Intelligent Design

There is no way to prove or disprove it until we find life independent from earth. Therefore we should ignore the whole blasted theory until we do.
Absolute proof that "intelligent" design is all false and rubbish and all: George Bush. :D
Originally posted by Ender
I have done some reseach online and in some Articals, and i have one question really...
Is thier main argument that life is so complex that we have to be made?
I have read some things that say that aliens may have started life here of Earth. Is this eaiser to understand than Evolution?
I have a short online artical if you don't know what i'm talking about, here.

Intelligent design, like any other idea that can´t be tested, isn't scientific. How can we prove we were made?
Complexity can arise spontaneosly in nature, as in the case of snow cristals.
Evolution is not a randon process. Mutations are randon and play a very important role in evolution, but natural sellection, the main mechanism of evolution, only favours the good mutations. It's easy to understand how this mechanism can add complexity if there is sufficient time.
The question of intelligent design requires you either abide by occam's razor or not. If you do, evolution is currently our best answer. If you do not, then anything is possible and any theory is as worthless as the next...
genetic engineering

+++I like the thought. Why do you think we began hearing about aliens performing genetic experimentation on humans after 1950 only? Perhaps because they have been here all along but we only now attained the technological capability to register them. +++

because DNA wasn't 'invented' before that time and therefore the notion of genetic engineering didn't exist...simple explanation isn't it.

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Ender have you seen 'Red Planet' (i think this is the correct title). Its where humanity (well a human actually :rolleyes: lol) dicovers that aliens were responsible for life on earth. Evolution was respobsible for the spread of life if my memory is correct. However what i find interesting is a quote from the matrix "humans are not mammals. Every other mammal establishes a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Humans use up every available resource until the only way to survive is to spread. There is another organism (??) that fits this profile : a virus " It could very well be that we are the aliens on planet earth. We are very different from all other animals. Just the way we are has made me think it before. The way our faces are, the things we can do, our general intelligence! Its possible
Originally posted by Neville
However what i find interesting is a quote from the matrix "humans are not mammals. Every other mammal establishes a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Humans use up every available resource until the only way to survive is to spread. There is another organism (??) that fits this profile : a virus " It could very well be that we are the aliens on planet earth. We are very different from all other animals. Just the way we are has made me think it before. The way our faces are, the things we can do, our general intelligence! Its possible

it is a nice quote from the matrix, but it is just a film. If we deconstruct the sentence then the term 'natural equilibrium' flashes up. In a way we are in a natural equilibrium because we have the natura capacity to change our environment.
A virus doesn't change its environment in this sence and actually also usually lives in a natural equilibrium with its environment. Sometimes this means killing the host of course, but in no way would this be unnatural.
The quote is from a film but that doesnt make the sentence any less truthfull!
So your saying that we do have a natural equilibrium with our environment?? I disagree. We have chopped down trees, pulled rocks out of the earth (for coal/metal), piped gas out of the earth and there will eventuallly be nothing less precisley because we have no equilibrium. Equilibrium is balance and we have dominated the planet and taken over. Where is the equilibrum in that?
our equlibrium is to dominate the earth then

but anyway...the statement would still be wrong because a virus is in equilibrium with its environment.

and some people might not consider a virus to be an organism...

that's at least two things that are wrong with the statement then

and some people might not consider a virus to be an organism...
hence the question marks! Im not sure if he even uses that word either.
but anyway...the statement would still be wrong because a virus is in equilibrium with its environment.
How may i ask. i think i understand what your saying but i want you to elaborate.
if a virus wasn't in some sort of equilibrium with its host it would be out of hosts soon and would disappear.

this doesn't mean it can't kill a host, as long as it doesn't kill all hosts
:confused: well they do! Thats the point of the definition:
...use up every available resource until the only way to survive is to spread
Thats the point. viruses spread because there is nothing left i.e. every resource has been used up.
Originally posted by Neville
:confused: well they do! Thats the point of the definition: Thats the point. viruses spread because there is nothing left i.e. every resource has been used up.

the same can be said for many ecological systems...

why do many animals have a migratory pattern...because they eat everything in one place and then have to move. Imagine the huge hurds of Gnoes on the serengeti plains in africa...why don't they stay in one place...because they eat everyting up in one place and are then forced to move...
They are still in some kind of equilibrium i would say, because the resources are limited...the same can be said for human is not like we can leave earth after we used up every resource (well, not in the forseeable future)
But of course...i am not an expert in these matters...i could be totally wrong.
why do many animals have a migratory pattern...because they eat everything in one place and then have to move
Usually because of the weather i think. Birds etc have to move because the weather makes it impossible for them to live: not because they have used up all of the resources. I dont know about Knoes though ( :rolleyes: :D -nobody nose :p )
Humans do use up resources though. We dont even use them efficiently. We are very wasteful: The car engine powers the wheels because petrol goes into the cylinders and is ignited by the spark plugs. It is this explosion that drives the wheels. The engine is a sealed system but it is surrounded by water to cool it. A car engine would seize without this water in a matter of minutes. Most if the energy does not go into motion but into heat. We were so desperate to make it work though. Surrounding it with water was the answer :bugeye: (what a crap design :D ) We will probably use up all of the natural gas in the world and then something will come along which we will really need it for.
it is not like we can leave earth after we used up every resource (well, not in the forseeable future)
We have wind and solar energy too! Plus we probably could if we needed to! Move to another planet.
We do use up resources and spread and we dont even use the resources efficiently.
I know some scientists are trying to design from scratch the simplest life-form possible. They take a microorganism and start subtracting genes from it until it is as simple as possible and still reproduce.

Of course all it could do, by definition, would be to reproduce. All genes for predator invasion, toxon resistance, etc would be gone. It would die outside of a sterile petrie dish.

Mabe we will understand how things came to be if we have something like the first organism to study.
The whole theory of evouution implies that all life on earth descended from a single common ancestor. Way back in time there was a simple, self reproducing protien. That was the first organism.