Inflation is pseudoscience.

In a gas of electrons etc which is 2.7K it will emit photons of energy which equates to it's thermal signature of 2.7K. The photons which are hotter will be absorbed by the gas and then reemitted at the thermal signature of the gas. The hotter photons will heat the gas slightly but the expansion of the gas will constantly cool the system.

So the photons do lose energy but that's because the energy is constantly shifting between the gas and the photons and the gas is cooling as it expands.

Yet another simple physical system (ie basic statistical physics, taught in high school) you fail to understand and you make it clear you've made no attempt to learn or find out about.

Obviously you are inferior to a 10 year old when it comes to using a search engine...

Not a clue. :shrug:

Loser. :bawl:

I said photons lose energy though "cold interactions". You agreed, then said I don't understand. Just when I think you've hit bottom, you start digging again.
He considers anyone who knows science as either brain washed, a sock puppet, lying about what they do or simply quoting from websites and having no knowledge themselves.

His delusions go so far as to think I lie about completely innocuous things. For instance, he posted a lot on PhysOrg up to about May or June 2007. He then left for a couple of months. During that time I took a 5 week holiday to Canada and Alaska. Was great, had a wonderful time. After I got back, he returned a few months later. I mentioned in one of our 'discussions' I'd gone on holidays and he said "You're a liar! You just pretended to! You didn't really go!". As if, for some reason, I'd set up an elaborate lie to fool him when it seemed he'd left PhysOrg and I'd stopped posting for about a month to give the lie some justification.

Then there's his claim that he was the sole reason I posted outside of a particular forum, to the tune of about 1000 posts! Despite my instant citing of more than 300 posts, in just two threads, which weren't in conversation with him. There were more, but 2 threads was easy to link to. And yet he ignored that. :shrug:

He keep claiming I lied about my qualifications and what I do. Despite my posting of my degree certificate, which he claims is a fake because it's quite bland. Not that he checked with anyone what a Cambridge degree looks like. And he's never attempted to debunked all the evidence I provided I am doing a PhD. He just repeated "You can't do anything original!" without evidence. And refuses to go to the maths and physics section to discuss my work, despite multiple offers to discuss it from me. Of course he just says "String theory is wrong so your work, if you do any, is a waste of time". So he complains I don't provide original work because he won't discuss it! :shrug:

Then there's the claim I'm a moderator on PhysOrg because he got 3 warning in quick succession for insulting behaviour, which he thinks was because he 'proved me wrong and I didn't like it". Despite me having 3 warnings and being infinitely more disgusted with people like Farsight. StevenA, Precursor and DavidD on PhysOrg than I ever was with Kaneda. But it's all a cover story, apparently, because I banned him and an even more incoherent, delusional wacko called Nick. Of course the fact noone ever agreed with Kaneda, here or there, doesn't phase him. He keeps maintaining he proved me wrong by saying all the things he gets wrong here.

Then there's that inflation is a model which is the result of people finding errors in previous models. As if that isn't how science works. We found Newtonian theory was insufficient. Relativity was developed. We found classical electromagnetism was insufficient, quantum electrodynamics was developed. We found quantum electrodynamics was insufficient, electroweak theory was developed. The SM and GR are insufficient, string theory, LQG and Euclidean QG are being developed. It's as if he's complaining scientists update their work as new understanding and evidence is found.

Then there's the predictions of a theory which hasn't been observed. We're never seen strings, therefore it's stupid to research them. We've never seen the Higgs but it fits everything else so well it's taken very seriously by a lot of physicists. In 1915 we'd never seen evidence for GR but, on it's predictions, experiments were done and in 1919 we got some evidence. Dirac predicted antimatter in 1928, effectively doubling the number of particles in the universe. Surely that was crazy?! Then in 1932 we saw a positron for the first time. Again, it's as if Kaneda thinks the a theory which makes predictions is unscientific?

Then there's the claim I just Google for all my posts, even going so far to copy and paste from other websites, but cleverly editing enough to prevent people finding where I Googled it from. The fact I'm able to give direct answers to people's questions, do the quantitative stuff people ask, even going so far as to write lengthy code for someone's specific problem doesn't register with him. Somehow, if I haven't lied about doing a PhD, I've managed to fool professors and examiners for 6 years now. Apparently everything I say can be found by a "10 year old with a search engine" but Kaneda still has to ask me to provide evidence for inflation, as if he couldn't find it. So is he less capable than a 10 year old with a search engine? Why doesn't he understand things he should have found in textbooks, if he's well read in relativity and cosmology? Why does he make claims that things like models of perturbations in homogeneity in cosmology don't exist when it's something taught to undergraduates? Every one of these threads he starts has a misconception, omission or flat out lie in which he could easily correct if he bothered to look. But he doesn't, but then tells me, when I correct him, the information is easy to find. So why didn't you find it Kaneda? You say that because you didn't mention it doesn't mean you didn't know it, but when you ask "So where's the evidence/model for that then?" it implies that you don't think/know it exists. Like evidence for inflation in this thread.

No doubt he'll see this and just say I'm 'babbling' and that he proved me wrong and I banned him and it's all an elaborate conspiracy and I'm a website quoting liar. But all he does is just repeat his claims. Like his claim that inflation cannot explain light elements, despite that being one of its strongest and best predictions(!), but he cannot do the numbers to prove it, he never shows a post of his where he's worked through quantitative things or listed the string theorists who he claims fled the sinking ship of string theory (he said I was 'babbling' when I listed big string theorists who are still in the field, including Witten, so he didn't have to retort it properly) or that inflation should have never occured because it cannot expand the very dense early universe.

But despite having, supposedly, all this knowledge about physics being wrong, he won't enter in a £500 bet with me that he cannot get his work published in a reputable journal. Surely it's free money to him? Unless he's worried he won't win....

Better to stay quiet and have someone think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it. Loser. :bawl:
I see things wrong with expansion. I may ultimately see it as right but not at the moment. The only way I can see it working is with a hypersphere, which I doubt.
OK, and I'm not a hypersphere fan either. 3-space can be envisioned easily though and so if you look at expansion in purely Euclidean geometry and co-moving coordinates you can see that the separation of the galaxies complies.

So you are obviously having trouble with the separation of galaxies which implies you prefer a steady state solution. If that is the case take a minute and refresh my memory about what keeps the galaxies from collapsing into one huge hot mass?
Not a clue. :shrug:

Loser. :bawl:
As usual, you don't actually discuss the details of what I say, just say "Loser!".
I disagreed that photons can magically lose energy. Interacting with the universe to cool down and experiencing the expansion of the universe to match the CMB isn't what you claimed.

I can provide evidence that mainstream models the photons undergoing red shift to cool down, as well as experiencing interactions with charged particles. If you want to discuss details.
Better to stay quiet and have someone think you are a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it. Loser. :
And yet you opened your mouth. :shrug:

Can't you refute any of my criticism? Do you still think I lied about my holiday? Lied about my qualifications? Lied about being a mod on PhysOrg? Why won't you take my bet?
I am doubtful on expansion but I am also doubtful on steady state too so am open minded on it, testing ideas rather than just READing ONLY.

I always reconciled this problem with the following reasoning.

Everything in the universe is just a cycle on a cycle on a cycle. The earth revolves around the sun, the sun about the GC, and our galaxy around the local galactic cluster, and so on...

Perhaps the expansion (if its happening) that we observe today is merely the result of a much larger cycle of contraction/expansion we have not the lifetimes to observe. (Not a complete collapse, think more like a density wave) But Im not convinced this is the case, all I can say is I dont know.

These are all open questions, anyone who tells you they KNOW the answer is lying to you and themselves.
I always reconciled this problem with the following reasoning.

Everything in the universe is just a cycle on a cycle on a cycle. The earth revolves around the sun, the sun about the GC, and our galaxy around the local galactic cluster, and so on...

Perhaps the expansion (if its happening) that we observe today is merely the result of a much larger cycle of contraction/expansion we have not the lifetimes to observe. (Not a complete collapse, think more like a density wave) But Im not convinced this is the case, all I can say is I dont know.

These are all open questions, anyone who tells you they KNOW the answer is lying to you and themselves.
I like the tolerant attitude over the boastful egotist, regardless of how much science they know.

However, let's not forget that science is the subject and though complete agreement among even scientists never happens in theoretical areas, the value of the consensus should not be underestimated because really big science takes a ton of money and money follows the consensus IMHO.

There is a process to help a consensus form. People who are supposed to know more that the rest of us usually work in groups and meet through associations, read each others papers, correspond, and even meet over drinks and chat. The ones who pay the tabs are the ones who learn, the ones who teach drink free :). Just kidding, it is really a sharing of ideas and building on shared ideas.
As usual, you don't actually discuss the details of what I say, just say "Loser!".
I disagreed that photons can magically lose energy. Interacting with the universe to cool down and experiencing the expansion of the universe to match the CMB isn't what you claimed.

I can provide evidence that mainstream models the photons undergoing red shift to cool down, as well as experiencing interactions with charged particles. If you want to discuss details.
And yet you opened your mouth. :shrug:

Can't you refute any of my criticism? Do you still think I lied about my holiday? Lied about my qualifications? Lied about being a mod on PhysOrg? Why won't you take my bet?

It's becasue HE is the real looser. He hasn't a single shred of evidence to support anything the says, scientific or otherwise. He doesn't accept the expansion of the universe, the existance of the Doppler effect (though he will be quick to say "redshift when it suits his immediate purpose) and his case of paranoia is more than evident. He thinks the whole scientific world is out to get him when, in reality, it's him alone - through his gross ignorance - that's challenging the entire scientific communitity.

So labeling him a "looser" is actually a major understatment.
It's becasue HE is the real looser. He hasn't a single shred of evidence to support anything the says, scientific or otherwise. He doesn't accept the expansion of the universe, the existance of the Doppler effect (though he will be quick to say "redshift when it suits his immediate purpose) and his case of paranoia is more than evident. He thinks the whole scientific world is out to get him when, in reality, it's him alone - through his gross ignorance - that's challenging the entire scientific communitity.

So labeling him a "looser" is actually a major understatment.

''He doesn't accept the expansion of the universe, the existance of the Doppler effect (though he will be quick to say "redshift when it suits his immediate purpose) and his case of paranoia is more than evident.''

Niether did the infamous Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle. Was he a looser?

He was a genious.
OK, and I'm not a hypersphere fan either. 3-space can be envisioned easily though and so if you look at expansion in purely Euclidean geometry and co-moving coordinates you can see that the separation of the galaxies complies.

So you are obviously having trouble with the separation of galaxies which implies you prefer a steady state solution. If that is the case take a minute and refresh my memory about what keeps the galaxies from collapsing into one huge hot mass?

Distances are such that all galaxies are not in the gravitational range of all other galaxies. They move in all directions. However we have a fair number of photos of galaxies in collision and the space in them is such that two galaxies can emerge from a collision fairly intact, and possibly gain their shape back a billion years later.

A question for you. Why do we have walls of galaxies and why an 18 billion solar mass black hole if everything is drifting apart?
It's becasue HE is the real looser. He hasn't a single shred of evidence to support anything the says, scientific or otherwise. He doesn't accept the expansion of the universe, the existance of the Doppler effect (though he will be quick to say "redshift when it suits his immediate purpose) and his case of paranoia is more than evident. He thinks the whole scientific world is out to get him when, in reality, it's him alone - through his gross ignorance - that's challenging the entire scientific communitity.

So labeling him a "looser" is actually a major understatment.

Better to be a looser than a loser like you who cannot spell existence. Labelling him as that is an understatement. "Becasue" I assume was a typing error like I hope "communitity" in your mistake ridden post. At least you managed to spell "ignorance" correctly but I assume that is because you have been accused of it many times yourself.

Expansion from a big bang? What big bang?

Big Bang's Afterglow Fails Intergalactic 'Shadow' Test

Light travels at light speed. Always at light speed. What matter that the space it travels through in one second expands by a proton's width? Answer?

Your problem is that you are "read only". Definitely no thinking involved, so like AN, you just suck the lot up and spout it out, like an idiot parrot.
EndLightEnd. Unfortunately we have to work with a snapshot (of decades) of a universe that is somewhere over 13 billion years old. We have to guess what is happening based on various clues and hope we have the interpretation right.

We use Type 1A supernovae as a standard candle for distance but they are not standard. One was discovered with TWICE as much mass as normal, so making a far brighter explosion, so making astronomers think it was much further away. The dwarf star simply rotated faster, so could accommodate more mass. There are other reasons why such a nova might not be standard.

Quasar distances were shown as wrong as it was found that the redshift had a gravitational component included from their central black holes which gave it a far higher reading and so they appeared much further away.

And so on. Many blandly and unquestioningly accept what they are told, as though God himself were telling them, so infallibly right. Science does not advance by a bland acceptance of what is.
As usual, you don't actually discuss the details of what I say, just say "Loser!".

As you just deny what I say, it is not a lot of use. You look on your favourite internet sites, cannot find what I am saying there so decide I must be wrong. It's like trying to debate with a text book.

I disagreed that photons can magically lose energy. Interacting with the universe to cool down and experiencing the expansion of the universe to match the CMB isn't what you claimed.

What CMB?

A man with 50 years in the field pointed out that in hundreds of places, what the WMAP was supposedly reading for the CMB at the edge of the observable universe matched HI signatures in our own galaxy, so were almost certainly in our own galaxy. WMAP sounds like something you built.

I can provide evidence that mainstream models the photons undergoing red shift to cool down, as well as experiencing interactions with charged particles. If you want to discuss details.
And yet you opened your mouth. :shrug:

So you are backing away from redshift is caused by expansion only idea?

Can't you refute any of my criticism? Do you still think I lied about my holiday? Lied about my qualifications? Lied about being a mod on PhysOrg? Why won't you take my bet?

I can refute all your criticisms but not at a sufficiently low level that you would understand them. Where's a crayon and a bit of paper when you need it?

What did I say about your holiday? I might have slept through that bit as your posts are so interesting. Yawn!

Your posts lie about your qualifications. Where is any original knowledge in them?

I have explained why I think you were a mod there. Not simple enough it appears as you still don't understand. Crayons and paper anyone?

I have made a bet with you over coin tossing. Why won't you take it?
Distances are such that all galaxies are not in the gravitational range of all other galaxies. They move in all directions. However we have a fair number of photos of galaxies in collision and the space in them is such that two galaxies can emerge from a collision fairly intact, and possibly gain their shape back a billion years later.

A question for you. Why do we have walls of galaxies and why an 18 billion solar mass black hole if everything is drifting apart?
As you can tell from my posts on the “Cause of the Big Bang” thread, I freely offer alternatives to BBT. On my Pseudoscience thread, “Mass has gravity”, I go off on a completely alternative cosmology. My answer to your question comes from my view of the circumstances of early expansion and the cause of the big bang.

This is speculation and not meant to warp young minds who haven’t already formed a good understanding of the standard theory. I speculate that our observable universe is only one arena in a greater universe where such arenas are the rule and not the exception. I speculate that a big crunch formed, reached a mass/energy density limit that caused mass to cease functioning at the quantum level and therefore caused gravity to fail in the extremely high density at the core. The outer portion of the big crunch was slow to give way to the growing potential “burst” energy locked in its core.

When the burst occurred which is the cause of expansion, the locking of quantum action was not complete and so when the repressed quantum action overcame the diminished gravitational compression there was material that did not get completely negated into core energy. That material could account for the large structure observed in the WMAP data.

To answer the second part of your question for me, you can equate the huge black holes that we are discovering to a very tiny indication that my pet big crunches are formed from the galactic remnants of arenas. The older an arena gets the larger and more frequent black holes would become. Gravity can easily affect a local group of galaxies and form clusters and a cluster over time could merge due to local gravity. Huge black holes would result.

I hope that you can see from my answers to your question that the observations you use that seem to raise doubt about expansion can also fit into an expansion scenario. In fact they can support the alternative ideas about the cause of expansion that I speculate about.

Whether or not there is expansion is a battle that is pretty much over because a consensus has been formed and money supports the consensus. Pick your battles wisely if you want to insist on a steady state. My view is that the greater universe complies with the spirit of the steady state model, but my model adds a level of order beyond one single expanding universe to speculate that the landscape of the greater universe is an infinite multi-verse where local contraction forms arenas that burst and galaxies that form during expansion use expansion momentum to travel back out into the greater universe.
My view is that the greater universe complies with the spirit of the steady state model, but my model adds a level of order beyond one single expanding universe to speculate that the landscape of the greater universe is an infinite multi-verse where local contraction forms arenas that burst and galaxies that form during expansion use expansion momentum to travel back out into the greater universe.

Interesting concept. Similar to my idea except that I believe we are already part of a larger structure, not moving into it.
Interesting concept. Similar to my idea except that I believe we are already part of a larger structure, not moving into it.
Except that we could tell if we were already out there.

Expansion appears to be occurring at the same rate no matter which direction we look. If you take the view that I was describing, we would still be within our expanding arena heading for the greater universe where the energy density of our arena would finally become equalized with the lower energy density of the greater universe.

When that equalization occurs between our arena and the greater universe, our remnant galaxies and us (if Earth survives or we escape) will begin to mix and merge with other remnant galaxies and we will see uniform contraction toward a central point from all directions.

We don't see that yet :). Don't hold your breath either; can you say trillions of years?

This whole scenario is speculation and should not be considered science and should not be allowed to influence you until you have a good understanding of the standard cosmology.