Invention Ideas

just think of it..a cow the size of a barn..think of how much grain it would eat and what would happen if the damned thing got pissed? the military would have to issue rocket launchers to the farmers:D and messing with something genetics is a bad idea...ever seen the movie "ALIENS Resurrection"? in there they clone ripley and she gets some of the aliens abilitys and the freaking queen doesnt need hosts anymore she can just give birth to em..scary huh? how would you like killer cow things to start popping out? mm....what I wouldnt give for a pulse rifle..

oh and...IM A MEMBER NOW!!! i wonder how long before i can change what it says myself?
Great movie, Alien Ressurection. I saw them all, but this was sure one of the best.:)

Wonder what should happen here on Earth if such a clone, like Ripley in the movie was wandering around on Earth...

Should give a whole new meaning to 'life'...

Perhaps it is not such a bad idea, then we can get rid of a lot of humans, there are too much humans any way.;)

Oh and I don't care if they come for me first, exiting, I'll face the beast and conquer...
you are going to love my invention idea

how about a car that runs on water! sounds impossible? Well, check out my Idea for a second.

the principle is very simple : Water would go into an electrolysis chamber where it is separated into hydrogen and oxygen. it is then recombined (burned as a fuel) in the combustion chamber leaving only water as a by product which could be used again.

the only real problem that one may encounter is how to keep the engine from rusting with all that high temperature water and oxygen in the combustion chambers, but there are alloys that can withstand rusting and the money saved for not using petroleum fuels would make car engines practically disposable.

Even less of a fire hazard, you can run into the back of a car and not fear for it to explode because the tank is full of water, not gas. This would be the perfect invention and would save billions of dollars in oil exploration and depletion of pristine wildlife areas and so much more.

Who ever jumps on the idea, remember me when you are getting it patented.
Controlled fusion

Trininty i have been thinking about the same thing,but on a different approach.

Water goes under electrolysis.breaks into oxygen and hydrogen,they both are separated by means of the chamber.the oxygen is purified and is used in the space ship,for humans.onthe other hand using Tokamak DESIGN,Hydrogen fusion occurs to provide enourmous acceleration.

when water runs out.hydrogen is absorbed from the outside (that is from gas clouds etc)and fuel continues.) metamorphic reactions(nuclear reaction) at the same time a small amount is converted to oxygen for our breathing purposes.
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ha pzzaboy

Thats a great idea. It sounds great. One thing for sure it'll work a whole lot better than those black boxes on those airplanes.

About a week ago I had this idea.
We can say tht light consists of photonss or waves.
And we say tht sound consists of waves.
So there is no big difference what waves to use- light or sound.
[future warriors using high frequency blasters:D ]
So why not to make a sound laser.
After we could think to what use put it.
Right now it is only an idea and I haven't thought of it much.
What I kow for now is:
1. we need some kind of a sound reflecting material[very good reflecting]. in lasers photons bounce from a mirror to half mirror[it let's through some of the photons or waves.
2. I don't know if ruby or some cind of a crystal will suit just as fine as for light.
3. what will be the source of sound.
of course there's more, but I'm in school now and have no materials to dig deeper in laser structure. :)
say your thoughts.
I thought of some socks that would light up if they had any bacteria that causes athletes foot inside. That's pretty practical, right?
Avatar, that is not such a bad idea because the Cosmos exists of sound waves.

Problem with such an invention and using sound waves could escalate and humans will make such a large and tremendous wave, they have another tool to kill other humans and then immediately the whole Planet...

Hope the great scientists doesn't come with something like this. Enough harm done to Earth already...

Trinity, if you can realize that idea of cars running on water and Oxigen, then please take the salt water from the Oceans, for there is much less sweet water then salt. And please, no cranes and other oily and damaging equipment, there has been done enough harm to the Oceans while ships were crashing and letting down their garbage oil in the Ocean and upon the shores...

Good idea, if humans want to drive cars so desperately, then let them drive on water...;)
The U turn

A U turn signal for cars would save .000000002 lives every thousand years. That assures that if I invent it, the federal government will make it mandatory for ALL cars. I would make a killing.
THe best signal for a u-turn would be a flare launched from the rear. That'd get my attention.
I wish i had a scanner so i could scan my drawings and post them here:( i have like 2 journals full of ideas and drawing and im halfway through one now...
Acerbus, be careful with making your inventions public to the humans, for they steal them away before you know it...;)

Like to hear them though. Write a little down from what you have written at home...(just a little)