Indigo and crystal children.

Ive heard of these people before, was there a conference in hawaii organised by them ? I seem to remember some link with the crystal skulls and the 13 point star weaving, something to do with preperations for a newly evolved consciousness to take root. I'm not sure how innocent the original movement is, a lot of groups seem to be taking up this banner under different titles. The links to chaos magic make me slightly weary.

What is this consciousness ? What is the link to physcic powers and if more and more people can evolve these abilities will not the predators in our society be the first to abuse them ?

Im also a little unsure about labelling children in this way, society has a tendency to outcast people very easily and 'programming' the mind of a child by telling them these things is a little unfair.

Doesnt mean its not true, i'd just be very, very cautious with our children.

I understand your fears.
I personally haven't heard of any organisation of crystal skulls and chaos magic connected to this new consciousness. For me it represents the evolution of humanity. The psychic abilities ( I don't like to use the term "powers") are a part of this evolution, not the main goal. The "main goal" is an enhanced awareness, a raised consciosuness. Human evolution never stops, this is just the next step.
Predators in society will always try to abuse whatever they can, but we can't let them control us by our fears. Fearing the reaction of society isn't a good growingground for love either. And predators along with society will eventually evovle too.
I'm also against labelling children in any way, one should always be careful with the children. But the same way we encourage other positive qualities in the children, their talents etc, we should aslo encourage this and not repress it in favour of fear of society and predators.
I think we should encourage ALL children equally, they will work out any differences when they get older. Belief that you, or your children, posses anything that is fundamentally different from others will reinforce any expereinces you have, labelling yourself and children will reiforce it more, thats how religion starts. There is a BIG spiritual revival at the moment with people absorbing all sorts of beliefs. The best we can do for the children is to NOT tell them they are 'Indigo' or 'crystal', this is very foolish in my eyes.

I agree that fear is destructive hence caution and weariness is better than fear. Fear is extreme, it is the other side of the coin. If we dont push special labels for people, then there will be less fear / negativity. I am hoping that we all realise that we all are equally responsible for evolving human consciousness. Please check out the links with the 'indigo' movement to chaos magic, you can then see the evolution of the 'indigo' concept and will be able to judge for yourself is this is a wise thing to advertise.

Children learn and assimilate info much quicker than adults, please be careful, there are some people out there who believe that they can help manifest a new consciousness by pushing ideas such as these.....and there are those who are aware of the evolution taking place as part of nature. Some scientists push physical evolution by genetic experiments, some watch and learn. The same applies for consciousness and 'pushing' these ideas onto children.

I agree we should encourage talents, and individuality, but not creating new 'genres' of children is not repressing anything. Creating genres is repressing when they are not needed, we need to be united, not more divided, I get the impression with the Indigo movement that someone either hasnt done their homework on experiential learning, or is deliberately trying to manifest something other than what it may at first appear to be.

best wishes

We have different viewpoints.
Instead of immediately focusing on what could go wrong with this I chose to focus on what is good with this, how it can help people who feel that they are going through this transformation and/or have children that express these qualities.
You do not have to adopt my perception at all, and it is good that you question it so that others that read this thread gets different viewpoints presented to them.
I am however not interested in a battle with words about right and wrong.
I believe everybody is entitled to their own judgement.
Please do not take this as critique to your perception. I thank you for providing it and will remember it. And do not fear that I will in any way push anybody, children or adult into anything. I'm not a follower of any perscripted movements but try to keep an open mind to all possibilities being true.
There isnt anything to focus on, until you create it. Personally I would let things be as i dont know what could be going on here. If it is natural and good, it will need no focus and will evolve naturally, if it's bad then focusing on it is like thinking satan is good and giving that concept your energy.

Obviously the choice is yours, like the choice to advertise coke cola, or petrol, or nazi's or the national front, or racism, or segregation or child actors or........etc.

Why not focus on 'normal' kids, after all they have a better chance of evolving the human race than say, for example, those with learning/perceptual difficulties.....You see what i mean, it would not be fair !

You might be right, i just dont know enough about it to give it more energy than it needs.

My advice to children who feel different or sensitive, cool, thats how it is for most children, its natural to feel that way, it means you are normal, dont segregate yourself with others and create an elite, talk to everybody and play with your friends.

My advice to parents, dont put ideas into your childrens heads that they really dont need to be thinking about when all they need to do is learn through play, how to get on with everyone else.

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Bebelina said:
I would like to recomment this site to all of you youngsters who feel a bit different and more sensitive than others. It might provide some support to what you are experiencing.

Wow, now that's a lesson in creative writing if I ever did see one. I like the
part where a bazillion fantastic claims are made without any underlying
Funny how words evolve over the years.

Characteristics once summarized with the description "Brat" are now expressed with the pseudo-spiritual euphemism "Indigo Child."
with all due respect to the thread starter and all who have faith in these writings.......
there is nothing there which wouldnt convince someone that they were part of all of that phenomena. it is very carefully worded so that when "characteristics of indigo or crystal children" are listed, ANYONE could find a similarity to themselves.
my diagnosis:misleading material by 1. someone who really wants to believe something beautiful, or 2. someone that is trying to make a fast buck (buy my book!!!).
thank you for your time
Here is another link that supports the books about Indigo Children

I don't know much about the link in the original thread. A year or so ago a friend of mine had mentioned she read The Indigo Children and found it very moving and hopeful. I have not read the books, though I did some research last year and the things I found basically told me there was a name for the way I chose to live and raise my child. I don't really care much for labels. I never got into reading too much about it or meeting proclaimed crystal or indigo people as I have always felt that it was unnecessary. When you meet a like mind you know it and that is all I need to know. That and everything my friend introduces me to like this but then criticizes my decisions as a Wiccan parent makes me think that she needs to find somewhere to be and that mentioning this was her way of trying to figure that out.

There is nothing wrong with letting people know what is out there whether it is your cup of tea or not as long as it should do them no harm. The principle of the indigo child is actually pretty sound, however, I have always been concerned as I am with anything like this that it will prompt people to treat their children differently or ok how do I say this correctly.....make their children think they are more special than they already are thereby restricting their relationships and communication. Hope I said that so it comes across the way I mean it to.

Thank you bebelina for reminding me about this I think I will have anothr look into it :)
kula said:
What is this consciousness ? What is the link to physcic powers and if more and more people can evolve these abilities will not the predators in our society be the first to abuse them ?

I think meek law abiding people should be the first to abuse these new abilities. It is much more ironic that way.
I think you might be right SpyMoose, the ones that point fingers towards the book of laws are always the ones most likely to break them...both laws and fingers...
Kula---"Belief that you, or your children, posses anything that is fundamentally different from others will reinforce any expereinces you have, labelling yourself and children will reiforce it more, thats how religion starts."

Oh really? So how do you suggest we raise our kids' morally? I could imagine the talk... "Son, you're not special or part of a group. You're going to find your own way." so sonny-bob (we'll call him) finds his religion: he turns into a "vampire", worships satan, shoots up, and does all that other fun stuff. To say to a kid that they are a member of the ______ faith and that they should live up to that faith is the time-proven way to have little kids learn how grow up not being a little SOB.

But I do agree, I don't exactly subscribe to the idea of calling your kids crystal or indigo children; there are alot of other ways to make your kid feel a sence of moral purpose then to tell them they are a member of a new consciousness and whatever. Yeah, humans evolve, but that's a pretty weak proposition in my opinion.
there are alot of other ways to make your kid feel a sence of moral purpose then to tell them they are a member of a new consciousness and whatever
Likewise there are alot of other ways than telling your child he is a member of X religion.
weed_eater_guy said:
Oh really? So how do you suggest we raise our kids' morally? I could imagine the talk... "Son, you're not special or part of a group. You're going to find your own way." so sonny-bob (we'll call him) finds his religion: he turns into a "vampire", worships satan, shoots up, and does all that other fun stuff. To say to a kid that they are a member of the ______ faith and that they should live up to that faith is the time-proven way to have little kids learn how grow up not being a little SOB.

i think you may have taken my post a little too much to heart, but i guess that must be because you saw it as an attack on something you have choosen to place a value on that should not be challenged, but i dont know what that is. i was referring to this thread and these new age spiritual life rafts people are creating.

seeing that you asked, children can be shown morals by teaching them to understand right from wrong and empathy. that does not need any religion, although the use of religion can help some parents who are unable to do so using everyday, mortal experiences.

keep it real

exsto_human said:
We are imposing stuff on childrens minds all the time, why impose this?

Because we're mean sadistic bastards... and it's fun for the whole family!
exsto_human said:
We are imposing stuff on childrens minds all the time, why impose this?

It empowers the adults who think they know better and plays up their ego's in a world that is too confusing for the adults to comprehend. The children can always assimilated newness and novelty and accept reality for what it is. I fear the ones that are taught to call themselves 'indigo' will be trapped in an adult created reality tunnel.
