Intelligent Design receives jaw breaking right cross from Darwin The Merciless! :)

Ah. I see. Well, there really is no folderol regarding neoDarwinian theory. Everything is constantly questioned.
think of it this way

"Darwin's theory is confirmed because we have more theories that confirm it"


The shrug indicates that you are neither familiar with some basic scientific terminology - nor have you fully understood what when on in this study - if you had you might have gained an insight into how science works.

I'll break it down for you:

What a theory (in the scientific sense) is:

an explanatory framework that explains a series of facts (remember this its important)

What a theory does:

Makes predictions that can be tested.

So what happened in this case was the scientists involved took one of the predictions made by evolutionary theory - namely that complex cellular structures evolved from simple cellular structures with often unrelated functions, and aksed a question:

"If this is true then we should be able to find them - where shall we look?"
They then hypothesised (NOT theorised) as to where they might be found based on a sound knowledge of cell biology and went looking.

They found what they were looking for and the results confirmed the prediction.

It is in fact a very neat illustration of how science works - prediction - hypothesis - test - result

So the theory was not confirmed by another theory as you so naively put it - the theory was instead reinforced (again) by (yet another) series of facts.

Conversely this doesnt bode well for creationism or ID (yeah ok - I know you're about as surprised as me by that one).

Creationism would predict that an omnipotent creator would create the optimum cell machinery from unique designs - which is clearly not the case here - cell machinery is neither optimum nor - as this study concludes - unique in origin.

ID's predictions of irreducible complexity (despite having been (quite literally) laughed out of court many years ago) - are similarly dead in the water.