

Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
What is an Indigo Child and Crystal Child?
I think it is supposed to be the next step in human evolution.
Is there anything beyond it? What is it called if you are super advanced? Like have lots of skill at everything.
Actually, you should read about Friedrich Nietzsche's theory of teleological evolution and the übermensch. You would probably love to jack off to it.
What is an Indigo Child and Crystal Child?
I think it is supposed to be the next step in human evolution.
Is there anything beyond it? What is it called if you are super advanced? Like have lots of skill at everything.

Human evolution is self guided and unlimited.

Indigos are the breed that are currently young adults, people around our age range.

Crystals are the new generation.

This is very much like generation X, generation Y etc, taken to the divine level.
Brains and individuals don't evolve. Populations do.

Indigo Children is a "book" written by a charlatan who claims to channel some dead spirit. The author claims that "indigo children," referring to the hue their "aura" gives off, are some sort of evolutionary advancement in humanity. The idea has gained popularity among teens because it includes that kids diagnosed as ADHD are this new "breed."

Suddenly, the Ritilan junkies and kids pushed aside by impatient and incompetent teachers have a hero within themselves and a reason to pretend being special. The irony is that most ADHD diagnosed kids are already special without having to appeal to evolutionary mutant nonsense if only they'd have a little confidence in themselves in spite of the BS they deal with from others.

The indigo child nonsense is poppycock and hasn't a shred of evidence to support it. It is fantasy.
I just know you're going to back all this up with evidence.

Study neuroscience.
It's not like we don't change at all over time, it's more that each generation has slight changes, but not major.

Basically, just like how we know autism is real right?
Indigo children are those smart kids that are born to couples of limited education. So they have a hardtime coping with all the questions the kids throw at the parents and look for solutions by people who like to exploit the situation.

If an average couple (IQ of 100) have kids that have IQ of 140 or more, then the parents will have a hard time coping with the kids. But the same kids could be below normal when they go to study engineering or medicine.

Recent genetic research says that our individual genetic makeup can vary as much as 10% which is a lot different that the variation of 0.01% as was thought a few years ago. If 1% to 2% can make the difference between a monkey and a man - think about what 10% can do.
Study neuroscience.
It's not like we don't change at all over time, it's more that each generation has slight changes, but not major.

Basically, just like how we know autism is real right?

I have and do study neuroscience. Let me explain what you just claimed that neuroscience doesn't support.

* Evolution is responsible for the presence of Indigo Children.
* Indigo Children are space aliens.
* Indigo Children are psychic
* Psychic powers exist.

For Crystal Children on the other hand:

* Evolution is responsible for the presence of Crystal Children.
* Crystal Children can read Souls.
* Souls exist.

There are more fantastic claims that come with this and I think this will be enough to chew on for now.
I dont see any reason why someone couldnt have a neurological genetic mutation which set them ahead of the pack. But hmm indigo children seems like abit of stretch, im inclined to agree with skin_walker, although i dont really know enough about the subject to say either way.
i think ther are two likely causes to the indigo scenario

message here is that i think the adhd child is a likely victom of misdirected guidance ( homelife inadiquacies) or , the likely effects of ,or and environinmental factors not to mention radical theories that the earths magnetics are changin .Why else is it we are hearing so much about things like planet x and , the invention of super conductors and zero point energy ?Con trails? or chemical exposure ?Harp?.Or maybe kids are spoiled to some degree now thars a wrench in the works of normal desiplined learning potentiality isnt it?
take any one of these issues and its serious enough . Maybethares a lot of what used to be called burnout "!!!...if thar is a major disastor in store for earthling such as a polar shift then maybe all the foolishness is normal fare perliminarie ?i dare say any race naive enough to declare war on arabe nations is asking for some dire consequences as a result (ie trying to get us poisoned maybe?) plese keep in mind this isnt a football game its hard ball and its anybodys game ... LOL Im think if thars a superconductor then its just likely geo changes issues in the earth itsself that energy production magnates are trying too cloud up... what say yee?... now..?
Recent genetic research says that our individual genetic makeup can vary as much as 10% which is a lot different that the variation of 0.01% as was thought a few years ago. If 1% to 2% can make the difference between a monkey and a man - think about what 10% can do.

10% variation between individuals within a population is not comparable to variation rates between populations. The Homo sapiens species is has a genetic code that can have variation in expression among phenotypes and alleles, but the comparison of H. sapiens to, say, Pan troglodytes is of the variation of the base code, not the expression rate of individual alleles and phenotypes.
Human evolution is self guided and unlimited.

Indigos are the breed that are currently young adults, people around our age range.

Crystals are the new generation.

This is very much like generation X, generation Y etc, taken to the divine level.
Crystals are becoming more common. It's not like they are completely new. Jesus, for example, was probably a Crystal...
Brains and individuals don't evolve. Populations do.

Indigo Children is a "book" written by a charlatan who claims to channel some dead spirit. The author claims that "indigo children," referring to the hue their "aura" gives off, are some sort of evolutionary advancement in humanity. The idea has gained popularity among teens because it includes that kids diagnosed as ADHD are this new "breed."

Suddenly, the Ritilan junkies and kids pushed aside by impatient and incompetent teachers have a hero within themselves and a reason to pretend being special. The irony is that most ADHD diagnosed kids are already special without having to appeal to evolutionary mutant nonsense if only they'd have a little confidence in themselves in spite of the BS they deal with from others.

The indigo child nonsense is poppycock and hasn't a shred of evidence to support it. It is fantasy.
Unfortunately, Ritalin makes them brain dead.... :rolleyes: