Intelligent Design


Registered Senior Member
I have done some reseach online and in some Articals, and i have one question really...

Is thier main argument that life is so complex that we have to be made?

I have read some things that say that aliens may have started life here of Earth. Is this eaiser to understand than Evolution?

I have a short online artical if you don't know what i'm talking about, here.
Originally posted by Ender

I have read some things that say that aliens may have started life here of Earth. Is this eaiser to understand than Evolution?
Then who started the aliens? If other aliens, then who started them? That just doesn't really work so well. Evolution does.
The key is to find the 7th symbol so you can activate the stargate.
I need to find the 7th symbol also, but in order to find it I need to find the white rabbit first. I hope the white rabbit will take me to the 5th element.
I have read some things that say that aliens may have started life here of Earth. Is this eaiser to understand than Evolution?

No- Is alien life any more compliacted than our own? There is really no way to answer this, seeing as perspective can make it seem simple, from a higher level, to unfathomable, from a lower level.
It cannot replace the theory of evolution, since the 'Intelligence' behind must have stemmed from something as well.

It can however still be a useful thought. It is an often heard opinion that the biological ecosystem we have on earth is not only improbable but also very difficult to explain using our current mainstream evolution theory alone. There just hasn't been enough time for Earth to develope like this without intervention, it is argued.

What if this is true? There certainly exists things on Earth which seem quite weird indeed with the perspective of Darwinism alone. An example would be parts of our basic cell structure where the system consists of parts which alone are completely useless and should have been erased by evolution before coming to terms. This strange 'jump' which must have happened, where all the parts mutated into place at the same time, is odd. A clue perhaps that something is going on.

If so, then this theory could help explain it. If there really was an invisible alien hand meddling with the evolution of this planet, it could explain the oddities and the relatively short timespan it all happened in. This intelligence in turn could have come from a planet or other habitable place were they were given enough time for their own evolution to have happened naturally.
I like the thought. Why do you think we began hearing about aliens performing genetic experimentation on humans after 1950 only? Perhaps because they have been here all along but we only now attained the technological capability to register them.

Intelligent Design.
Originally posted by Ender

I have read some things that say that aliens may have started life here of Earth. Is this eaiser to understand than Evolution?

Thats not solving the problem only passing it along.
What seems complex to us now will be understandable when our science and technology have advanced. The world used to be flat after all.
We did it to ourselves

Originally posted by Antimode
It cannot replace the theory of evolution, since the 'Intelligence' behind must have stemmed from something as well.

Maybe we did it to ourselves. Maybe this is all some big time loop where a far-future relative of ours went back in time and made a few, intelligently designed (accidental?) changes that made the corrections for what "evolution" couldn't do on it's own.

Then who started the aliens? If other aliens, then who started them? That just doesn't really work so well. Evolution does.
Why can't we accept that maybe we aren't the beginning. Evolution is a very nice concept to describe life in general, make everyone feel nice and toasty that we are superior and are the most evolved. Almost sounds like the argument against the mind-controlling church.

But what about humans?

Maybe we are designed by aliens...for the scientists
Maybe we are designed by a god...for the religious types

mayb we are just like mices in teh lab, and "they" test stuff on us. (HIV for example, or malaria, etc)
Both are theory and neither have been proven in a lab.

Find out what a scientific theory is, then come back and tell us whether evolution is "just a theory".

To others

Why complicate things with excess baggage such as aliens.
It's a matter of how you want to answer the question of the "meaning of life"...
