Inner War

Lerxst said:

I know EXACTLY what you are going through, your first post reads exactly like something I might say. You are not alone.

I have a book recommendation for you - a philosophy book by a brilliant mathematical/scientific/philosophical polymath, Martin Gardner, a huge personal hero of mine. He explores these same kinds of issues with much intelligence and care. Reading his book was a profound experience for me. It may not have answered a lot of questions, but it brought them into sharper focus for me.


Damn you Lerxst. Now I have to go spend money on his book. Thanks a bunch.
superluminal said:
Damn you Lerxst. Now I have to go spend money on his book. Thanks a bunch.


The book has some essays that are not related to religion but to politics and economics. I skipped those, not because they are poorly written but because they don't interest me.

The best chapters are about:

Solipsism (he rehjects)
Polytheism (he rejects)
Pantheism (he rejects)
The Paranormal (he rejects, of course - he is Martin Gardner!)
Free Will (he believes in)
Atheism (he rejects)
Immortality (he thinks is possible)
Prayer (he thinks is not foolish)

He's a fascinating guy, a very smart guy, and a great writer.