Indigo and crystal children.

Okay, sorry for the attack, I just read that again and remembered what mood I was in then. I respect that you don't have religion, but you seem to think that religion = delusion. Not always the case. I believe in god (I'm a christian, since you brought it up) simply because I think his existence makes perfectly logical sence. Not because I'm despreate for an anchor, or I need something to fight for, I simply acknowledge his existence. Dito Jesus Christ and the validity of his teachings. Does this mean that I think all muslims, jews and buhdists should burn in hell? Of course not, they have the same belief, but like christianity, it has been tarnished by human influence.

Indigo and crystal people are just another jab outward from the central belief in God, caused by very visionary people. Unfortunatly, this jab might be harmful to those children.
Yes, magma babies...and why not a sciencebaby, or McDonaldsbaby...
(On a sidenote, soon if not already, people will get payed for having company logos tattooed.)

Why do you think this is dangerous? Is it dangerous ot call a person Pete, because then this person is forever doomed to Pete-hood?

Nobody has even said that one should call the children directly indigos, it's a term for the nature of their attributes. You don't call a black child black, it's apparent anyway.

The reason you call someone something is to identify them, when is this becoming dangerous to children? When you obsess about it perhaps, but recognising newly developed abilities in a child is not the same as obsessing. It's doesn't have to be obsessing or ignoring, there can be a golden middleway too.

It's impossible to raise a child without imposing your own ideas and values to it. If that is what you think you are doing then that is the idea you are imposing.
Bebelina said:
Yes, magma babies...and why not a sciencebaby, or McDonaldsbaby...
(On a sidenote, soon if not already, people will get payed for having company logos tattooed.)

Why do you think this is dangerous? Is it dangerous ot call a person Pete, because then this person is forever doomed to Pete-hood?

Nobody has even said that one should call the children directly indigos, it's a term for the nature of their attributes. You don't call a black child black, it's apparent anyway.

The reason you call someone something is to identify them, when is this becoming dangerous to children? When you obsess about it perhaps, but recognising newly developed abilities in a child is not the same as obsessing. It's doesn't have to be obsessing or ignoring, there can be a golden middleway too.

It's impossible to raise a child without imposing your own ideas and values to it. If that is what you think you are doing then that is the idea you are imposing.

There is a (maybe not too subtle) difference between naming a child and influencing the childs belief of 'what' they are in comparison to others.

There is certainley nothing wrong in explaining to children that their abilities are learned from the abilities of the generations that have come before them, like standing on the shoulders of giants. Parents throughout the ages have noticed how children assimilate more and more information and appear to be more 'enlightened than the parents own previous generation. Unfortunately, the current climate of 'alternative' thinking is causing some adults to read too much into this.

The fall of man continues as the divisions increase in number and size ! The meme of 'indigo children' divides rather than unites. Some people have far too much time on their hands and it is interesting how they assign values to the concepts that only arise because of all this leisure time!
Bebelina said:
Yes, magma babies...and why not a sciencebaby, or McDonaldsbaby...
(On a sidenote, soon if not already, people will get payed for having company logos tattooed.)

Why do you think this is dangerous? Is it dangerous ot call a person Pete, because then this person is forever doomed to Pete-hood?

It depends on the definition of 'Dangerous' being used. I would assert that
informing a child of or expecting a child to have the 'attributes':

"These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity.

They function as a group consciousness...

Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic...

Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras.

their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity

They come at this time as a "special assignment" team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional "New Earth".

Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution.

This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness,

The Crystal children, on the other hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. They are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension which represents Universal Consciousness.

The Future Crystal child will be known as a "Rainbow Crystal" being. This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. There are Rainbow Crystal beings already on planet Earth, but they are yet to open into their full potential.

that they are, in other words, Angels in human form."

are wonderful ways to misalign the child's notion of expected reality
vs. actual reality. I will predict that the average child whom is exposed
in either way to this nonsense is going to produce results that are
substandard compared to their 'normal' counterparts.
Maybe we should 'teach' monkeys to know that they are intellectually superior to mice, or maybe by doing so it would actually create a divide and monkeys would then be unable to 'be' part of nature and act accordingly.
On another note I don't see how this could be more harmfull to a child than telling it that his real father is some guy called God who sees it all the time and realy does love it but won't hesitate to let it burn in hell for eternity if it does something naughty or gets the notion that God isn't a real manifest entitiy who is at the same time not an entity but the singulartiy-like creator of all entities that yet retains a distinctly 'human' character of an emotion-feeling, ultra superior and non-judgementaly judging male...
I wonder if there is a correlation between 'believers' and those folks who
grow up to be consultants.
Urgh, I thought I had escaped from that website for good. And here it is again! :( Frankly it all sounds like a load of nonsense to me. I don't see any reason to believe there is something special about people with these specific characteristics any more than there is reason to believe that there is something special about people with other characteristics.
I understand your fears.
I personally haven't heard of any organisation of crystal skulls and chaos magic connected to this new consciousness. For me it represents the evolution of humanity. The psychic abilities ( I don't like to use the term "powers") are a part of this evolution, not the main goal. The "main goal" is an enhanced awareness, a raised consciosuness. Human evolution never stops, this is just the next step.
Predators in society will always try to abuse whatever they can, but we can't let them control us by our fears. Fearing the reaction of society isn't a good growingground for love either. And predators along with society will eventually evovle too.
I'm also against labelling children in any way, one should always be careful with the children. But the same way we encourage other positive qualities in the children, their talents etc, we should aslo encourage this and not repress it in favour of fear of society and predators.
Children believe what you tell them , so my advice is tell them they are great while they are still very young and they will carry that for the rest of there lives. The meek will inherit the earth , Isn't that what they say.
The Dead Walk! The thread has come back to life!


If this man could appear more frightened at the resurrection of a thread, he would.
I'm one of these so called Indigo children. My penis has an Indigo glow. My powers include: Cock push-ups, and blowing fire out of my ass hole.
I'm glad you said linked, because what I have been saying is pretty smart for being me six years ago.
Children believe what there parents tell them. If you tell your child " You are bad they will do there best to live up to your expectations of being bad. If you tell them they are good they will do the same and try very hard to live up to the belief. I test this all the time with every child I talk to and just from the smallest of honest encouragement they always respond in a positive way. especially if you play guitar at the same time. I have taken the most problem children in a school and raised them to the top of the class by giving them an identity of there own. Something thy can call there own or a perception of a quality they have that sets them apart in a unique way. I think Every one wants to be special and if you feel special then dangbe you are special . Your special by the way
what world are we living in? their crystal children and star child, and here the children of the moon? :O
Children keep getting weirder and weirder, there's no telling where they're coming from anymore.