International Ban on Religion?

Does religion help or hinder

  • Help

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Hinder

    Votes: 15 57.7%

  • Total voters
EarthlyVagabond said:
If there was no such thing as religion, what would our moral codes be based on? Who told you the difference between good and bad? Where did they get it? Where did they get it? Etc...
at one time people used to get all their morals from the bible,good thing we evolved and got rid of

or do you still follow the bible to the letter?
why not its allegedly "the true word of god"

where do atheists get morals from,,,see
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scorpius: at one time people used to get all their morals from the bible, good thing we evolved and got rid of those. eh?

or do you still follow the bible to the letter? why not its allegedly "the true word of god"

where do atheists get morals from,,,see
M*W: Back in the day, when people used to get all their morals from the bible, left so much room for the murder of innocent children, prostitution, greediness, and all the evils of the world. Christians are the most evil of all. Christianity has murdered children, murdered their parents, murdered their grandparents, lusted for prostitutes, changed money at the temples, honored temple prostitutes, had sex with the temple prostitutes, beheaded good men at the whim of evil men. Christianity offers no hope for its followers. Evil men control this religion. There is no salvation from Christianity. It's all a false hope.
scorpius said:
ok what GOOD does religion do besides keeping people in mental bondage to the church thru the constant brainwashing that makes you feel bad about yourself
makes you think that youre a SINNER and if you dont kiss Jebus/gods ass real'll burn in hell.

you are talking about christianity here, NOT religion.
scorpius said:
ok what GOOD does religion do besides keeping people in mental bondage to the church thru the constant brainwashing that makes you feel bad about yourself
makes you think that youre a SINNER and if you dont kiss Jebus/gods ass real'll burn in hell.

Hi. First of all, God uses evolution to create. What is so complicated about that? Why do people assert that these things oppose one another or are mutually exclusive? It doesn't make sense. Nothing opposes God ultimately. So He created genetically driven creatures that adapt to their environments? What?

Secondly, the above quote is of the BAD that religion does, and is a false witness to Christ...a lie. Sin in is this world, and it's in everybody too. There is no fix, and going to church doesn't make you "good". Being born again and knowing Jesus doesn't even make you "good". It's not about that. He's taught me so much but I know that the only good that comes from me is what He does through me. He accomplishes amazing things through me despite myself. And He loves me, completely and unconditionally. I have felt it...and continue to. I have seen His grace...I've experienced it...I'm living it. It's conviction without condemnation, and it equates to the truth. That's all judgement is...a revelation of truth. God in no way wants anyone kissing His ass. It's actually impossible to do, as you can't deceive Him. He's looking for the opposite...someone who sincerely wants the truth. He's all love. You don't get to hell by your works, or I'd most certainly be dead and there a long time ago. And you don't get to heaven that way either. Anyone or church that tries to tell you that your salvation is dependent upon their organization or upon your works is lying, and is definitely not preaching/acting in accordance with scripture.

Religious organizations do some good too. They run hospitals and universities, schools and day cares. They're huge into charites and humanitarian aid, running shelters and food banks, drug rehab centers, outreach programs of all kinds. They serve as community centers, and people can fellowship there. If people sincerely do go there to worship God and to hear His Word, that's awesome. I have benefited so much from hearing many inspired born again preachers. To spread the Gospel of Christ and the Word of God in truth is a good thing.

But if you've looked at religion as a whole and said to yourself, "If this is Jesus, I'll pass.", then you're right. It's not Jesus....organized religion is not Jesus and/or God. It is what it organization.
scorpius said:
True comunism is where everyone is equal and have all they need..
But people are not equal. this is the great error of comunism. They confuse 'people are created equal' with 'people are equal'. You have to apply the laws of karma and re-emboiment to understand why they are not equal. But I agree they should have equal opportunity (which is different) and communism stiffles this opportunity.

scorpius said:
that type of comunism also stiffled human progress,ambition,striving to be better,they forced people to NOT advance,think differently,be creative.
they just wanted everyone to be mindless robot..
not to have any ambition to be different or better..and with
human nature being what it is,(some are more greedy than others)comunism couldnt possibly succeed.

Maybe it wasn't 'true' communism as you define, but the "banning" the thread starter talks about will lead to the same result as "that type" of communism.

If communism RAISED everyone to the same level I would be in favour, unfortunately it just LOWERES everyone to the most base of levels.
ellion said:
you are talking about christianity here, NOT religion.

It seems to be a recurring problem in this forum, a lot of people can't differentiate the two.
Light Travelling said:
But people are not equal. this is the great error of comunism. They confuse 'people are created equal' with 'people are equal'. You have to apply the laws of karma and re-emboiment to understand why they are not equal. But I agree they should have equal opportunity (which is different) and communism stiffles this opportunity.

People aren't created equal, either. If they are, what caused each to take such different paths, then?

Equality is worthless hippy bullshit.
Sushupti said:
People aren't created equal, either. If they are, what caused each to take such different paths, then?

You confuse equality with individuality.
Light Travelling said:
You confuse equality with individuality.

How so?

Either way, things that aren't equal must necessarily have been created differently.
I don't think religion has hindered civilization. It's been our lack of evolution away from religion that has hindered civilization. Everything has a role, and religion in the begining served it quite well, and still does today. However, people continue to put religion as the #1 thing in life and well, that's bad. We're supposed to evolve and take the good from every aspect in life and leave the bad, but unfortunately when it comes to religion, most people are still keeping both the good and the bad and THAT is what is hindering civilization.

- N
civilization was hindered when the egyptians buried their gold?

are you a moron or are you retarded?

it was the very consensus on religion which kept the Egyptians together despite the screwed upward mobility and it was that same concensus which fortified them when one of their kings (forget the name) tried to change the national religion.

it was the very consensus on religion which kept the Egyptians together despite the screwed upward mobility and it was that same concensus which fortified them when one of their kings (forget the name) tried to change the national religion.

It was Akhenaten. He wanted to try monotheism. Didn't go over very well.

And I agree with your view. However, throughout history, religion has divided as much as united (usually to the detriment of some other religious group). It is my feeling that more harm has been done in not just the human cost, but the intellectual movement of the world. Of course there are many examples of science being accomplished under religious regimes (they all were, weren't they?) but it was in spite of the regime.

"International Ban on Religion"? Where's the petition. Sign me up.