Inner Power *don't know what it means in English :P*

Cassie Calibre

Registered Member
nowadays people use guns and bombs to hit their enemy from distance..

but there are some people who can't be hurt by M-16 bullets.. i've heard it from a friend when he assigned outside Java.. damn i can't remember where.. but still in Indonesia..

a man.. shot by M-16 from a distance no more than 10 m and he still alive.. no blood .. bullet proof.. :eek:
Cassie Calibre said:
but there are some people who can't be hurt by M-16 bullets.. i've heard it from a friend when he assigned outside Java..

Ditch this friend of yours. He is high or dellusional...most likely: both.
well i trust him.. cuz i've seen people who slashed by a.. saber.. ?? don't know in english.. and he's fine ^^

once told to me.. human body has great power.. ow.. maybe the example is to far.. just see Indonesian act.. Kuda Lumping.. but it's rare now..
yes, and a friend of a friend once survived a nuclear assault. y'know, it was one of those ones my friends friends friends friends says he found out how it started and HIS friends got the names of the 12 men who really run the world.

his cousin is secret president of the US.
Cassie Calibre said:
.. human body has great power..

Yes it does but it has limits. Unless that man's body fat was made of kevlar surviving direct hit M-16 shells is impossible.

Agin...either you're laughing as you type this or really trusting of people.
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Perhaps the M-16 was loaded with training amunition, only blanks...

And there are no people who are immune to physical attacks, like a bullet or saber. (Well, if that saber wasn´t too sharp that is another issue...)
LOL.. yeah.. it's not logic ..

but people being slashed by a saber and have no wound is not logic too... i know he's slased by a good saber.. cuz i saw it..
It depends on how you get slashed, when you don´t get hit directly with the edge or if you contract your muscles you could emerge from the blow unscathed. Considering what those Shaolin monks do...

But still, if you strike a full-force blow on someone, he will be hurt if the edge is real.
Actually with the right equipment it might be possible to generate a "Bullet Dodge" however I wouldn't suggest anyone try it at home as I guess getting shot is both painful and quite lethal.

You just have to take into account that a bullet travelling towards its destination has to deal with the factors of atmospherics, if certain waveformations "stiffen" the bullets trajectory it would be possible to either slow the bullet down or curve it away from the designated target, however such an automated system dealing with a salavo of fire would have to be extremely quick to calculate so many bullets and even if it bends around the targe the system would have to check that no one else was in the line of fire.

(I did think about trying to invent such a system to enduce the futility of war by no one getting shot, howeer it would cost alot to setup the equipment to give you the "Neo ability".)
Cassie im afraid these minds are far too hard boiled to believe anything outside the normal box of life theyve been indoctrined to adhere to.

they are programmed to not believe anything that doesnt fit the "rules"
Cassie Calibre said:
well like they always said.. seeing is believing rite ? :D

I will pay your friend $1000 in cash (USD) if he lets me slash him with
a Sabre. I'll pay him an extra $5000 if he comes out unscathed. That's
$6000 for just standing there. If he really wont be harmed then its
free money. Let me know what you think.
Cassie Calibre said:
LOL.. yeah.. it's not logic ..

but people being slashed by a saber and have no wound is not logic too... i know he's slased by a good saber.. cuz i saw it..

... sorry but have though that i could have been just acting... i know know you saw it but... i saw a reenactmetn of the cival war once. that looked real ^^^
Crunchy Cat said:
I will pay your friend $1000 in cash (USD) if he lets me slash him with
a Sabre. I'll pay him an extra $5000 if he comes out unscathed. That's
$6000 for just standing there. If he really wont be harmed then its
free money. Let me know what you think.

*Bump* Hello? Offering free cash here...
Erm!?!, You guys are doing like some sort of "Anger management Therapy" using this guy that can "Defy lethal blows" as some form of "Punchbag", are you?

I would suggest that no one takes up Crunchy_Cat (or others) on this offer, otherwise could be reported as being similar to that Canabilism website that got some German to eat another Germans penis. (Yuck! :eek: )
Stryderunknown said:
Erm!?!, You guys are doing like some sort of "Anger management Therapy" using this guy that can "Defy lethal blows" as some form of "Punchbag", are you?

I would suggest that no one takes up Crunchy_Cat (or others) on this offer, otherwise could be reported as being similar to that Canabilism website that got some German to eat another Germans penis. (Yuck! :eek: )

Sheesh, everyone's a critic...
Crunchy, It was meant as a funny comment, although there is the potential of serious implications. (like people being Sued if someone got hurt etc) So I just had to make that known incase anyone actually starts "Trying this stuff at home".