Internet Censorship in Australia

Interesting that you feel that way, Bells. 'Cause aren't you the one that screams bloody murder when some parents "abuse" their children ....and demand that the government do something to protect those kids?

So is't this Internet thingie just one more thing the government is trying to do to fulfill your wishes to protect the kids? I would think you'd be happy with it.

If I have you confused with someone else, please forgive me.

Baron Max

It is not just aimed at children. Children are being used by the Government to attempt to make it more palatable to the general public. Unfortunately for the Government, the Australian public are not that dumb and can recognise when they are being duped.

As I said and have stated in the past, if it was just to stop the ability to access child pornography sites, then I doubt anyone would disagree, be they the general public or those in the computer industry. That was the original idea, to stop child pornography and to give parents the choice to access a free net nanny to stop their children from accessing porn on the internet. When that was first proposed, few people found issue with it. What has happened in the last year has been a complete turnaround and what was meant to be a voluntary thing has now spiraled to the point where anything could be censored by the Federal Government, including sites that offer internet gambling or anything the Government deems violent or could lead to acts of violence or terrorism. As well as sites about anorexia or euthanasia.

If you can't see or understand the distinction in that, then I have nothing more to say to you on this matter.

i dont know too much about this so i will post my general feeling on this. i believe the government has an obligation to protect children living within their borders.

why leave it up to the parents? i dont pay taxes and support politicians lifestyles for nothing.
So you think the Government has an obligation to make sure children who are citizens of the country they are in governing, not be able to access sites that might discuss something like anorexia or euthanasia? As I have stated previously, to protect them from things like child porn, then yes.

What about adults?

The range of protection offered by this compulsory net nanny does not cover just porn, but basically covers anything the Government deems unsavoury. And the public are not going to be made aware of what will be censored.

As many have stated, no one would have batted an eyelid if it was voluntary. But they have made it compulsory and that is why people are up in arms about it.
bells there is always the chance the oposition will grow a spine over this issue, after all they DESPRATLY need SOMETHING at the moment they can pin on the goverment (if you have been to busy to know what im talking about, look at the numbers which came out this morninga 40 something lead to rudd in the prefered PM stakes). There is no way the Greens will surport something like this, let alone Xenapon so its up to the oposition if it passes or not.

If it does there is only one slim chance left, that is that the high court will follow the ruling of the full bench of the federal court and rule that this is to limiting on POLITICAL speach. That being said, its unlikly because the rulling im refering to was that the goverment of NSW had taken the reguations far behond what was intended by parliment. If this passes it wont be by regulation (at least its unlikly) so that ruling cant be made