In any hypothetical afterlife, would there be order or chaos?!

with the fear of sounding cheeky (im sorry if i do)... i would assume (again probably wrongly) that the afterlife would be a fairly big place :D

Thanks anyway for the input
Ok then. Let's say it is a big place(for the sake of the debate.) So you are implying that there would be chaos? You must also bear in mind that we humans are obstructing entropy. We are growing to become more complex, and thus creating order in our world, as other living organisms. This was in a debate between evolutionists and creationists. The old law of entropy states that a system will continue to choose disorder over order. But since evolution states living things over a period time will grow to be more complex, it is going against entropy. That is why entropy is now called the law of maximum entropy. Meaning entropy will choose between order or disorder, whichever is more efficient in reducing the potentials at the fastest rate.
Again im sorry I may be an idiot.. but surely the very fact that organisms become ever more complex complies with the 2nd law of thermodynamics not conflicts with it.
Originally posted by Dark Master
We are growing to become more complex, and thus creating order in our world, as other living organisms. This was in a debate between evolutionists and creationists. The old law of entropy states that a system will continue to choose disorder over order. But since evolution states living things over a period time will grow to be more complex, it is going against entropy.

No, it's not. Entropy increases in a closed system. Earth is not a closed system we gain energy from the Sun. Which is what we use to do most of the work needed for growing more complex. The 2nd law of thermodynamics fully allows for a local increase of order as long as that increase is balanced by a decrease elsewhere (in this case, the sun).

No, it's not. Entropy increases in a closed system. Earth is not a closed system we gain energy from the Sun. Which is what we use to do most of the work needed for growing more complex. The 2nd law of thermodynamics fully allows for a local increase of order as long as that increase is balanced by a decrease elsewhere (in this case, the sun).

I've made a quick summarization in very broad terms and I can see your point towards mines. But the main point was entropy can form order over disorder. But I've said creationists believe that entropy can only follow disorder, therefore the marco cells, whichever started evolution, could have never have happened. And that is what creationists have used to refute evolution, which didn't work. It was mainly to show FunkyJuice that an afterlife doesn't necessarily have to be chaotic.
Again im sorry I may be an idiot.. but surely the very fact that organisms become ever more complex complies with the 2nd law of thermodynamics not conflicts with it.

No, you are confused with what entropy is. Well in your case, let's use only the old entropy law. The old law states entropy will choose disorder over order, in a closed system. So complex, ordered arrangements actually tend to become simpler and more disorderly with time.

But in most cases, the law of maximum entropy chooses disorder, which means less complex.