Intelligent Design Not Very Well Engineered

te jen

Registered Senior Member
If God was the chief engineer on the Human project, then I'd say He should have spent a little more time on R & D before rushing the project to market.

For example

The eye is supposed to be so wonderful - a paragon of intricate design. If so, then why not take the logical step of making it work in infrared? Would have been REALLY useful when looking out for lions at night. Also would have been nice to have some sort of clear, durable surface instead of that vulnerable, squishy stuff covered with a piece of skin for an eyelid. Pretty piss-poor engineering. To top it all off, of course, He installed the rods and cones backwards in the retina. Instead of fixing that little boo-boo, he just routed all the nerves and stuff through a hole in the back of the retina and gave us a blind spot.

And what about that whole deal with my birth canal? Build a pelvis and then generate babies that don't really fit. Maybe he subcontracted the baby head design to a different shop and they didn't have the right specs on the pelvis.

The appendix. WTF is up with that? Totally pointless. Did He change His mind during the RFP process and leave it half finished?

He's got a lot of explaining to do to the stockholders.
te jen said:
If God was the chief engineer on the Human project, then I'd say He should have spent a little more time on R & D before rushing the project to market.

For example

The eye is supposed to be so wonderful - a paragon of intricate design. If so, then why not take the logical step of making it work in infrared? ....
Why do you assume the evolutionary process is done?
God has a purpose with everything. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7
God has a purpose with everything. "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

Well it must be true if you quoted God himself.
te jen,

And of course some 40% of the world population need to wear spectacles. So even the main objective is only a 60% success rate.

And then there is "teeth" - man what a disaster.

Why do you assume the evolutionary process is done?
The ID folks don't believe in evolution - that's the whole point to ID - the rationale is that nothing as complex as a human could have arisen by chance. I.e. what we are now is directly the result of an intelligent designer.

And the conclusion must be that he was an incompetent designer. Right?
but then you could just say "there is a reason for the flaws,a lesson".its like wank arthouse cinema,you can show a 50 minute reel of a man taking a shit on a tractor and think up perfectly valid reasons for its integrity as art.
Cris said:

The ID folks don't believe in evolution - that's the whole point to ID - the rationale is that nothing as complex as a human could have arisen by chance. I.e. what we are now is directly the result of an intelligent designer.

And the conclusion must be that he was an incompetent designer. Right?
I wasn't addressing what some IDer says. I was addressing what te gen said, and his arguement assumes that there is no room for evolution in the idea of a creator. That is a false assumption. Not everyone who accepts the fact that evolution is how life developed and continues to is an athiest.
The IDers arguments are self-defeating. If God is perfect then by definition he is incapable of imperfection. Since His designs demonstrate lots of flaws, compromises and outright poor solutions to engineering problems, he must not have been directly involved in the design process. The only reasonable conclusion is that He set up conditions to permit natural evolution and let the chips fall where they may.
well said, and since god claims to create all good AND evil,he can go fuck himself with an iron stick.

if there is a heaven and hell,im kicking gods ass when i die.

if we are made in his image we should be just as strong,right?
te jen said:
If God was the chief engineer on the Human project, then I'd say He should have spent a little more time on R & D before rushing the project to market.

For example

The eye is supposed to be so wonderful
To heck with the eye. 99.9% of the species that ever lived are now extinct.

That means that in terms of the success of his creations God is actually almost a complete failure.

Of all the possible gods, we got the one that took the short chariot to Mt Olympus. :eek:

Not to mention that if Gods motive behind the creation of the universe was life, then why all that wasted space? Why not just have life around every single star? What a dumbass he is.
Now Mars13 this is a question you put out 'if we are made in his image we should be just as strong,right?' Now lets put this in human terms because you oundn't comprehend the wonders of God. An image isn't the real thing, right? A picture of a person isn't a person, right? Do you get why we aren't as "strong" as him now?
Now Mars13 this is a question you put out 'if we are made in his image we should be just as strong,right?' Now lets put this in human terms because you coulndn't comprehend the wonders of God. An image isn't the real thing, right? A picture of a person isn't a person, right? Do you get why we aren't as "strong" as him now? :rolleyes:
All.For.One said:
Now Mars13 this is a question you put out 'if we are made in his image we should be just as strong,right?' Now lets put this in human terms because you oundn't comprehend the wonders of God. An image isn't the real thing, right? A picture of a person isn't a person, right? Do you get why we aren't as "strong" as him now?

You mean we are a 3-dimensional HOLOGRAM projected from a core system,
so you're saying a hologram can never have the same strength or ability as the machine creating the hologram.

A hologram will always be imperfect because it is not the real thing, is that what you're getting at?
What a fucked up thread...

The point is that if God did create things exactly how they are, then he failed, because as Raithrie said, so many species are now extinct. Trilairian stated that some theists belive in evolution, but that's just nonsense; if you believe that life has evolved from what God created it to be, then you are saying that the system in which we live is seperate from God's control, hence God is not the all-powerful being that he claims to be.

IDers can't win this argument.

Even if you were to stretch and say that possibly God set up the scheme and let life handle the rest, then you are talking about a very different God than the one who speaks in the major religions. The Bible God is very hands-on and specific in what he wants done.

If you say we cannot understand how God works, then I say you didn't read the Bible. He was VERY clear in what he did and what he intended to do, and how he would punish those who stepped in his way. VERY clear.

Intelligent design just doesn't work. There are too many flaws. Bats have better hearing than we do, and eagles have better sight. Bears are stronger and cheetas are faster. And there are too many variations in humans to say that he created us. If he had, he would have created a singular being. And don't give me the whole "tower of Babel" thing, because that's BS.

KennyJC said:
Not to mention that if Gods motive behind the creation of the universe was life, then why all that wasted space? Why not just have life around every single star?
Because that was not his motive.