Intelligent Design

So what do we have left...

So all those articles were whittled down to .. lets see .. six.
Lets take a look at them.

1. Maddox, John. ''A Further String to the Believers' Bow." Nature 398 (1999) 766-767.

This is not a scientific letter it is a book review. The book is called The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene Jonathan Cape: 1999. 428 pp. £18.99 . Again, this is a book review and provides absolutely no evidence for ID. The book itself does not support ID. Maddox mad a joke in his book-review intro about agnostics. I’m sure the ID proponents jumped on that one word and so it ended up here on this list – wasting my time.

2 Maddox, John. '' The Unexpected Science to Come... Scientific American 281, 6 (1999) 62-67.

This has nothing to do with ID. It’s a fun review article (not scientific letter) in SA about the sorts of stuff that may be discovered in the future.

3 Richards, Jay Wesley. ''Many Worlds Hypotheses: A Naturalistic Alternative to Design." Perpsectives on Science and Christian
Faith 49, 4 (1997) 218-227.

This is not a scientific letter. As discussed, the “Many Worlds Hypotheses” actually runs counter to the Anthropic Principle.

4 Sober, Elliott. ''Testability." Proceedings and Addresses of the APA 73, 2 (1999) 47-76. A philosophical exposition of the recent controversy on design hypothesis by Behe and Dembski.

The APA is short for the American Philosophical Association. This a philosophical debate concerning testability. Which is fine. This is not a scientific argument for ID.

5 Squires, Euan J. ''Do We Live in the Simplest Possible Interesting World?" European Journal of Physics 2, 1 (1981) 55-57.

This was published in 1981. It is a review article. Not a scientific letter. Interestingly, physics has made some gains in last 22 years. Regardless, it does not support ID.

6 Tegmark, Max. ''Is 'The Theory of Everything' Merely the Ultimate Ensemble Theory?" Annals of Physics 270, 1-51 (1998).

This is another review article. It concerns “The theory of everything” which is a hot topic in Physics. It is not a scientific letter. Despite that, it still does not support ID.
Originally posted by Michael
Elaborate - be specific.
No need. You seemed to be in 'awe' of Jenyars logic which either means it is sound, or, you were sarcastic. If you were sarcastic you need to point out what exactly in the argument your sarcasm stems from. Then, I might have something to address.
Please include an explaination of ID.
I'll do some research then publish it in a journal so you can absorb it. Hopefully by then it might be scientific to your taste.
Originally posted by MarcAC
No need. You seemed to be in 'awe' of Jenyars logic which either means it is sound, or, you were sarcastic. If you were sarcastic you need to point out what exactly in the argument your sarcasm stems from. Then, I might have something to address.
I agree, Jenyar has no logic in that particular post. You have nothing to address.

I'll do some research then publish it in a journal so you can absorb it. Hopefully by then it might be scientific to your taste.
Sure you will.

The wonderful thing about science is eventually all the complete bull shit can be washed away in a wave of fact - bye bye ID :p