Internet Porn (Don't worry, this is work safe)

i would agree. we're talking about kids under 18. while monitoring an 11 year old is worthwhile, a 17 year old will throw a deadly fit if their privacy is infringed on.
If somebody was standing behind you watching what you wrote on instant messenger you'd consider that an invasion of privacy, especially if you was talking to someone you fancied(adults obviously wouldnt have this problem) conversations are private, i wouldnt want my parents reading any of my conversations with my friends, girlfriend etc. Apart from that, parents dont have time to stand around watching whats going on with computers and their children, many parents have things to do at home, or would like to relax after being at work.
Does anyone have any evidence that viewing pornography is bad (in any way) for children? I've done a few quick searches and there seems to be some correlation between violence and pornography that depicts violence (in adults as well as children) but there's also a correlation between violence and non-pornographic media violence so the import of pornography in context is questionable.

Just wondering.


Lemming3k said:
If somebody was standing behind you watching what you wrote on instant messenger you'd consider that an invasion of privacy, especially if you was talking to someone you fancied(adults obviously wouldnt have this problem) conversations are private, i wouldnt want my parents reading any of my conversations with my friends, girlfriend etc. Apart from that, parents dont have time to stand around watching whats going on with computers and their children, many parents have things to do at home, or would like to relax after being at work.

If your old enough to have a girlfriend, then I doubt Internet porn will be a big concern for your parents. I'm talking about young kids around the pre-teen age. I would rather have parents be responsible for watching them, rather than censoring the Internet to "Protect the children".
Even 10 year olds have girlfriends, and you cant watch over someone on the off chance they decide to look at something you dont want them to see.
sargentlard said:
The point is that this knowledge is kept to Later stages of life.

Why, though?

sargentlard said:
That is questionable and while most will only discover mastrabation earlier some kids can be and will be fucked up.

Fucked up? How so?

Lemming3k said:
Even 10 year olds have girlfriends, and you cant watch over someone on the off chance they decide to look at something you dont want them to see.

It's possible to prevent a 10 year old from seeing pornogrpahic websites, and a 10 year old with a significant other is probably not really interested in physical intercourse (more likely, just imitating his or her elders).

On the other hand, it is impossible to stop a 17 year old from seeing porno, and a 17 year old with a significant other is always interested in physical intercourse.

Obviously, the parents of a 10 year old aren't going to worry about Jimmy banging Sarah, but they will do what they can to make certain Jimmy doesn't get any ideas for the future.

With a 17 year old, the parents know they can't possibly stop Jimmy from discovering some great new positions on the net, but they can and will try to stop him from attempting some of those new positions with Sarah.
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I agree its possible to prevent 10 year olds seeing porn, what i said was meant to prove its easier to censor the internet(assuming its properly censored) than it is to watch over somebody while they are on it, and actually if you had the same censor on a 17 year olds computer he would have no more access to porn than a 10 year old. The point i was making is watching over everyone up to 13 while they are on the net is pure stupidity, some familys have several computers and several children, its far easier to censor certain websites so long as its done properly.
Also some 10 year olds ARE interested in physical intercourse/experimenting of some kind, and some 17 year olds arnt ready for it, its all down to the individual.(another point is at any age, if you look for something online hard enough, your going to find it)
is it really all that damaging to 10 year olds anyway? i first saw graphic porn when i was about 11 and i'm fine. how do you think i learned anything? parents? haha no way.
Rappaccini said:
Why, though?

Do I really have to explain why preventing a child seeing the porn that is out there today is a safe decision? Not including basic and natural nudity ofcourse but the rather explicit. Call it my personal opinion then but I would keep my 5-10 year old away from this exposure.

Fucked up? How so?
Have you ever heard about the 8 year old Korean boy who becamse addicted to porn and actually ended up injuring himself from mastrubating so much? Well that maybe a more of a humorous example, but I can see certain young boys thinking that women are nothing but sex objects. This won't convert young boys into mysoginistic bastards but feed certain ones which have a fucked up chemistry to begin with.
sargentlard said:
Have you ever heard about the 8 year old Korean boy who becamse addicted to porn and actually ended up injuring himself from mastrubating so much?

holy wow! link please?

My 'instinct' is to tend to agree with you but when examining my reaction I really cannot identify any rational basis for it. You mention objectification but that has more to with the type of pornography and it is certainly not limited to pornography. In fact it's ubiquitous; just look at a couple of advertisements or about two seconds of MTV. The case of obsession probably has more to do with the psychology of the individual than anything else; it certainly is not a rampant issue.

Actually, the more I consider the issue the more I find it to be bullshit. Pubescent children are supposed to be curious about sex. Hiding it away and making it shameful only twist a child's perspective regarding something that is natural. My thought is that a parent should try to manage the issue rather than resort to pure censorship or discipline. Perhaps even going as far as providing a source of 'clean' pornography but certainly discussing the various forms they will eventually encounter.

Raithere said:
You mention objectification but that has more to with the type of pornography and it is certainly not limited to pornography.

I agree, I mentioned this before. There are certain things that I have seen that I am willing to censor for my child.

The case of obsession probably has more to do with the psychology of the individual than anything else; it certainly is not a rampant issue.

Agreed. It is these certain individuals that I worry about being mislead into wrong paths.

Actually, the more I consider the issue the more I find it to be bullshit. Pubescent children are supposed to be curious about sex. Hiding it away and making it shameful only twist a child's perspective regarding something that is natural.

My problem is not with the act itself, it is the way it is glorified and presented. Sex and the raunchy pronography that lurks around are two different things. I am willing to be accepting with my child and educate him/her about sex but when my kid asks why that Asian woman was shitting on her own face with a leather mask on...well that isn't something I am ready to explain, being willing to or not is whole another subject.

My thought is that a parent should try to manage the issue rather than resort to pure censorship or discipline. Perhaps even going as far as providing a source of 'clean' pornography but certainly discussing the various forms they will eventually encounter.


See...the word "clean" and "pornography" do not gel well. On google what are the chances of "clean" portography showing up? Studying the nude in photography and painting is a healthy way to educate the child about sensual and erotic subject matter, how it is used and when it is acceptable or not. A calm and patient attitude is needed but I, and this may be only me, see no need to be explaining my child the preverse acts that are up for all to see on the internet. Call it censorship or ignorance. If my child does happen to come up upon this stuff in my vicinity - accident or not then it is my duty to explain and educate but in no way will I willingly bring my child to this.
sargentlard said:
My problem is not with the act itself, it is the way it is glorified and presented. Sex and the raunchy pronography that lurks around are two different things. I am willing to be accepting with my child and educate him/her about sex but when my kid asks why that Asian woman was shitting on her own face with a leather mask on...well that isn't something I am ready to explain, being willing to or not is whole another subject.

that's an excellent point. there certainly is a difference. i don't even understand that scenario, how am i going to explain it to my child?
Hey porns(ps shit is not porn. I dont know what it is but its not porn) not as bad as bodies being blown to bits check out crimsonland and other games like that. To be a blood bath of a game it doesnt have to be the super cool newest first person shoot game it can be a free demo off the net. I really dont see how sensoring all of this will help stop these problems. I found porn before I found it on the net. Information flows to readily even as video and books complete sensoring of porn is as pointless as this wonderful drug war thats been going on my whole life. ITs still easy to get drugs even with School searchs, busting druglords,and lots of money spent to stop it.

I know kids dont play real games,sports like they used to. My dad said he and his friends created fun things to do.....(like riding a bike into a parked car I guess...true story an accident really but still funny) but now if its not Tv, games, or on the net they just sit there.

Trying to stop something from happining by placing controls on it does not work. The goverment has tried that with drinking way back when and they gave up after 10 years.

In this society a kid doesnt have a place except to learn. To learn how to fit in or disapear. Go through the week without getting in trouble and generally learn how to go along with the system or get ran over. There really is no direction. They go along for the ride.

I know highschool and middleschool were a waste of my time but I enjoyed it:). Everyone I know (who went to college or didnt) says highschool was really just a free ride that did not prepare them for the real world except on how to blend into the system.
Gee what to do in highschool homeworks a breeze or not worth my time something else. Oh my parents both work forty hour workweeks guess i'm home alone. I'll go hang with my friends and see what trouble we can find. Look at porn and blow shit sounds great. how about a beer. My biggest complaint when I was 16 was how much crap it was that I was treated not much diffrent from a 12-14 year old when in the past 16 was an adult treated with some respect. In alot of cases getting married.
Mind you these point really are not how my parents treated me but how general society treated me. The simple reactions when 12 kids would walk into a grocry store and each of us was watched. The shop owner was just waiting for someone to steal something. Then, me having a job, setting down $60 the owners was like yeah stealling cash from your parents huh. Kids couldnt be nice people they were thiefs trying to sneak into places they weren't supossed to be (R rated movies) because they didn't want to hang out at home. Now that theres something to do at home (kill stuff and look at girls without anyone looking at you weird) kids stay home. Its sad but its not a shock that kids would rather play computer games then get shot down from the local bullies and have clerks watching them when they go into a store.
"If your old enough to have a girlfriend, then I doubt Internet porn will be a big concern for your parents. I'm talking about young kids around the pre-teen age. I would rather have parents be responsible for watching them, rather than censoring the Internet to "Protect the children"."
i hope you realise, that many preteenagers do have girlfriends, i had a gf in my first year of school

if someone is old enough to want to see porn, they will seek it out, and there is no problem, if they arent, they will just close anything that opens accidently and will have forgotten about it in aout 1/2 an hour