
All I can say about that site is "zagawiggyzolp oie oie wakka wakka whoop whoop whoop"

That site wasn't even well thought out. they left massive gaps in thier "cosmic insights" First off there was no real insight.. all it does is mention free will.. well geezze I had that before I read the page.. I found this page pathetic, unorigional and should never be visited again.

Agrue with that!

yes, what an interesting... bunch of crap. I have an idea. I'm going to smoke some crack and write a story about the origin of humanity. Then build a web page for it. Ya! That's a damn good idea! Then the people of earth will realize that my story is undoubtedly the reason for their existence! They'll elect me as dictator of the world! King Lightman they will call me! And they will all be my slaves, my... my light workers! Every day they will till the soil of my vast and numerous crack farms! All hail King Lightman and his wonderful crack farms!!!
The only thing that's "pathetic, crappy, or unoriginal" concerning that site are your attitudes about it. If you can put aside all of the garble, he has some inportant and interesting things to say.
Just a thought..

Next time, read the whole site instead of talking garbage. But i guess that is too much to ask?

Interesting site indeed Flash :)
Hey Flash,
Did you dream all that or were you doing psycho-delics ? If you was doing psycho-ds and knew how to get more you could probably make a million dollars and that would be enough to buy a ticket back to the P-P-Play-d-d-dssss system which is where you belong a-huh.Second if what you say is so plain obvious then we already knew everything you said and we were just reafirming what you said as we went along (ha ha ha) or else we're too dumb to ever understand what your saying (so either way why bother).Third if your telling me all this crap and you haven't even left your body once .I'm gonna come down there and rip your ectoplasma right outa that quishy pimpley thing you call a body and show you what the hell your talking about.
I read that site, and man has that guy gone off the wall or what! Sounds like just another guy with a theory on life, but it was an interesting site I most admit :) .

Have a nice day, Dude.

Obviously another person on a race to smoke all 31 flavors of crack cocaine before they die. Light Workers,... HA!
Look man... did you have a bad day or what??
First, I didn't write that site, as Searcher pointed out (thx Searcher).. and Second,
I said it was interesting and nothing more.
I have a RIGHT to what I believe and what I don't..the SAME rights as you do. Excuse the hell out of me if they do not line up with yours..but I am not here to please you or anyone else for that matter. So get over it!!!

I expected no less from you, man!
Close-minded christians Ha!
Sorry, Flash
I guess I just got carried away.I think with the high quality scientific theories espoused at'
home1.htm 'my theory ,that inchworms are just inching their way to one spot on Earth and when they arrive there the world will end,has finally found a home.


I keep my mind and my toilet lid closed to everything unclean that I can avoid ;).

You know Jesus And I still Love you Flash,

Man, your're killn' me!!!! Stop it already will ya,...
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

God has a sense of humor too,
Well, I printed about half of it (it's pretty massive), to read later.
There's always something to learn, even if there's stuff you find icredulous. The trick is to find the gems hiding in the garbage.


As you pointed out to Bode, I think it was, you have a "right" to believe anything you want to believe.

My question is: Do you believe in "Light Workers"???
The experiences that I have had does not involve the teachings of the light workers. I just happened to stumble across this site and thought it was interesting. There are some things that I agree with here...
The things I have learned have been purely experienced on my own and did not involve any
outside source such as books, net research..ect... It is PURE in that it has not been tainted &/or washed up/down/out ...
by VIEWS of others.... it's real as ANYTHING I have ever known before.
Sounds mysterious, Flash.

Do you mean that you found The Spirit of the Truth inside yourself? I know you said it was PURE... Can you describe it?
It is not my intent to make it sound mysterious... I was just trying to give a clearer description.

No, what I am talking about is a Spirit outside myself... kind of like how you view things to be with your God...minus all the
ego and control

[This message has been edited by Flash (edited December 30, 1999).]
Ok, I read quite a bit of what I printed out and I came to the conclusion that it's a work intended to reel you in initially, on the premise of having something fresh to say.
It then begins to blind you with science and strange new words and it becomes obvious that this is ultimately leading to one boringly long winded, massive, new age religious sales pitch

I believe that whatever fundamental truths (relating to us) exist in our universe, if they were known, could be written down simply, eloquently and convincingly (superficially at least), in a mere couple of pages].!
