Interstellar travel is possible.


Registered Member
This theory has probably already been raised on sciforums before... (actually I raised it years ago when this used to be the Alberta UFO research institute, and again when it was Exosci)

However, since certain people have claimed that interstellar travel is NOT possible, I will submit it again.

We may never have the means reach the speeds needed for realistic interstellar travel, but it IS possible...

Expand a gravitational field in front of an object, and weaken it behind. The force exerted by the stronger field will pull the object toward it.

Here is a simple experiment:

Stretch a sheet of cloth tight, and drop a heavy item in the center...this will create a well (if this were space, it would be known as a gravity well). Now drop a marble or ball bearing on the cloth. It will roll toward, and into the well created by the heavy object.

This illistrates the principle nicely.
The problem with that is as you accelerate you mass increases. When you hit the speed of light you have infinite mass. Since F=ma it would take an infinite amount of force to accelerate beyond the speed of light. However interstellar travel is theoretically possible via wormholes.
That is true...however with signifigant manipulation of gravitiational fields, it is possible to pull and warp the fabric of space (How to do this without destroying everything in your path is beyond me)

The experiment stated demonstrated both the pull of gravity, and it warping abilities.

Just an example of ONE possiblity. Though wormholes are probably the best bet.
Possibly, but ive never been impressed with the whole warp drive thing. The way i see it the only way to travel faster than light is to cheat by shortening the distance and im not sure that can be done with a warp field generated by the ship itself.

Here's a realistic but absurdly inefficent one i cam up with a long time ago. You build a "road" between the stars out of a series of hi mass rapidly rotating cylinders. They should distort space in such a way so that there is a much shorter rout. I tried this once with a sheet so it might work. ;)
Lol...Who needs millions of dollars worth of scientifc equiment when all you need is a sheet to test theories

Since you opened the whole absurdity is a good one.

Build a sphere (planet sized) capable of generating massive gravitational fields exteriorly...yet remain within tolerable limits on the inside. You could just seal yourself in and punch your way through space.
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Wouldn't it be funny if you did that but soon after you left working wormholes were developed and you arived on what you thought would be a deserted planet and find a thriving colony?
Ah! So that is why the moon is hollow! Millions of years ago aliens built such a sphere, and punched their way through the fabric of space...creating a worm hole to our planet!

We better quit now before nut-theorists start foaming at the mouth.
I joke, I don't think the moon is hollow...but if it were one of "those" spheres, it would be capable of generating an exterior gravitational field needed for an object of its size to remain in a stable orbit.
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Interesting... This is what I've being saying here for a long time...
I've been saying that gravity is the "strongest" force in the Universe and that it can be used to space travel... :)

Good to see I'm not the only one here... :)

No no the moon has a gravitational force due to the sheets inside the hollow part and we descended from the ones who piloted it to our solar system.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Interesting... This is what I've being saying here for a long time...
I've been saying that gravity is the "strongest" force in the Universe and that it can be used to space travel... :)

Good to see I'm not the only one here... :)


Nelson, I'm sorry to burst your bubble...but I agree with most conventional theories that gravity is among the weakest natural forces in the universe...One point I like to make, when talking about the possible manipulation of gravity fields, is this:

Since gravity is among the weaker forces, then by dumb logic, it should be one of the easiest to manipulate.

You misunderstood me... :D

See that I put the brackets in strongest... ;)

It's just a way to say that gravity is a very strong force if you see it in the solar system and everywhere in the Universe. It depends on mass though...

Well, they haven't given up on wormholes. It just still to far away to know about other than to theorize about it. Here is a link to a workshop sponcered by NASA in 1994. Opinions are somewhat suspect.

NASA Goes FTL Part 1: Wormhole Physics

For the article:*here*
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Originally posted by TruthSeeker

You misunderstood me... :D

See that I put the brackets in strongest... ;)

It's just a way to say that gravity is a very strong force if you see it in the solar system and everywhere in the Universe. It depends on mass though...


Yeah, doesn't matter that you put STRONGEST in "brackets" (which are quotation marks, by the way)...When you say, "gravity is the "strongest" force in the Universe" ...the very words you use imply THE STRONGEST!

If I understand what you are trying to say now, then wouldn't it have been easier to state that "Gravity is a STRONGER force then people give it credit for"... or is it "Gravity is the most constant force that we can detect" (either of which would be scientifcally incorrect )

Anyway, just because we can detect the effects of gravity thoughout the known universe, that doesn't mean it is a strong force...only a prevelant one.
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The whole concept is very interesting, and is definately worth further research...though, If I remember correctly, this is not an entirely unique experiment (I will sift through some resouces and see if I can't find more information)...


I like the conceptual images of a system-g powered spacecraft, yet I would be highly skeptical that such a craft would ever be used within the atmosphere of a planetary body.

If the spacecraft was not influenced by gravity or inertia...then, of course, the craft would remain neutral and stationary as the planet itself continued to revolve around it. Unless super-materials, or precise manipulation were involved, the craft's own hull would quickly burn away due to the severe friction upon it....Not to mention the hell it would raise if at extremely low altitudes.

Sadly, even if all proves true...this is one of the events that will just have to wait for the rest of technology to catch up.
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I have to say I left it open so others could look before I mentioned my thoughts.

For those of you too cheap to click a link, the idea is simple. A craft is build and electromagnet's are placed into it, which can be used to cause it to levitate.

From what I can understand the idea was to use ELF waves to generate enough electromagnetics to give it lift.

If you look at say The Japanese bullet train or just a magnet being held with the same pole to another magnet. It's possible to have something held without strings levitating.

Of course when you look at the very method this is accomplished, you can see that there is this Psi wave (I believe it's the correct terming) a magnetic field, that itself formulates its own quantum entanglement.

This means that when your nearer the source of these wave formations, they can be supportive, but further away there entanglement is less and weaker.

It can be truly noticed if you use a magnet and some iron fillings if you dip the magnet in the fillings, (If there is alot of fillings) not all the fillings necessarily stick to the magnet. This is down to it's accumilative poles stringing throughout the fillings, using the main magnet as a source of magnetism.

I say all this to suggest that you need a strong magnetic field to hold yourself in position, if you were 1000 above the ground you would need antennas around a radius of 10 miles outputting enough EMF to hold a craft up.

Electromagnetics has been known to be toyed with in usage of levitation in particular laboratories around the world. Although they tend to keep their research discrete so as not to alarm people, especially when tales of Poltergeist being created by mischievious researchers starts to spread.

I had a thought the other day about System-G, but I changed a few things (this was before watching the film A.I.)

Remove your electromagnetic motors, and replace them with a silicon life form, a creation that has ELF build and entangled throughout its structure. I'm talking Androids, that can walk and manipulate things with hands.

lets say a team of four, that can sit together, and parallel process the EMF as singular units while being combined as a whole.

The androids would be a self contained power unit, that add together as a team to provide power to the crafts shell. The craft and the androids are Nanotubular, created to allow crystaline focal energies (wave formations through magnification prisms etc).

Due to the Androids being made silicon based, they don't need to breath and are suitable for hostile environments.
Between the team of androids it's possible to put artificial intelligence into the equation, although it would be possible to remotely pilot them. (although if they are silicon life they should be respected as life forms)

There is also the possibility that such silicon based ELF creations, can actually be not just telepathic between themselves as processor units but also with life forms they encounter. (if of course they were created for deep space recon)

I of course don't have the funding to build such creations, but I will happily design them and then complain that someone must have ripped it off.