Intolerance? Washington state legislators walk out on Muslim prayer

How inappropriate was the walkout?

  • They have the right. End of story.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Disrespectful, to say the least.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Inappropriate? Hey, a Muslim cleric praying in a state capitol is inappropriate!

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Further evidence that religion has no place in government.

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Other (____)

    Votes: 1 4.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Bridge ... Persol

Originally posted by tiassa
But your words give me occasion to reflect on a curious theological twist. To Imam Joban, it's all one and the same. There is One God, and Muhammed is His prophet, but we must also remember that Jesus holds certain special ground in the tradition. It is only the Christians who really make a hard distinction between one deity and the other.

It's ironic, is all. :D

Tiassa :cool:
Actually, the early christians & even Jesus wouldn't know the 'Jesus' of Mohammud. No one likes to be told by others, that what they really believe, is not the real religion of what they believe, but a false one corrupted by evil men. Muslims say that Jesus was a muslim, & taught islam & prayed to allah! Try making christains believe that! It would be like christians telling you that "real Wiccans" are devil-worshippers, while you may be a forest frolicker!

:m: :m: :m: :m:

Speaking of offensive actions carried out by elected officials. Cigar anyone?

I would too, I will not bow down to false gods. Tiassa, if you were elected to the Wash. State Senate, & some preacher started to pray or bless you, what would you do? Would you walk out, yell, what?
As the article noted--attendance is generally spotty for the daily prayer. I would abstain from all prayer sessions. As I have noted, I think this voluntary prayer session is a concern toward church/state considerations, and this episode a perfect example of why. Other than that, I find it quite disrespectful to hold these sessions and then walk out simply because it's not your team praying.
How do the two relate in this example? Baby Bush doesn't understand many things, if you read the 1st Amendment, it says; freedom of ( for, from) religion. Bad Bush!! Go to your room!!!
They're both examples of why government and religion should remain separate.
But what would wiccans want to do? Adopt babies? Plant trees? Clean the inner cities? What?
I would only exclude wiccans & atheists from working in Christian religious organizations, like the Salvation Army or Catholic Charities.
Depends on the Wiccan, I suppose. We'll see what comes about, in the end. But, as noted in the correction of that specific point, it was a Republican senator who expected the faith-based initiative to discriminate against certain religions.

Nonetheless, of course religious organizations have the right to discriminate. That's part of the point of being in the religion.
Why would that be fair? He could still be anti-muslim, just not showing it out in public? Trent Lott would still be Senate Majority leader if he kept his mouth shut.
It's a poor excuse nonetheless, but it's neutral. It's a far cry from rhetorically alienating part of the American population from being American.
Yeh right! Anyone who disagrees with islam is ignorant! Tiassa, try debating that imam, see how ignorant he considers you. BTW, if this was a muslim country, you would be in deep toast if the local imams or thought police came after you.
Typical ethnocentric horsepucky. It has nothing to do with the fact that, as the story plays out in the news, Imam Joban gets the good sound bite.
I agree, but not for your reasons, I don't want to have someone bless me or pray for me, that worships false gods or ideas, (thanks anyway, Tiassa)
Do you pray for the sinners? The infidels? Do you pray that God will give them guidance?

Which is it? Hypocrisy or a lack of compassion?
Actually, the early christians & even Jesus wouldn't know the 'Jesus' of Mohammud. No one likes to be told by others, that what they really believe, is not the real religion of what they believe, but a false one corrupted by evil men. Muslims say that Jesus was a muslim, & taught islam & prayed to allah! Try making christains believe that! It would be like christians telling you that "real Wiccans" are devil-worshippers, while you may be a forest frolicker!
Not quite, but it was a nice try at an analogy. See, Islam is a continuation of Abramism, and is thus related to Christianity through that vein, whether or not you like it. Christians asserting devil worship of Wiccans have no philosophical link to what they slander.

- Muslims say that Jesus was a muslim, & taught islam & prayed to allah! Try making christains believe that!

What you're failing to understand is that it's Christians that have a problem with the idea that it's the same God. Islam is to Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism. (I never know what to think of the Latter-Day Saints, and we've got a local brouhaha that might actually crush the Book of Mormon.)
Why shouldn't he speak his mind or vote with his feet? (if McM were anti-war & walked out on Rummy, would you applaud him?) Can't politicians speak there mind? Even if wrong?
Seems I missed one. Whoops. Sorry. Um ... yes, they can. Even if they're wrong. And if they're wrong, it reflects on their qualifications to their offices.

And again, there are perfectly acceptable reasons to not attend. To make a point of walking out and to make "patriotism" your reason is absolutely disrespectful. You'll notice nobody gives a rat's behind about the people who weren't there to begin with.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Randolfo

Originally posted by tiassa

I would abstain from all prayer sessions. As I have noted, I think this voluntary prayer session is a concern toward church/state considerations, and this episode a perfect example of why. Other than that, I find it quite disrespectful to hold these sessions and then walk out simply because it's not your team praying.
Politics in the US is not about respect! Dems & Reps all want to make their points for the folks back home, they'll walk out on the pope if it served their purpose, can you find any pols with principle? Name one? You'd be hard pressed.

It's a far cry from rhetorically alienating part of the American population from being American.
What? Dems & Reps do that all the time, just tell RRRepublicans that you're a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, why that’s more satanic to them than wicca!!

Typical ethnocentric horsepucky. It has nothing to do with the fact that, as the story plays out in the news, Imam Joban gets the good sound bite.
Sound bite? Oh please, many muslim leaders will use democracy & freedom of speech in the West, the same way nazis used it in Weimar Germany, to get in power, then watch out!! Check out the Jamaican imam jailed in England. Sound bite, I think of it as more a warning.

See, Islam is a continuation of Abramism, and is thus related to Christianity through that vein, whether or not you like it.

- Muslims say that Jesus was a muslim, & taught islam & prayed to allah! Try making Christians believe that!

What you're failing to understand is that it's Christians that have a problem with the idea that it's the same God. Islam is to Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism.
What you're failing to understand is that islam is to Christianity, what mormonism is to Christianity, it's a starting point for a tangent into falsehood. Read the Quran & the Bible, find passages attributed to or about Jesus & see if they are the same Jesus? Nope, islam has a poor imitation.

(I never know what to think of the Latter-Day Saints, and we've got a local brouhaha that might actually crush the Book of Mormon.)Seems I missed one.
What, you crush the LDS? You’ll be the first!

b]Whoops. Sorry. Um ... yes, they can. Even if they're wrong. And if they're wrong, it reflects on their qualifications to their offices
Qualifications?? You make me laugh!!! If Reagan, Jesse Ventura, & Baby Bush can get elected, anyone can! Just takes the right connections, money &/or exposure.

And again, there are perfectly acceptable reasons to not attend. To make a point of walking out and to make "patriotism" your reason is absolutely disrespectful. You'll notice nobody gives a rat's behind about the people who weren't there to begin with.
That was their sound bite, why do you think they did it? They’ll run with next election cycle, see if I’m right, keep us informed.
Washington state legislators walk out on Muslim prayer

Some legislators with some gonads. This is a Christian country, as declared by the Supreme Court, in a decision in 1895, after a review of the founding documents, and their doundational documents.

That Cleric had no business being invited.

Freedom of religion was meant to you, you could be any Christian denomination you wanted. you see how liberalism destroys everything it touches.

Politics in the US is not about respect! Dems & Reps all want to make their points for the folks back home, they'll walk out on the pope if it served their purpose, can you find any pols with principle? Name one? You'd be hard pressed.
This is beside the point, or else nobody would have cared about Trent Lott.
What? Dems & Reps do that all the time, just tell RRRepublicans that you're a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, why that?s more satanic to them than wicca!!
As strange as it is, religions are not held as "choices" before the law. That is, the principle goes that we do not discriminate against ethnicity or gender because these are conditions of birth, and not something someone can change. This is why many people deride efforts to protect the civil rights of homosexuals specifically. As homosexuality is a "choice", it should not be "protected". Yet religion is specifically protected. After all--Christians have "free will", do they not? They make the "choice" to accept God's offer through Jesus Christ eternal?
Sound bite? Oh please, many muslim leaders will use democracy & freedom of speech in the West, the same way nazis used it in Weimar Germany, to get in power, then watch out!! Check out the Jamaican imam jailed in England. Sound bite, I think of it as more a warning.
That warning being? And whence you derived it?
What you're failing to understand is that islam is to Christianity, what mormonism is to Christianity, it's a starting point for a tangent into falsehood.
Exactly. Just as I noted: Islam is to Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism.
What, you crush the LDS? You?ll be the first!
Let me be the first to ask you:


Qualifications?? You make me laugh!!! If Reagan, Jesse Ventura, & Baby Bush can get elected, anyone can! Just takes the right connections, money &/or exposure.
Well ... since they're "unqualified" for their offices° why should we continue to endorse their presence? Why ignore an act demonstrating the unfitness of a legislator to serve her elected office? Because it's more fun to bash on Muslims?
That was their sound bite, why do you think they did it? They?ll run with next election cycle, see if I?m right, keep us informed.
I think she did it because she's a wickedly narrow-minded fool. She explained why she did it. Rep. Condotta was more vague. I think his reasons are probably similar, but at least he was smart enough to give a hokey nothing explanation. Two points to him for that. Either one of them could have just skipped the prayer session altogether, and not made the point of leaving. It would have saved them a lot of energy.

Tiassa :cool:

This is a Christian country, as declared by the Supreme Court, in a decision in 1895, after a review of the founding documents, and their doundational documents.
Do you know where we can get this decision? And a trial transcript would be phenomenal.

Political bodies have repeatedly tried to establish the US as a Christian nation: "In God We Trust" was applied as a motto to establish the US as a Christian nation against godless Communism; Poppy Bush and Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws.

But if you check the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, you'll find nothing there about Christianity.
That Cleric had no business being invited
Then perhaps in the future those legislators who insist on publicly endorsing their religion (Matthew 6.5) should entrust the selection of clergy to a ministry council that excludes non-Christians. Perhaps some official state-sanctioned discrimination, instead of the mere poor taste of demonstratively walking out for "patriotic" reasons?

Exempt all non-Christians from the tax code and establish them as a body not governed by common authority with in the United States. Then we'll talk about a Christian nation. :rolleyes:
Freedom of religion was meant to you, you could be any Christian denomination you wanted.
That's tough talk for an upstart Jewish usurper. :rolleyes:

Do you wonder why religion and government are not supposed to mingle?

Here's one for you: what establishes a Christian denomination? Are Mormons Christian? How about Quakers? Catholics? Southern Baptist Convention? Missouri Synod? Kingdom Hall? There's an all-is-love Christian around these boards whose views are very unorthodox. Would TruthSeeker be protected by Freedom of Christian Religion?
you see how liberalism destroys everything it touches.
No, but I see how bigotry destroys an intellect.

Tiassa :cool: