
Yes indeed you where affected. Deeply. As i was affected deeply when i discovered the RCC was a diabolical lie. But while you went from false religion into anti-religion I went from false religion into true faith.

M*W: Your having "true faith" is true for you, but the faith you believe in is not true for everyone.

I was emotionally hurt and called out to God to lead me to His way. You where emotionally hurt but went the way of blind revenge against God to seek to destroy all religion false or true. Do you blame God for allowing you to be so totally deceived?

M*W: I wasn't 'emotionally hurt,' I was more offended by a religion that lied to me. When I say religion, I include everything christian. It wasn't just the RCC, it was the offshoots who were lying to others. I was mad at christianity, and I was mad at myself for being so gullible. No, I don't 'blame god,' because there is no god to blame. I blame my own ignorance for believing there was a god behind christianity.

Whatever your deep motivations it is clear you are a driven person. For my part i am glad that God saved me from deception. In a way i am driven also, driven to affirm a positive, driven to stand up for my beliefs. Sadly you are driven to be a negative. Your driven to stand against belief in God.

M*W: I just don't understand how people could believe in a being who controls everything or a being we have to answer to for our own decisions. It's not about 'being driven,' it's about truthfulness and understanding and not believing in something that isn't there. In your mind, you create the idea of a god being there. In my mind, I don't do that. There is either a god there or a god isn't there. I can't conceive of a god being there. You can, and you also create all the godly amenities in your mind. That's where god begins and where god ends. The way I see it, if I were to believe about a god, that would be a negative, because it is not real.

It is always much better to stand for something then against something. Life is far more positive. :)

M*W: Not necessarily. I could believe in a little green Leprechaun in my mind who is going to bring me great riches if I follow his rules, etc., but who would I be kidding? Myself! Sure, it might eventually come about that I would end up with lots of riches if I believe, but it would be very hard to convince me of that. I try to focus more on how I can go about making my own riches.
- Religion is not false, but misunderstood. Buddhas or Christs have come to show us the paths we need to follow in order to reach our goals, and that path, is to understand ourselves.
The thing is, this is kinda dangerous, because people idealized the teachers, and are trying to become them. But NOBODY can become a Jesus or a Gautama, although EVERYBODY can become a Christ or a Buddha. Because we have the same "seed"; and that is what religious cults hide from you because if you become a Christ, or a Buddha, then you will not follow a religion.

A REAL teacher is very happy if all his students leave him, because it means all his students are going to find their own paths, and to know themselves. You can identify a false teacher if he doesn´t want you to leave him.

- Ignorance is the source of our problems.

- I see people trying to debate wether Jesus existed or not, but that is not the problem, thousands of Christs have existed since the beggining of times, c´mon, we are born a Christ, but society impose an Ego to control us, from the day we become aware of ourselves and our potential.