Sam: "So what will it take for Americans to wake up and stop their warmongering and conflict inflation?"
Quiet time. The popular sentiment for less strident US foreign policy has been
long evident. The political expression of that sentiment has been gradually overcoming the stifling jingoism that followed 9-11. We're slowly arranging ourselves into a more thoughtful national posture toward the rest of the world. Barring major violent provocation of the USA before a more nuanced foreign policy is articulated by leadership, the silent majority will do what they always do: Go with the flow. The politically apathetic will always align themselves with their perceived winning side of politics and issues that they only superficially contemplate. Even so, the failures of the neoconservative era have been more than sufficient to motivate a general shift away from naked exceptionalism. The political momentum in the USA is now noticeably more reasonable than it was 6 years ago.
What's most impeding our reform within the limited time available is a lack of inspired and inspiring leadership, that can articulate a clear alternative to our increasingly-counterproductive bullying and waste. After 9-11 we suffered a rapid political regression, and there remains a risk of suffering another, even deeper regression. Now, there is a natural tendency for return to a more mature collective world view, but it's fragile. Fear (terrorist provocation) could trigger a politically-infantile retreat towards fascism. That's why these months leading up to US elections are critical for the entire world.
For any unscrupulous players (foreign or domestic) seeking a hardening of sentiment, all that is necessary in triggering upheaval is to scare USAmericans while we remain in our psychologically-fragile collective temperament. We're still not strong enough to endure terrorism without losing our wits. Our major media, our political elites, and our irrational fears can all cave in to terror, and revert into further national temper-tantrums. For anyone wanting to upset the world apple-cart, pushing the USA off balance is the obvious answer. The bullseye of international upheaval is clearly emblazoned squarely on the fat ass of the US body politic.
Although we are presently on the mend, an immature understanding of terrorism still lurks within the collective US consciousness. This immaturity leaves us precariously vulnerable to a reversal of recent progress toward greater national realism and humility. What will it take for us to wake up? We need a quiet morning- An new beginning, with ample time to think and talk things carefully through, before a new crisis provokes another impulsive Really Bad Foreign-Policy Day, with all the subsequent blowback.
So far, nobody's rattling our cage. We're in productive national dialogue in the USA. I fervently hope things stay this way for at least the next 10 months. Already, it's as if terrorist provocateurs have already waited too long, and
Rudy Giuliani slides downward in national appeal. But the grip of fear can still be suddenly crushing. Here's to peace, quiet, and ample opportunity for the dawning of reason. Like it or not, the world is presently hostage to USAmerican insecurities, so let's all encourage cool heads.