Interstellar travel is possible.

The only way to explain my concerns about superintensity magnetic fields is to give you an example of an experiment that was done a few years back...

Scientists intoduced a frog to a magnetic field stronger, by an order of hundreds of thousands, then those found naturally on E arth. The experiment was a success in the fact that the frog did levitate...

However, the experiment was an overall failure since the frog died after having the iron molecules RIPPED from its blood cells.


super-electomagnets are a wonderful thing...and have great potential for future technological advancements. Unfortunately as such magentic fields grow in intensity, it may be our own biology that limits us.
I posted a "wormhole" or "warp" machine suggested in a theoretical physics book I finished a few weeks ago somewhere else on this forum. Since I can't seem to find it and it is relative to this thread I'll post it again.
Take a ring of neutron stars about the orbit of earth around the sun, spin them to near light speed, create a similar ring at destination and voila! enough warpage of spacetime to create an interstellar gateway.
But we don't need FTL to conquer the stars. Nanotech should open up real biostasis, and the same technology will allow us to construct ships lighter and more efficient than previouly imagined. With biostasis and propulsion by lightsail we can make interstellar space our own, though slowly.
However, there are great riches in the solar system, something we dreamers and sci-fi fans often forget.
An interesting theory...though it all hinges on whether or not there is no other significant source, in the universe, of gravity equal or greater then those greated by the "rings". You just might find yourself in a completely different corner of the universe...caught in the eternal event horizon of some singularity we can't even imagine.

Besides, if we had the realistic capabilities to do as you propose...I really don't think we would need to debate, anymore, the finer points of how interstellar travel MIGHT be possible...since we would have long ago figured something out.