"Instantism" - The Act of Being

Mr. Anonymous

Gordons Gin!...... that's the last time I encourage you to bladdy read things. Y'do realise that's ment I've had to re-aqauint m'self with what a bladdy Fiedman Model is, doncha?!
Get a looking and a reading! ;)

I didn't think of that-wet sand would clump together.
Xander Maxxx

Time, as you all know, is a human creation to deal with our human condition; finality

Incorrect. Time is NOT a human creation. It is a human word
used to describe an EXISTING physical dimension. If you revise
your statement I'll consider reading the rest of what you wrote.
Originally posted by Xander Max
Time, as you all know, ... all constructive criticism, but no insults or ridicule. If you can't be constructive, you're on the wrong web page.

Well, some details not withstanding, you basically just described Buddhism.
Or at least Buddha's version of Anatta (or soullessness), samsra (cycle of rebirth) and nibbana.

It's a pretty old (and obviously pretty strong) idea.

I suggest you read up on it some.