Infringing upon free will

And just how were the customers to determine what was bias or not??? See? They can't/couldn't ...
I agree they ultimately couldn’t. A smart reader can get awfully close to the truth though. Decades after Watergate, there is no reason to believe that the reporting was biased.

For one thing, the wealthy have ALWAYS had a good grip on the news media ...never did the poor or even middle class have any kind of control.
Agreed. But during the Watergate era they let the reporters do unbiased reporting. Not anymore. Now journalists are strictly controlled on how/what they can report. During the Watergate era, if a journalist could not be unbiased, they quit. Now they are lapdogs. Iraq is building nukes says Rove? Then they are, and we’ll report it as fact!

So if because of that, the US is moving toward dictatorship, it's sure as hell moving awfully slow! The rich want things to stay as they are, it's where and how their wealth is accumulated and growing. A dictatorship, of most any form, would prevent that gain of wealth except for only a very few.
The rich want to get richer ever faster. They are accelerating their wealth gain by increasing their control on the media. They are learning how to convert the country into a dictatorship despite the Constitution. Republican voters are their biggest helpers!

In my view, the US is moving inexorably toward civil war. And not an uprising against the government, but a breaking up of the people into factions. It's evident all over this nation on so many different points and issues. And the news media is prodding this divisiveness by their biased reporting of events.
I agree! I call it a Civility War, and I think it’s a good thing. Republicans should be shunned by the rest of us for their Pavlovian belief in obviously biased or blatantly false reporting. Then they might learn that there are consequences for their ignorance, before all our freedoms are taken away.

They don't report the news, they slant it with political bias. That's abuse of power in the worst way!
I agree. Journalists should quit rather than slant. They are cowards compared to the journalists of yore.
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Now journalists are strictly controlled on how/what they can report. During the Watergate era, if a journalist could not be unbiased, they quit. Now they are lapdogs. Iraq is building nukes says Rove? Then they are, and we’ll report it as fact!

I always find statements like that so interesting ...because everywhere I turn, reporters are actually "fighting" the government, accusing the administration, overly reporting the violence in Iraq, arguing with the administration over most everything, ragging on the Bush Administration even when they try to do something good, and openly hostile to the government.

I think reporters during the Vietnam War did the same thing ...openly hostile to almost anything and everything that the government wanted to do. All-in-all, I think the US news media won the war for ol' Ho and his boys. The US won every single battle, every single action, yet the media wouldn't let us win the war by rousing public opinion against us.

If I had to decide, I'd have to say that the news media, in general, is holding a guerilla action against the USA!

Baron Max
I always find statements like that so interesting ...because everywhere I turn, reporters are actually "fighting" the government, accusing the administration, overly reporting the violence in Iraq, arguing with the administration over most everything, ragging on the Bush Administration even when they try to do something good, and openly hostile to the government.
I think the reporting nowadays is tame compared to yesteryear. The Bush admin openly lies over and over, yet it's not headline news. Only the stats for violence in Iraq are reported. During the Vietnam war the public saw the actual carpet bombing and flame-gunning of civilians. The US is brutally killing scads of kids every day in Iraq but we never see them die like we did in Vietnam. If the media reported that now, presumably the war would be even less popular.

The US won every single battle, every single action, yet the media wouldn't let us win the war by rousing public opinion against us.
Killing five million people who did nothing against us is "winning"? They were about to hold democratic & internationally monitored elections when the US took action to prevent it. The media did their job re Vietnam. If we had won that war, our own democracy may well have been next to be toppled.
During the Vietnam war the public saw the actual carpet bombing and flame-gunning of civilians.

Huh? When? Where?

The US is brutally killing scads of kids every day in Iraq...

Huh? When? Where?

Killing five million people who did nothing against us is "winning"?

Huh? When? Where?

I think ye're terribly caught up in some strange and weird rhetoric that you think is actually true ....I think that's called delusional, ain't it?

Baron Max
huh id don't agree on many things your goverment does, and i know any soldier can be trasformed into a monster butt i refuse to believe that us soldiers (allthough proven off horrible things) are killing kids.

If the public would actually seen pictures of the bombing in vietnam you really thing the world woudn't react?

Where is the US killing 5million people? I think you have to red your history books and get the numbrs on the right places.

BTW America should better get his soldiers the hell out of iraq. All that manpower could better be used in your homeland to help the needy.

What are you gonna do when some luny terrosrist takes a nuke on a boat and detonates at the statue of liberty. Get america safe first before playing police over the world.
BTW America should better get his soldiers the hell out of iraq. All that manpower could better be used in your homeland to help the needy.

We're helping the needy Iraqis who are being blown up by other Iraqis. You don't think that people being targeted by terrorists are "needy"?

Get america safe first before playing police over the world.

America is safe from Muslim terrorists. So now we're going after them in other nations of the world.

Baron Max
Huh? When? Where?
What's the use? If you don't know about it already, then you'd probably not believe it.

I watched the US carpet bomb on TV during the Vietnam War. The US killed, or caused to be killed, an estimated 4.7 million people during that war for profit.

Conservatively, the US has killed an average of 10 kids per day in Iraq since 2003. ((Iraq body count * 25%) / the number of days in 4 years.) The most the news shows is soldiers firing indiscriminately into homes. What they don't show is the kids bleeding to death as they scream for mommy.