Interesting study for those seeking proof

phlogistician said:
Er, so why aren't we all using our psychic abilities daily, if the experiments are 'repeatable'.

'repeatable' science brought us various things we use daily, like our computers, cellphones, and microwave ovens.

Where's the benefits of this 'psychic' research? Hmmm?

That is a very good question, I think that psychic ability needs to be developed. I don't know much about the so called "defunct" research they are doing at the U.S. Air Force but I think that it (along with the vast amount of paranormal accounts out there) is enough to warrent looking into deeper.

I think the majority of society is not ready for such things, people are afraid of what they do not understand. Also, I believe our society is not well designed to develop such abilities. We are mainly interested only in material growth (outwards) not personal growth (inwards). Our working schedual does not allow time for inward refection (meditation) let alone time to redifine our belief structure.
Statistical tests on islands where bicycles were not yet invented have shown, empirically, that this pseudoscientific skill of 'bicycle riding' (which any reasonable person would reject as violating the laws of physics) does not exist.

Of course, the difference is that most people can be taught to ride a bicycle in a few days ;)
It is a misquotation from the recent Katie Melua hit "Nine Million Bicycles in Beijing". Since the research that sparked this thread originated in China, and Zephyr had used an analogy of bicylce riding to, apparently, defend the possibility of psychic phenomena, it seemed a neat linkage.
Although having to exlain the quote somewhat ruins the effect, doesn't it?

As usual my communication is convoluted - my gripe at the time of writing was people who say that psychic abilities would violate the laws of physics, stating conservation of energy and momentum - which is silly. If people are going to cite physical laws they should at least go for those that matter.
Haha sorry, I am unfamiliar with Katie Melua. Thank you very much for the explanation, I appreciate your patients of my ignorance.

Speaking of physical laws, would you believe that the domain of such paranormal powers would lie in the domain of quantum physics?
Egads, I wouldn't know. I've only done introductory quantum and the wackiest thing we covered was quantum tunneling, which is basically where a subatomic particle can go through a solid barrier. The thing is, the probability of this happening depends on the object's size and is just about immaterial for anything bigger than these subatomic particles so it's not like that would explain or even support something like teleportation.

Quantum definitely allows for some odd things that classical physics doesn't, for example some theories might not only allow but require non-locality but I don't know enough to say how far that extends. Mainly, the theories are still being refined.
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glad you've brought this seriously amazes me that in this post classical science AND even-already POST quantum age (see Jack Sarfatti that we have the Skeptics being so old fashioned and positivist --stuck in old ways, which i wouod call including distrust in Imagination!....for it's wit imaginatin one can exploe about quantum reality....hat its insights might say for matter/energy AND consciousness......Is it a coincidence that in cognitive science at tis veery time is te problem of the 'mind/body problem' and the 'Hard Problem (David Chalmers) the xploration of consciouness. can you not see patterns coming togther..?
So while were on the subject of quantum theory I've been pondering. As we look deeper and deeper into things will we ever reach an end or is that the universe is set to infinite...I guess my questions are unanswerable but it just seems to be that whenever I am thinking hard about the universe and existance it either comes down infinite or unity
mhat said:
So while were on the subject of quantum theory I've been pondering. As we look deeper and deeper into things will we ever reach an end or is that the universe is set to infinite...I guess my questions are unanswerable but it just seems to be that whenever I am thinking hard about the universe and existance it either comes down infinite or unity
checkout Chrristian de Quincey
he is exploring that Nature is sentient/conscious "all the way down", meaning to the most submicrocopic contituents of matter/energy

Now, this insight has been invented by Quincey, he is exploring--in modern terms etc--te primal animism of our ancestors

So, in other words. YES, modern physicists
DID findout how weird is 'solid' physical reality, BUT NOW is CONSCIOUSNESS beinglooked at

so when you wonder what it is likelookinginto 'matter/energy' are we notnthereforen also looking into consciousness when doing so, because consciousness and matter/energy are always togther......and is BOTH finite and infinite....BOTH/and
sorry, meant to say 'this theory has not been invented by Quincey...'...typos really suck when they say someting yo dont mean!
Crunchy Cat said:
I am posting the information from Edwards AFB for my self as I intend to test the validity of the document's existence in the future:

Air Force Flight Test Center
Civilian Personnel - 95MSS/DPCS
FAX: (661) 277-4639
E-mail comments:
Last updated: July 29, 2004 Public Affairs
15 E. Yeager Blvd.
Edwards AFB, CA 93524 Public Affairs: (661) 277-3510
FAX: (661) 277-2732
DSN: 527-3510
Base Operator: (661) 277-1110

If they agree the document is what it is then I'll consider its content.

Hi folks,

I spoke with Ranney Adams this morning and apparently this article has generated alot of contraversey. Here's the scoop:

* The U.S. Air force spent $25,000 for the author of the report to simply do a document research, present the claims that are out there, and provide a final assessment.

* The motivation for the document research and assessment is to have a competitive offensitve and defensive edge. Imagine being able to 'teleport' some troops in and out of places.

* The author of the article assessed that none of the document reserach showed anything that was in reach. He did recommend (inappropriately) further investiation for some millions of dollars; however, that recommendation was not at all pursued by the Air Force or any other U.S. department.

So there we have it. 25k to see whats out there and no interest beyond. Ranney mentioned that the Chinese and Russian governments have spent millions of dollars on research into the more psychic areas for surveylance, but feels electronics are the way to go because the psychic crap doesn't work.
Thanks for sharing that CC. I've often heard the line that (ex-)Communist countries are ahead of the west in this sort of research, so it's quite telling if even they're looking elsewhere.

Sad for my wishful side, but there y'go.
thank fukin CHRIST it dont work. what---you think i want those grim materialistic muthas getting their greedy fat hands on 'psychic crap'? ugg ugg!!
Zephyr said:
Thanks for sharing that CC. I've often heard the line that (ex-)Communist countries are ahead of the west in this sort of research, so it's quite telling if even they're looking elsewhere.

Sad for my wishful side, but there y'go.

They can research all they want, but so far it looks like the subject matter doesn't really exist. Lots of wasted $$$ IMO.
Surely it's better to investigate than just to assume it doesn't exist? Then again, I wouldn't have thought that investigating would cost that much...

If information flowed freely, then the West could save by using cold-war era Soviet research as a starting point (even if that meant 'don't start'), but I suppose 'free flow of information' and 'cold-war' don't mix :p