Intelligent plants

well, if you don't like humans and think they are a parasitic blight on the planet, who cares if they are eaten?
But its off topic and has nothing to do with plants.
Intelligent plants?
No. But I've come across a number of people barely more intelligent than a plant.
Plants are pretty dependant on what happens outside of their self. The sun movements, the temperature, the soil, the rain. Lack of mobility is so limiting when it comes to intelligence. Lack of senses on top of that even more limiting. But compared to most of the dead planets in the Universe they do very well. They certainly have a degree of intelligence, but how you would rate it, I have no idea.
They certainly have a degree of intelligence
Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom.

Which of those traits do plants display?
Or do you have your own definition of intelligence?

Which of those traits do plants display?
Or do you have your own definition of intelligence?
A cone that falls on a rock must get to deeper soil than the little dirt clot it sprouts in. Sometime they crack the boulder in half, sometimes they reach around and search for ground. Problem solving.

Here's links to more complicated ways they show intelligence:

Special Note: Dywyddyr

Please check out what Sarkus is saying here.....
and notice my response.

I think his argument about consciousness really being a mere epiphenomenon with the implication that we merely get to watch and do not have control directly attacks the distinction you are making here between our sort of intelligence and that of plants.

As I said there, I want you to to hash this out, because I think each of might be missing some of the implications of your positions. And you are both intelligent AND from a similar philosophical stance, in general at least.

As a quick aside.....50 years ago it was scientific dogma that we could not know if animals had consciousness and they were viewed as complicated machines. They know longer are. This may be a trend.
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Nevermind. I had a long rant about how not cool it is to post a topic in someone elses name, just to show you can, or is afraid to stand for the topic yourself, although it apparently was of interest to many uneducated, as seen above.

I did misqoute, but that was funny, and informative, but not really the same. The correct procedure would have been to delete that quote, not post an entire thread in my name.
Nevermind. I had a long rant about how not cool it is to post a topic in someone elses name, just to show you can, or is afraid to stand for the topic yourself, although it apparently was of interest to many uneducated, as seen above.

I did misqoute, but that was funny, and informative, but not really the same. The correct procedure would have been to delete that quote, not post an entire thread in my name.

Maybe you can take tablets for it?