In Godless We Trust?

Well oddly enough i support the removal of references to God from the currencies of this world. That goes for all national anthems and flags and government buildings and documents. But for very different reasons than the obsessed one quoted in the first post in this forum LOL.

So yeah get God right out of the systems of this world. It sickens me that the evil powers that be in this world dare to attempt to use God as backing for their evil system of rule.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: LOL its amazing how those who are opposed to God can actually serve His purpose in their pathetic attempts to destroy Him. :D
So yeah get God right out of the systems of this world. It sickens me that the evil powers that be in this world dare to attempt to use God as backing for their evil system of rule.

Like the old men who wrote the Bible?

PS: LOL its amazing how those who are opposed to God can actually serve His purpose in their pathetic attempts to destroy Him.

Happy to help, in this case.
When I get paper money, and if I have the time, I take a Q-tip, soak it in bleach, and rub it vigorously over the whole phrase. Then I repeat with water and the offending words come off. I also use a rotary tool to remove it from coinage. It's obvious on the pennies, but a little buffing and polishing and I have what the Freedom From Religion Foundation calls "Free Money". It takes a little work, but it's a small sacrifice. Nobody has refused it yet.
OK, well I do that to the paper money, but the metal money is too much trouble.
Came across this interesting website:

:p What do you think?

I think this is a wonderful idea. I'll start doing this as soon as reasonably possible.

in addition to a possible mental disorder the person also misinterpreted the law

what a dummy.

What? Okay, the defacing bit may be arguable, but how does it become unfit for circulation? By this argument, one might argue that even intentionally making a minuscule tear would make it unfit for circulation.

That is the most immature thing I have ever heard of.


How so? (I assume you're referring to the OP and not to John99. Otherwise, never mind.)

too much time on ur hands

Oh yeah, it takes so much time and labor to mark out the word "God".

PS: LOL its amazing how those who are opposed to God can actually serve His purpose in their pathetic attempts to destroy Him. :D

Like Fire said, happy to help, in this case.

When I get paper money, and if I have the time, I take a Q-tip, soak it in bleach, and rub it vigorously over the whole phrase. Then I repeat with water and the offending words come off. I also use a rotary tool to remove it from coinage. It's obvious on the pennies, but a little buffing and polishing and I have what the Freedom From Religion Foundation calls "Free Money". It takes a little work, but it's a small sacrifice. Nobody has refused it yet.

This is a very interesting idea.

I probably should check with some law authority before I do this myself though. Then I'll get the necessary tools.
I find human beings to be most fascinating. And amazing in how their behaviour and beliefs are so often in complete contradiction to each other!

It be damn boring if everyone agreed, never contradicted; we be mindless robots if everyone thought the same, and believed the same now woulndn't we?
Hi Michael II! I find human beings to be most fascinating. And amazing in how their behaviour and beliefs are so often in complete contradiction to each other!
I wonder why that is??? We are an interesting creature that's for sure!