genes are trying to make a communication(that's how our body and anythingelse in nature works) to start life processes again,but in the time everything in body is shut down,genes are mutating(only problem is that this stuff you can't see it on the medical devices which show all other patient's vital functions dead-if genes successfully mutate than we will come back to life,but if the damage is just too big to be impossible for genes to mutate and restart the life than it's all over-we're dead(including all of our memories,all of kinds of emotions and etc.).It's pretty much like when you try to repair car's engine.If you fail,the engine won't start,and the car is "dead",if you turn the engine on,than your car has established connection and communication with its other parts,than you can say "it came back to life" and "had" near-death experience.
That's the irrefutable proof that nothing in nature is eternal,except energy.Everything has a beginning and the end-except the nature and energy.
It has been proven via experiments on the dead people,that dead people's bodies have some sort of radiation.Every human radiates the entire life,and when humans die,it has been tested by the experiments,the radiation within a few days falls to zero,when radiation is zero there is no return to life anymore.
Here's a little thing to think about since we are discussing the brain and my little response to the removal of brain components:

The eyes are a window to the outside world for our brain. Many people believe that we see with our eyes but in actuality we see with our brain. How this works exactly im not 100% positivie. Now lets say we remove the medula omblagada (sry for the typo), this would lead to death right? Well we successfully attempted in removing the medula omblagada, removed the brain, and set it up in capsule with a continous flow of oxiginated blood pulsing through the brain with occasional secreations of the needed nutrients and ATP. Now the Medula Omblagada is no longer useful right? Well since we won't need the use of our hands and feet and other functions such as this, the cerebellum is no longer needed either. Now if we take out the rest of the usless functions of the brain (ex, spinal cord, hind brain etc etc), we are left with the Cerebral Cortex (which is 77% of the brain). That is already 23% of the brain removed adn we haven't even gotten into the grey areas of the crebral cortex. I do not know much of the cerebral cortex but i do believe that the madula omblagada and the cerebellum take up a portion of the 10% of our brain that we use. So without those 2 parts of the brain it must bring down the percantage quite a bit. Not sure how much though. Within this state it is logical that we can use less than 10% of our brain, and in some people less than 4% of our brain and still function now. Maybe, in actuality, we use around 1 or 2% of the brain to actually think and remain concious and other attributes. Oh well, I have a question, if we were to place the brain into a capsule, it is no longer contained within the skull. Does this mean that we would be able to see in all directions at once?
What do u mean by 'see'? If u mean view the outside world as it is, this is impossible without the right light sensitive signalling equipment. It would 'see' nothing.
What do u mean by 'see'? If u mean view the outside world as it is, this is impossible without the right light sensitive signalling equipment. It would 'see' nothing.

OK just a question, I really don't know much about eyesight anyways...
when they say 10% they dont mean it literally, they mean it in terms of capacitance.

they dont mean 90 percent of your brain isnt doing anything.

they mean that your brain only uses 10% of its power/potential.

and the 10% is just a rounded estimate.

basically its just trying to say we dont use our brains to their full power.

now, on topic, i would say that perhaps when the mind no longer needs the body (death) then maybe your capacitance goes up, you've risen to a higher level of existance (if you were good ;) ) and maybe you now use 20 % as a newly born spirit

you're gonna need that extra 10 % because now you dont have any arms or legs buddy!

thats spiritual talk tho, and i know most of ya dont like it

as for trying to prove theres life after death, it may never happen, scientifically. dealing with this subject is worlds apart from our current scientific status.
we dont even accept ghosts and spirits in the scientific world, so dont expect them to take life after death seriously either. since, they are related.

in years to come this might change, and probably will.
maybe some of u feel how i do; the world is about to change dramatically.

i had a strange near death experience once, although i am not sure its validity. i could swear to anyone that my respiratory system completly halted, followed by the halt of my heart beat as well. let me tell you i never felt so scared in my life, not being able to move or even breathe. after a minute of stationary panic, i gave up, thought to myself "this is the end" and closed my eyes.
thats when something magical happened, i saw what seemed to be an angel floating atop of me, and i remember she gave me a soft kiss, and i suddenly woke up, gasping for air, very stunned and dissoriented.

i posted the experience in detail here , check it out sometime.

votorx- you need eyes connected to the brain- because although i see what you mean by "we see with our brain" - you have to realize that the eyes are what capture light that bounces off objects, which is what forms images once your eye captures the light and sends it to the brain, processing it in the process (did u know the eye actually sees everything upside down, then flips it around inside the back of the retina?)
so, perhaps if u had a brain in a tube with eyes pointing in 2 diff directions, you would be able to achieve panoramic view, but how the hell the brain would be functioning properly inside a tube without a body is beyond me (maybe theres little tubes feeding the right chemicals to the brain, sort of mimicing a body)

now, i dont know how good this fact is but ill toss it in anyways:
a expirement was done on rats, they took their brains and placed them back in backwards- and the rat survived ! he was a bit disoriented, but he was alive
did u know the eye actually sees everything upside down, then flips it around inside the back of the retina?)

Yes I did know that.

maybe theres little tubes feeding the right chemicals to the brain, sort of mimicing a body)


Why do people feel the need to answer questions once they are already answered and out of the way?
Stryderunknown said:
If my memory serves me correct their was an experiment done by a French doctor with one of the last men to be executed by the guillotine.
The convict was asked after they had their head amputated to blink, and funnily enough he did... well his head.

that was no convict, it was the doctor, being guillotined during the french revolution. it was a famous french doctor, perhaps Lister, who proposed the experiment since he was being executed. he blinked rapidly over 50 times after beheading.

if anyone's interested, i'll do the reasearch and provide the refs.
Votorx said:
Here's a little thing to think about since we are discussing the brain and my little response to the removal of brain components:

The eyes are a window to the outside world for our brain. Many people believe that we see with our eyes but in actuality we see with our brain. How this works exactly im not 100% positivie. Now lets say we remove the medula omblagada (sry for the typo), this would lead to death right? Well we successfully attempted in removing the medula omblagada, removed the brain, and set it up in capsule with a continous flow of oxiginated blood pulsing through the brain with occasional secreations of the needed nutrients and ATP. Now the Medula Omblagada is no longer useful right? Well since we won't need the use of our hands and feet and other functions such as this, the cerebellum is no longer needed either. Now if we take out the rest of the usless functions of the brain (ex, spinal cord, hind brain etc etc), we are left with the Cerebral Cortex (which is 77% of the brain). That is already 23% of the brain removed adn we haven't even gotten into the grey areas of the crebral cortex. I do not know much of the cerebral cortex but i do believe that the madula omblagada and the cerebellum take up a portion of the 10% of our brain that we use. So without those 2 parts of the brain it must bring down the percantage quite a bit. Not sure how much though. Within this state it is logical that we can use less than 10% of our brain, and in some people less than 4% of our brain and still function now. Maybe, in actuality, we use around 1 or 2% of the brain to actually think and remain concious and other attributes. Oh well, I have a question, if we were to place the brain into a capsule, it is no longer contained within the skull. Does this mean that we would be able to see in all directions at once?

Well,eyes are the windows to the outside world,only our brain(since our brain sees,not us) doesn't the entire spectrum of the outer world,if you're saying that outer world is an illusion...,well that's really a bad answer,because you could change "your brain's" world anytime your brain wants,but since everytime you open the eyes,the environment is always the same and you can get killed,and you have the sense of danger,than you know this world is true-only our brain can't see it in the entire spectrum.Some animals can see it infrared,ultraviolet and etc...but the form,shape and size of the environment is always the same.That proves that this outer world is real,only our brain is seeing it's own spectrum,but it(brain) doesn't bend this real reality/universe which created us to think,breath and etc...However,when people say they saw ghosts...the question is what they really saw,there are many optical illusions,even if people say that there are no illusions,ghosts and other similar things are illusions,because if you believe too much in something,that would occur to you as being real.You don't have to believe me,but I've tested some of these things on myself.But the reality is real,only we see in this spectrum,animals in other and etc...
as for the design of the experiment:

You would first have to propof they are dead.

Then that they are still alive.

Sounds contradictory doesn't it.

Could it be that they weren't dead yet? Or is that a too simple textbook level explanation of the events described earlier?
spuriousmonkey said:
as for the design of the experiment:

You would first have to propof they are dead.

Then that they are still alive.

Sounds contradictory doesn't it.

Could it be that they weren't dead yet? Or is that a too simple textbook level explanation of the events described earlier?

Read my paragraphy above about that,it simply puts a proof you can't live after that biological death.
Gravage said:
but since everytime you open the eyes,the environment is always the same and you can get killed,and you have the sense of danger,than you know this world is true-only our brain can't see it in the entire spectrum.

I wouldn't blame the brain entirely. Our eyes cannot pick up on these frequencies of light either so there are no signals going to the brain from our eyes to start with. If we had eyes which could pick up these frequencies then it would be easy just to convert the signal in our brain. The hard bit is getting UV sensitive eyes and they haven't evolved in humans ...yet....!
John Connellan said:
I wouldn't blame the brain entirely. Our eyes cannot pick up on these frequencies of light either so there are no signals going to the brain from our eyes to start with. If we had eyes which could pick up these frequencies then it would be easy just to convert the signal in our brain. The hard bit is getting UV sensitive eyes and they haven't evolved in humans ...yet....!

Complete agreed,but again we would have to have brain(which would be different in that case) which would be resonsible to pick up these frequencies,since brain commands our eyes and our entire body.