Intelligent Design Not Very Well Engineered

KennyJC said:
So 'he' is male too? I'm surprised you know this much.
No, God is not a male, only the body needs to be male or female, animal or human etc... but I usually say 'he' because of the limitations of the English langauge. In my language, there is no he and she.

Don't be surprised that I know everything about everything, because God knows everything and he is within everything.
c7ityi_ said:
Sarkus, God is within me, like he is within everyone. God is the "self".

gods at best is a kid pulling the wings off flies or learning how to use an erector set. either one.
God made Adam in Gods image and then Eve out of Adam so in that sense he is male. But God isn't human or an animal so does that make him able to be catergorized? God is portayed as the 'father' in the Bible and in the church but does that mean he plays a fatherly role or he actually is our dad?
te jen said:
If God was the chief engineer on the Human project, then I'd say He should have spent a little more time on R & D before rushing the project to market.

For example

The eye is supposed to be so wonderful - a paragon of intricate design. If so, then why not take the logical step of making it work in infrared? Would have been REALLY useful when looking out for lions at night. Also would have been nice to have some sort of clear, durable surface instead of that vulnerable, squishy stuff covered with a piece of skin for an eyelid. Pretty piss-poor engineering. To top it all off, of course, He installed the rods and cones backwards in the retina. Instead of fixing that little boo-boo, he just routed all the nerves and stuff through a hole in the back of the retina and gave us a blind spot.

And what about that whole deal with my birth canal? Build a pelvis and then generate babies that don't really fit. Maybe he subcontracted the baby head design to a different shop and they didn't have the right specs on the pelvis.

The appendix. WTF is up with that? Totally pointless. Did He change His mind during the RFP process and leave it half finished?

He's got a lot of explaining to do to the stockholders.

It will be to easy for them! What will you learn?