Internalising religious morality

The same reason a person who believed eating spiders was not acceptable, and now does it. Will he ever be fully at ease with it?
No idea, do you have any evidence showing that people are not at ease with eating spiders once they start doing so?

I once went to an exhibition where they asked us to try out foods made of insects.

I couldn't. But many did and made quite good comparisons about what the taste reminded them of.

The only effect of that on me was to then remember that comparison while eating the food item they compared it to, which would give me a feeling of revulsion to the food.
Help me to deconstruct this.

What role does sincerity play in the conflict? How do you recognise real faith in yourself, or the lack of it?
to deconstruct it we need a common definition of "real faith"

The 6 symptoms of being side tracked in bhajana kriya (utsaha mayi, etc) are a move in that direction.

How do you know if you are being honest or just fooling yourself?
If one is being fooled they will constantly gravitate towards the material conception of life .... for which there are many indications


SB 11.13.9 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Uddhava, a person bereft of intelligence first falsely identifies himself with the material body and mind, and when such false knowledge arises within one's consciousness, material passion, the cause of great suffering, pervades the mind, which by nature is situated in goodness. Then the mind, contaminated by passion, becomes absorbed in making and changing many plans for material advancement. Thus, by constantly thinking of the modes of material nature, a foolish person is afflicted with unbearable material desires.