Indonesian Drug War

Jolly Rodger

Seriously, has anyone been following what has been happening with that Australian girl in Indonesia?
Last year she got caught with a lot of pot over 4kg, she is now being in court over that now although, in Indonesia all they are saying about the trial is that she has no hope of winning and she is gong to be facing the death penalty, I mean um, death penalty? She should be punished although, death penalty I don’t think so.

I mean does anyone remember the Bali Bombing? You know where over one hundred people were critically injured and of 30 people were killed (I think it is more but would hate to exaggerate)? Well the guilty that was caught for that in Bali was given a few years in prison, and he admitted to it all, when there was a person in court telling the judge what happened on the night of the bombs, this guy would laugh at their pain.

Australians should round up all the Indonesians and give them a year’s sentence in prison for having black hair. It makes as much sense or just send all the little monkeys back to their own country

Heard about this recently, bad news...

In all fairness, while I respect what she is doing, Indonesia is one of the most totalitarian states out there. Not a smart thing to do. Revolution needs to come from within Indonesia.
top mosker said:
In all fairness, while I respect what she is doing...
Not a smart thing to do.
If you've assumed she is guilty why would you respect her? Just what is it do you think she is doing?
Jolly Rodger said:
Well the guilty that was caught for that in Bali was given a few years in prison, and he admitted to it all...
A good point, it would seem there are different laws for locals and foreigners.
Also Australia just threw millions of dollars to them with that whole tsunami appeal thingy, I mean you think they would like Australians there...
Evil little monkeys!!!
Why not just stick her face in a frying pan and then throw her into a blender?

After all, she was looking for a different experience, was she not?
§outh§tar said:
Why not just stick her face in a frying pan and then throw her into a blender?

After all, she was looking for a different experience, was she not?

Sorry I dont understand??

Even if she is guilty, which i really have no idea if she is or is not, it is bullshit that she should face a firing squad and this mass murder got a few tears in prison.

What does a frying pan and blender have to do with it?
Jolly Rodger said:
Sorry I dont understand??

Even if she is guilty, which i really have no idea if she is or is not, it is bullshit that she should face a firing squad and this mass murder got a few tears in prison.

What does a frying pan and blender have to do with it?

You obviously have no idea how justice works - did you actually think justice is "blind"?

Stop judging the moral system of Indonesia using the moral system of your own culture - as if such a comparison even makes sense! When you are done eyeballing apples and oranges, then and only then might you even have a valid point to make. I am sure the Romans thought crucifying rebellious slaves was "justice" too. One thing you should learn: society determines justice; different societies will have different conceptions of justice. There is no 'universal' morality to be spoken of.

As for sticking her in a frying pan and chopping her up in a blender, I'm only advocating that because she is a dumb slut and deserves to be raped by truckers. But that's beside the point.
Well, maybe when misfortune hit them, the World shouldn't have intervened. After all, pain is determined by culture. Stoics thought pain was good and definitely bearable. We shouldn't have judged them. There is no 'universal' pain to be spoken of. Who are we to interfere?

You cannot 'judge' others otherwise but by your own culture. Of course, Romans thought crucifying rebellious slaves was justice. That doesn't mean I cannot criticise this thought, yes, based on my own culture. The witch hunting, the Inquisition, the Nazi way of delivering justice to the world, all of these were 'judged' and, surprise, found guilty. Indonesian "law" is no better.
§outh§tar said:
As for sticking her in a frying pan and chopping her up in a blender, I'm only advocating that because she is a dumb slut and deserves to be raped by truckers. But that's beside the point.

No that's not besides the point, nothing of what you say makes a point, unless you were rapped by truckers?? and you think you did nothing to deserve it so anyone that does anything bad deserves to be rapped by truckers???

Is that a point you silly tart?
§outh§tar said:
I'm only advocating that because she is a dumb slut .
You subscribe to the notion that those who are brought to court are certainly guilty? Or, was the fact that she chose to visit Indonesia what identifies her as dumb? Or, do you have copies of her IQ tests? I'm just trying to ascertain how you know she is 'dumb'.
Jolly Rodger said:
Seriously, has anyone been following what has been happening with that Australian girl in Indonesia?
Last year she got caught with a lot of pot over 4kg, she is now being in court over that now although, in Indonesia all they are saying about the trial is that she has no hope of winning and she is gong to be facing the death penalty, I mean um, death penalty? She should be punished although, death penalty I don’t think so.
Corby claims that the marijuana was placed in her boogie board bag after it was checked in at Brisbane airport. So somewhere between her leaving the bag at the counter and her picking it up in Denpasar airport 4 kilograms of dope was placed in the bag. Hmmm, now if she did place the drugs in her bag, she's an idiot for doing so. Indonesia, as do many countries in Asia, have the death penalty for bringing drugs into the country. It's widely known. It's not as though she would not have known because I remember going to Bali a few years back and when I received notice of it when I picked up my ticket... a notice in the form of a letter stating that in Indonesia, drug trafficking can result in the death penalty. I don't know of anyone in this country who's ever visited Bali and not been told of this. Lets face it, 4 kgs is not an amount one can claim is for personal use, no matter how big a bong you may be smoking. However if indeed she was correct and it was placed in the bag after she'd checked it in, she should be found to be innocent. However here in lies the problem. The weight of the bag at check in was the same as the weight of the bag after she'd arrived in Bali. If it was 4 kgs lighter, she would have been released. Hmmm... could it be that she was that dumb and took the drugs in with her? Like the Chambelaine case, we'll just never know.

I mean does anyone remember the Bali Bombing? You know where over one hundred people were critically injured and of 30 people were killed (I think it is more but would hate to exaggerate)?
202 people died and hundreds more injured. Not 30 and not just over 100 injured.

Well the guilty that was caught for that in Bali was given a few years in prison, and he admitted to it all, when there was a person in court telling the judge what happened on the night of the bombs, this guy would laugh at their pain.
Ermm no. They got the death penalty by way of a firing squad. But because the laws they enacted after the bombing were not seen to be retroactive in this case, they are now going to be charged under existing laws and the main characters in the crime will still get the death penalty. It just wont be under Indonesia's new anti-terrorism laws. And it was not just one person involved in the bombing.

Australians should round up all the Indonesians and give them a year’s sentence in prison for having black hair. It makes as much sense or just send all the little monkeys back to their own country
Correction. Australians should round up all gormless individuals such as yourself and put you in a detention centre in fear that you will corrupt society with your genes. That to me would make a lot more sense.

Also Australia just threw millions of dollars to them with that whole tsunami appeal thingy, I mean you think they would like Australians there...
The girl went to another country and broke the law in that country and she should now face the penalty for breaking that law. She was not the first and she won't be the last. Her being Australian should not have anything to do with it. She should not get special treatment because of her country of origin on her passport. Liking Australians means diddly squat. She went there with 4 kilograms of marijuana in her luggage, thereby breaking the law in Indonesia. If an Indonesian came to this country with 4 kilograms of marijuana in their luggage, should they be let off because their country suffered so much after the tsunami? Of course not. When you visit a foreign country you are forced to obey the laws of that country. You are but a visitor to their shores. The least she could have done was to respect those laws and not taken the drugs in.
Bells said:
Correction. Australians should round up all gormless individuals such as yourself and put you in a detention centre in fear that you will corrupt society with your genes. That to me would make a lot more sense.


Well I am glad it would make sense to you since you have such strong views on different countries have different laws. The Australians would have to get me from France you nit wit....

If you think drug trafficking deserves the death penalty, and killing (I stand corrected) "202 people" is a comparable crime than I thing it is your genes that will be corrupting society my friend!!
Indonesians are a fucking audacious bunch.
Not only is there this thing with schappelle corby(and she's obviously innocent, not that guilt would warrant death by firing squad anyway, she's an australian and thus automatically allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants in shithole indonesia), but they're also using our aid money to fund guerrila attacks on tribes in new guinea, who are our friends.
I think we should put all indonesians in australia into concentration camps and then invade indonesia and get our billion dollars back, through blood if need be. With Indonesian lives only being worth about 25 cents it's a large project to consider undertaking.
But it's something that needs to be done IMHO.
Moral of the story:
Never, ever, vacation in Indonesia. Or, in any predominately muslim country.
Nonsense. I lived and worked in Indonesia in the 70s. I've visited several times since. The country is beautiful, the people are friendly. The moral of the story is either:
Don't wander the planet with 4kgs of pot
Don't associate with people likely to plant 4kgs of pot on you.
Indonesia may be a nice place although i think this has nothing to do with the subject , as i said

Jolly Rodger said:
Even if she is guilty, which i really have no idea if she is or is not, it is bullshit that she should face a firing squad and this mass murder got a few years in prison.
(Does a lack of a title make this titless?)

This is why I'm a liberal.

Seriously. I find this sort of sh@t abhorrent.

Hell, in this country, only about seven years ago, a state legislator introduced a bill that prescribed dismemberment as a sentence for drug trafficking. It didn't pass.

I'm looking for another bill; I might find it. There was a federal bill proposed that would have made drug trafficking over international borders (specifically, coming into the U.S.) a capital crime.

Hell, why not send the woman home to Australia and let them deal with it? Why waste the bullets?
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Jolly Rodger said:
If you think drug trafficking deserves the death penalty, and killing (I stand corrected) "202 people" is a comparable crime than I thing it is your genes that will be corrupting society my friend!!
Drug traffickers, via the drugs they sell, kill more people than the 202 people who died in the Bali bombings. They ruin more lives on a daily basis. Do I think drug trafficking should be a capital offence? That's beside the point. The point in this case however is that Indonesia has the death penalty for the crime of drug trafficking. It's something that is widely known. Therefore when visiting their shores, you must respect their laws and traditions, just as all tourists and visitors to your country and mine must obey the laws of said country. Corby flew into the country with 4 kgs of pot in her luggage. 4 kgs of pot goes a bit beyond personal use when on holidays for a couple of weeks.

As I said before, had the records of her airline from Brisbane airport showed that her boogie board bag was 4 kgs lighter upon her checking in her luggage, she would have been released by now. So either she is lying and was trafficking or acting like a drug mule for someone else, or she's an idiot for not realising that her boogie board was that much heavier. Who in the hell would not realise that a boogie board bag weighed that much? Those things are so light, as are their bags. 4 kgs does make quite a difference in any piece of luggage.

As for your comparison to the sentences of the Bali bombings... What you fail to understand Jolly is that the Bali bombers will get the death penalty, just not under the terrorism laws that were enacted after the bombings occured. They have been charged and will be tried for murder under laws that existed at the time of the bombings, instead of being charged for the act of terrorism because the terrorism laws were not in fact retroactive. Murder in Indonesia DOES carry the death penalty. Décidément, c'est tres difficile de vous faire compredendre. Je suppose c'est parce que vous êtes Français. Mais ça je suppose, est un autre sujet...
tiassa said:
This is why I'm a liberal.

Seriously. I find this sort of sh@t abhorrent.

Hell, in this country, only about seven years ago, a state legislator introduced a bill that prescribed dismemberment as a sentence for drug trafficking. It didn't pass.

I'm looking for another bill; I might find it. There was a federal bill proposed that would have made drug trafficking over international borders (specifically, coming into the U.S.) a capital crime.

Hell, why not send the woman home to Australia and let them deal with it? Why waste the bullets?
You're right, there is a sense of disgust in this case. There are many people who think that drug traffickers should be put to death. I had an aunt who's son had fought for long to get off drugs, only to have traffickers pound on his door each time he came home from rehab, to offer him more drugs because he had been one of their best clients and when he'd refuse to buy, they'd beat him up or threaten my aunt who'd try and shoo them off or call the police. In the end, my aunt's son died from a drug overdose after he'd been off it for many years. She had been one of those people who'd found the death penalty abhorrent. After she had seen what the traffickers could do and what they did to her son and her family, she used to comment that they deserved the death penalty. Many think it should be a capital offence for such reasons. I personally don't think so. I say throw the bigwigs who run the drug cartels in jail for life with hard labour and no possibility of release unless it's in a coffin. This should also be applicable to dealers who sell and peddle to young children. But that's just my personal opinion.

As for sending Corby home? Heh... The Australian Government has stayed very quiet in this regard. They've done absolutely nothing to help her, aside from having the embassy officials pay her visits in jail every now and then. No plea has been made for mercy on her behalf, nor has there been any demand that she be sent home to face charges here for drug possession, which would probably see her out of jail either immediately or in a couple of years. Australia, Tiassa, is in the middle of trying to strengthen and make all lovey dovey with the Indonesian Government, in light of the fact that our two Governments have always been in a state of polite hostility.