Inflation is pseudoscience.

Invisible demons are holding us down. Evidence is that we do not float off into space. An explanation without evidence is just guesswork.
The CMB's power spectrum, it's density perturbations and the distribution of light elements doesn't count as evidence in your work then?
Umm. the fact that every other galaxy is moving away from us is not evidence? hmm.
Why don't you google Humiston, Hubble. and "redshift" first. Then you may know why we are sure the universe is indeed expanding.
Umm. the fact that every other galaxy is moving away from us is not evidence? hmm.
Why don't you google Humiston, Hubble. and "redshift" first. Then you may know why we are sure the universe is indeed expanding.

He wouldn't believe any of it even if the did bother to read it - which he won't. He won't even acknowledge the existence of the Doppler effect. I've argued with him about it until I finally grew sick of his ignorance. Even pointing out that it's the basis for the newest generation of weather and other radars along with some speed detection device used by law enforcement had no effect on his overly-dense skull.

For him the redshift is nothing more than the worn-out concept of "tired light."

Keep in mind that this is the SAME person who claims that all the professional scientists are conspiring together to keep the public from knowing the real truth about science. And he also totally disdains EVERY scientific textbook (which he always stupidly breaks into two words: "text books") is nothing more than the regurgitation of old, outdated ideas. :bugeye:

He's on my ignore list and not worth responding to. I'd never have seen this if it hadn't been for the replies.
All made up because it was necessary for the big bang idea to work.
Inflation in BBT does seem to be a necessary fix in order to make what we observe, i.e. the CMBR at ~2.7 degrees in all directions, to be causally connected to the Big Bang. Without superluminal expansion often referred to as exponential expansion or inflation, 13.7 billion years would not be enough time for the thermalizaton of the background that we observe without inflation. I'm pretty sure that is what you are getting at.

For the record though let's clear up what you mean.

Expansion is apparent; do you agree or do you think is it tired light as R-O said?
Pseudoscience includes a lot of things if you take pieces of the bigger puzzle and evaluate them individually. In this case the bigger puzzle is Big Bang Theory with Inflation that is not abandoned but is modified as old and new puzzle pieces fit into place. BBT will continue to be the standard until some new and better cosmology gains acceptance.

The next “standard” cosmology will simply put the same puzzle pieces together in a way that improves the fit of the interlocking pieces with maybe a single new piece being the turning point. Whether that new piece comes from string theory, inflation theory, quantum mechanics, or some old idea like steady state or some combination of ideas that fit in a new way, the puzzle will slowly be put together in a new way based on new insight.

What won’t happen is that the old standard will immediately be forgotten and the new standard universally accepted. It will take decades for a new and “enlightened” generation to gain the consensus. And I put enlightened in quotes because the final answer is probably unknowable. Still our inquisitive minds will never stop searching, so the standard cosmology will continue to evolve and will always be the current “enlightenment” to which the clan of the cave bears points to as the final answer.

Two contributors to the slow rate of change in the consensus in spite of the rapid rate of new and better knowledge are ego and investment. Ego of everyone who thinks that they truly understand; I included. And investment of two kinds, one of rigor to arrive at our place of knowledge which we often value more that common sense, and the other is investment in resources to advance knowledge which can’t always be turning on a dime.

Quit being offended, quit the ego trip, quit obstructing progress and just accept what I tell you; these are the ultimate “ain’t never gonna happen” scenarios.
tired light.

light works the same way as sound. sound can't travel infinite distances. when it travels it fades out more and more. same with light when it travels through the ether that we call empty space. it loses energy.
light works the same way as sound. sound can't travel infinite distances. when it travels it fades out more and more. same with light when it travels through the ether that we call empty space. it loses energy.

Umm, not quite. Sound does not travel through space, light does.
Just like general relativity was made up to make special relativity work. That's how science works. You have a model which predicts/models some phemonena. You measure the phenomena and compare with your model. If it works, you continue. If not, you go back to your model and see if you can alter it to work. Just like we added the weak sector to QED after we found out that the Fermi model didn't work. If you cannot tweak the model, you start again.

You seem to fail to grasp how physics works. But then that's not surprising considering you've neve studied it and you cannot do it.
Umm. the fact that every other galaxy is moving away from us is not evidence? hmm.
Why don't you google Humiston, Hubble. and "redshift" first. Then you may know why we are sure the universe is indeed expanding.

I thought we were talking inflation here. Is it possible that you do not know the difference between inflation and expansion?
He's on my ignore list and not worth responding to. I'd never have seen this if it hadn't been for the replies.

You've said I'm on your ignore list a number of times but you keep coming back. You're on my bore list. Number 2. Guess who's number one?
Sound does not travel through space, light does.

yes, but that's not the point. the point is that both lose energy when they travel in a medium. sound loses energy when it travels in air, and light loses energy when it travels in space.

how much energy they "lose" depends on the medium, the density etc. for example, sound loses so much energy in space that it can't travel at all in space, and light can't travel through iron for example, but sound can.
Made up stuff isn't necessarily pseudoscience, it's hypothesis.

There are people here who demand evidence and proof for what they do not believe in but are willing to accept made up stuff for what they do believe in.
Inflation in BBT does seem to be a necessary fix in order to make what we observe, i.e. the CMBR at ~2.7 degrees in all directions, to be causally connected to the Big Bang. Without superluminal expansion often referred to as exponential expansion or inflation, 13.7 billion years would not be enough time for the thermalizaton of the background that we observe without inflation. I'm pretty sure that is what you are getting at.

For the record though let's clear up what you mean.

Expansion is apparent; do you agree or do you think is it tired light as R-O said?

I think it is possible that after trillions of interactions with atomic material at 2.7K that light might lose energy. Some people however believe it is magic and that light cannot lose energy.

What is the temperature of space away from the sun's heat? 2.7K. Yet we see the CMB as it was over 13 billion years ago before expansion should have made it cool down at the same temperature.

You have countless trillions of stars pouring out matter and energy for billions of years and some think it all just vanishes. Why not a haze visible due to distance? I have similar hazes here some mornings where I can see no haze close up but there is a wall of mist a mile away.

Space seems to be tied in with light speed as in EMR and gravity. I suspect that superluminal expansion for space is impossible.

I am doubtful on expansion but I am also doubtful on steady state too so am open minded on it, testing ideas rather than just READing ONLY.
light works the same way as sound. sound can't travel infinite distances. when it travels it fades out more and more. same with light when it travels through the ether that we call empty space. it loses energy.

Sound quickly loses energy as it is transferred atom to atom, molecule to molecule. Photons cannot lose speed but can lose energy. This is done by red shifting. There are some who believe that light can have endless collisions, endless interactions and never lose energy. Tired light works on the more interactions over distance, the more the red shift. A measure of distance but not of expansion.

There is a site which claims to debunk tired light but it is embarrassingly awful.