Interdimensional Travel


Registered Member
hey im new here, so if im repeating form some one else, oh well i dont care... anyway. ive read alot upon interdimentional traveling.. and most of it is bull shit relaxation theories. what was looking for was a way to break the dimentional boarder between ours and another one. i know it sounds like somestar gate bull shit... but i do beleive it can work. i am a necromancer, my practice consist of mently connecting with another dimention and so on and so forth... i want to experance it full hand and physical... so i started thinking. if we humans can break the dimentional barder mently, why not physicaly. so heres my thinking on how we can do it.
our minds give off electric charges in order to think, some frequencies differ between each action. if we can record the frequency on which we give off when we are breaking dimention, then duplicate it and greatly amplify the charge while keeping it within a consealed area.. then it could possably create a doorway of sort to another demention. of course most of you are probably woundering how ar we to control the frequency and make it behave on which we want it to. simple... magnets... in the center or on the floor board of the 'door way'. te charges will be draw to it and thus making a solid frequency curtan of sort....

so wht yall think??? :confused::bugeye: :D
to break the dimentional boarder between ours and another one
wouldn't that make it outerdimensional travel or something like subspace travel?
Anyway it's a theorie at best, never to be obtained by a mental state alone.
wel inter came to my mind when i was typing that so yeeah lol... and what do you think about my theory.. u think it could be possable to acomplish?
u think it could be possable to acomplish?

In theory perhaps but in reality no for we live in our own dimension and to try to exist in something so different than ours we wouldn't be able to survive.
even so, atleast it will answer one question that is driveing ma kind nutz for-ever... the question of "Are we alone"... if we break the dimentional barrer and there are intelegent, or even life forms on the other side.. that will aswer that question.. and we will finaly not be alone
even so, atleast it will answer one question that is driveing ma kind nutz for-ever... the question of "Are we alone"... if we break the dimentional barrer and there are intelegent, or even life forms on the other side.. that will aswer that question.. and we will finaly not be alone

How do you know that we are alone in our own dimension? There are over 100 billion trillion stars in the existing universe so why can't other alien lifeforms exist with us right here and now? It's just that we can't either see them or communicate with them now.
wel personaly, i want to know that answer before humans go extinct

Well I'm telling you that the possibilities that we aren't alone are about one in a million which means that the chances are very good for alien lifeforms to be "out there" so rest assurd that even if you don't ever "see" them that they are there.
i know the odds of them being out there. i am just after a goal to see if there are more than one dimension, and so i am asking peoples opinions, get some theories off of them and see what i can do from there. thank you for your opinion tho i highly apriciate it ^-^
We already know of at least 5 dimensions with about 23 more that could exist theoretically.
ok, and i want to give people the opertunity to be able to travel between them

As I state humans can only survive in their own dimension so traveling between them would be impossible as far as we know it today. Physics won't allow traveling like that to happen without very bad consequences.
its fine on what you say. im sorry but i will argue against you for a looong time... ima rebel heart.. i go against what people say i cant do.. sry.. its in my nature
its fine on what you say. im sorry but i will argue against you for a looong time... ima rebel heart.. i go against what people say i cant do.. sry.. its in my nature

But you'll need some evidence or proff to back up what you BELIEVE is possible. Can you tell us how interdimensional travel will work?
that is why i posted this up, i have the theory down on how to make the gate. but i need some help on how to make traveling possable... thats y i posted this topic up
that is why i posted this up, i have the theory down on how to make the gate. but i need some help on how to make traveling possable... thats y i posted this topic up

How do you make the "gate" Do you have a mathmatical formula that we can review or what is it that you made?
did you not read my theory abouve. we have to record the mentle brain wave of some one mently connecting them selves with the other dimention, ampliflying it and spreading it over a controled area, much like a door way
I'm sorry, I thought you ment for a human to travel with their bodies with them not only with thoughts.