Invention Ideas

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
Everyone here seems to think DEEPLY-so I've seen ideas for inventions and I thought I'd dedicate a thread to whoever wants to get their idea out there. Anyone can post here and offer criticism or their own idea. A few of my BIG ideas:

-A power plant that harnesses the power of solar wind. It is connected by a thick (strong) wire to the Earth and stuck in the same orbit. It always faces the same direction the sun is in, and uses superthin material to push rotors around a wheel and produce electricity. Since there is no force to counter the spinning the wheel could turn VERY VERY fast eventually. I don't have a scanner nearby but I've drawn up a few pictures before and plan to post them later.

-A trash-elevator. I'm not sure if I've heard this idea before but I thought of this awhile ago: a giant elevator that lifts trash into low orbit and jettisons them towards the Earth where it harmlessly burns up in the atmosphere. Would'nt that solve the problem without polluting the space around our planet with junk?

I hope some other people have good ideas :D ;)
Good day.

your space power plant has a little problem ! Where is a force
there is a reaction. So a free in space power plant would
be puched away by the solar wind itself ! you much attach
or sercure you power plant somehow to avoid this
natural reaction.

I thought about a power plant, but on Mercuy instead.
There you could put you power plant solidly attacht
to mercuty soil, have a greater solar wind push by being
so close to the sun. Just need to transport the power
with microwave to some relay satellite in Earth orbit.
Mercury could sovle 100% of our power need and have plenty
to spare. Beside solar wind, solar ray can be transform in
electricity. The latest developement in this field has reached
a 40% efficency, wich is fantastic ! Producing 100% of
our energy on Mercury would give a much needed break to our
Planet resources.

About your trash elevator: There was some research about
a space elevalor of some kind. I think the best solution ls
in nanorobotic. Being able to atomicly recycle stuff is way
more efficient and it enable us to re-enter the entire
material/matter in the manufacturing process. Let say you
have a TV set to recycle. with a trillion nanorobot, you could ask them to decompose all the matter in the TV set to basic atomic
stuff like carbon, oxygen, lead, iron and so on. Lauch trillion
of trillion of nanorobots in a scrapyard and get unlimited supplie
of pure atomic matter enabling you to build back anythnig you
want. no need to harvest our primary resources in the wild anymore ! this would offload a lot of stress off the shoulder of
our poor planet Earth.

Good day,

As far as inventions go...

I would like to see some implimented that are already done as far as the patents go and the designs that are complete.

In specfic, Ocean current generators, Wave power generators, and Cold water/warm water generators for electricity. All naturally powered, non-polluting, renewable.

I would think that these would go a long way towards solving the pollution problems that now besige us in our quest for ever more power. Until there is such a thing a fusion reactors I would believe this to be our answer in the short term.
The power generator works like a trio of turbines that just spin around a single point. There are four wings to each turbine that are composed of the superthin material, and they are always directly facing the sun. I'm not sure if this would mean that the force would move the power plant, stef, but if it did then I'd just add more strength to the cable going back down to Earth.

And about the nanobots-They don't exist yet, so therefore right now they are impractical. The idea is wonderful, but that's all it is! Mine is doable. Invent a nanobot, change the world, but there's a difference between thinking of an idea and then filling in all the holes.

I have a teacher, wet1, which wants the same types of power plants you do.
You want to link your space generator with a wire
to Earth ? Why not... One thing is 100% sure, your power
plant WILL be pushed away by the solar wind, just like
a solar wind sailor.

Still, i think that a power plant direclty instaled on Mercury would
do better. Lot less maintenance and hazard can happen when
you are fixed to some ground ! Beside, the return on investment
would be better, being so close to the sun, the % of energy to be
extracted will be far more rewarding for every $$ invested on the
long term.

But to be quite honest, the ultimate energy source is not
yet discovered. I would try in some field like Big bang back
ground noise, quantum mecanic law, like the casimir effect,
Anti matter, or other wierd concept to find the ultimate energy
sources. We will need this kind of energy to power futur warp
drive engine to reach other star system !! We know that space is warpable, but require insane amount of energy to do. Let's work
on it right now !! Can't wait to go on an other planet !!

Nanotechnologie is a new science, i confess. On the other
hand, extreme idiea is my bag. I dont bother with
intermediary idea. The absolute one is the one i like to explore.
When it come to take care of our waste and trash, the best
idea i came with is to recycle to the atomic level.

Never forget that our knowlegde grow faster and faster.
It mean one thing: Exponential learning is at our door step.
What took 50 years to develop took eventualy 25, 10, 5 and
now many very complex task can be mastered in only 1 to 3
years. In the next 20 years, we will see the same fantastic
progess we had for the whole 20Th Century. So i predict that we
will fully master nanorobot by 2020 or even sooner than that.

2020 for the ultimate recycling tecnique is a blink of a eye
compared to the evolutionary scale of the universe. Base on that
i conclude that this idea is fully feasable in the short term of the
next 20 years. I will live to see it happen, that is garanted !!

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Shrike....a powerplant in Space??? Have you gone mad???

And then bring the garbage back to Earth so it can burn up in the Atmosphere (Ecosphere!). Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Crazy idea, won't happen. There are large Solar Flares coming from the Sun right as we speak. These Solar Flares will wipe your powerplant away in a jiffy. Which is a good 'thing'.

Do we humans haven't brung enough damage here on Earth, which we have to solve first, before doing the same in Space?

A station on Mercury....nice theory, but not to be realised. I agree that nanotechnology is coming up in a rather quick speed, but it certainly will need its time before the great inventors can really do something like building colony's on other Planets.

And please, no robots. How long is it going to take before humans have build these whole world completely full with their inventions and living places for humans themselves....

Every part of Nature, all over the world has to be explored and taken by us, humans. Every where they built their houses and consuming factories, like McDonalds and the Coca-Cola companies and so on. In almost every country you can find them, even in a country like Nepal. Which is such a nice country with humans who live(d) in peace with Nature for the most part.

And then there came foreigners and with them their damaging inventions.

I have many im working on now is a long-tern fall out shelter i just started it a few days ago but i already have the mass plate elevator system worked out and some of the atmosphere problems worked out you could probably build this thing in like 10 years or so but one of the main problems is water.

i know how you could make the space generator work... if your looking down on earth from "above" it then it goes counter-clockwise as the sun comes "up" it would begin to push the solarmill backwards when it reached its peak and passed it it would start pushing it back into alignment with its anchorpoint on earth. anyways i have to go to class now:)
My problem is that I can't get a picture here for you guys-I've solved the problems you've put forth before, but the wire or tube-whatever-can be pivoted to always face the sun from when it rises to when it sets. It can swivel to any direction, and once the sun sets it returns to its original position and waits for the sun to return.

Banshee, it IS DOABLE!! They can build the ISS, they can build this.

I did address your problem (sort-of) before, stef, I had the idea to place a group of wires that are angled in a pyramid-like fashion to hold it in place. I probably won't be able to post a pic until monday, maybe sooner if I'm lucky.
One Idea that I've had kicking around in my head for a while now is a digital camera built into cars.
It would mount into the roof of the car, and at the instant of impact it would pop out about 6 inches. In my mind it would use something along the lines of airbag technology for the pop up mechanism.
The camera would fire upwards into a cone shaped mirror getting a 360degree digital image of the cars surroundings at the point of impact.
This could be used to determine who had the right-of-way, license plates in hit and run cases. even pictures of the drivers.

Any ideas or problems I haven't foreseen yet?
Pzzaboy, where did you get that idea?

Did you read the Tommyknockers by Stephen King?
It sounds the same as what happens in that book, only there is a different reason and a different kind of making those 'camera's'.
But with wires and all....;)

And they better not try to steal those 'things', for man, what problems that brings....:p
I have seen ideas that try to get electricity out of moving cars on highways. One is using the wind current generated by opposite running cars; the other one is using the magnetic field generated by opposite running cars.
I got the idea after I got hit going through a light, some guy ran a red, and they couldn't prove who had the green, so I got screwed over. I wished I had a picture, and that popped into my head.
I own tommyknockers but I've never read it.
Pzzaboy, it was never my intention to hurt you.:)

I just read your reply and had to think immediately of The Tommyknockers.

I am real sorry to hear you were in a car accident. It is pretty rotten if you can't prove you are right in this.
Hope you didn't get hurt by that hit then....

But the idea of such camera on top of a car, only working when the car is driving (on its battery, or what you call it) is not so bad at all. For in cases as you mentioned it is a great invention.

Without inventing any more garbage to the Earth.

Like a police detector?
Banshee, You didn't hurt me don't worry about that. Everyone was fine in the accident.
It's too bad emotions don't convey so well through text.
Great idea, Pzzaboy! Maybe to keep the info from being stolen it could relay the brief clip of the car crash to a police hq or something.

It's a good idea, but there are other points to it:

For instance a Camera should be placed at traffic lights to monitor the traffic. (that way there is only a camera for the junctions rather than every car)

You could have a Blackbox put into cars and signals that emmit from the traffic lights that if in the event of a crash tell alsorts of data. (Speed of the car, Direction it head including it's skid etc If it ran a red, and if it swerved across the road.)

You could rig it so that Cat's eyes (the reflective pieces in the centre of the road) tell the car if it's crossed them.

You could also have information that is relevant to most chipped cars no adays, like if your fuel injection was clogged, when your last maintainance check was, what you tyre pressures were etc.

Of course this is just a markup on the Tachygraphs that Lorry drivers have been using for years.

Thats the only idea I would put forwards in this thread, but it's a markup on Pzzaboy's so it's not like it just appeared in my head without something spurring it.

Personally I would be careful that you don't put too much information forwards about your ideas for inventions, as someone might steal it and then create it, and you would feel as sick as a parrot if you saw all the shops selling what could have been your product making the thief a millionaire.
What about some inventions to help the starving humans of this world?

In stead of inventions to help the more consuming part of the world...

Like real good draining systems to make the dry Earth a little more firtile(?) to grow corn on it and other crops.

Some more water pits please, humans are starving and the richer capital cities keep the money to themselves and don't care less about the rest of its countries inhabitants as long as they can eat and drink good and make war against others, with the money they have to use to help their own inhabitants.

Any ideas, besides killing the leaders of the capital cities?

Bringing money right to the starving won't help. Bringing food and drink helps only for a little part...
if anyones ever seen the movie on the sci-fi channel called
"cube" i think we should round up all of the bad guys and stick em in there.. just an idea. anyways we would have to "remove" them from office somehow to help the ppl if the baddys had any goodness in them they would have helped their ppl already dont you think? so why should they listen to us? because we have guns you say? thats a bad idea. that would make us invaders patrolling their streets and running their government and the ppl would resent that.
lol acerbus I saw that movie. The plot there was nonexistent. Anyhoo I think the only way at least in our time to try to feed the starving humans of the world would be do genetically engineer the animals we eat to be much larger, therefore yielding much more meat, which drops the prices, which makes it easier to get food to the needy.

I tend to agree, stryde, about posting inventions, but if someone actually did steal your idea you could take them to court and show them this website, which posts the dates of your own posts. Not only will they'll have done the work of getting your product out there in the open but you'll be able to just sit back and let the moola roll in from an already established corporation.

Heh heh.