In any hypothetical afterlife, would there be order or chaos?!


Registered Senior Member
Hi im new... and am probably going to be viewed as an idiot but... I wanted to ask you lot (the more educated in science)

In any hypothetical afterlife, would there be order or chaos?!
Welcome FunkyJuice, you're the newest member... If anyone views you as an idiot right away, jsut because you were not open to certain things, they are the arrogant ones and the fools.

But I personally don't believe in a afterlife, you die you die. But if there should be one I would believe in some order. That would really suck to die, then end up in a chaotic place, that's worse then believing what religions tell you. :eek:
Welcome FunkyJuice! Post long and happy:)

Lets see... if there were an afterlife, which Im sure theres not, there would be complete order - supposedly. You walk around on streets of gold and live in big gold mansions (ya, theres materialism in heavan) and you float around on clouds and eat grapes all day. Why would there be any chaos? Thats for hell, where they run around playing in blood and having orgies all day:D Wait! Why would there be chaos there also?:D

Sorry, Im a bit on the sarcastic side:)
Haha. Can't be an afterlife. Feels good to believe in for some, but nah. Afterlife means you have to live another life, which I don't mind because it's worth it... And we are not eternal either, unless we are energy in the afterlife, then what makes us if we are energy? Anyways if we are not eternal in an afterlife, then that means there might be an afterlife after that one when we die, then another afterlife after that afterlife, then an afterlife after that afterlife after that afterlife...:confused:

So you die you die. Something created can never be eternal, eternal has no beginning or end.
The energy that your consciousness is made of will never cease to exist, it will expand and merge with other consciousnesses/energies. There will be as much order and chaos needed to persist a continuous development of the combined reality.

The energy that your consciousness is made of will never cease to exist

True, energy is constant.

it will expand and merge with other consciousnesses/energies.

Maybe merge with other consciousnesses/energies, but energy can never expand, maybe in an area of space but never in quantity. Once you die, your conscious energy will return to the universe as every other form of energy.

There will be as much order and chaos needed to persist a continuous development of the combined reality.

The energy that your consciousness is made of will never cease to exist,

Energy cannot be destroyed. But that our consciousness consists of an energy form is, of course, speculation. Energy can be converted, however, so conscious energy form might be converted into something quite unrecognizable after physical death.

Order or chaos? I find it impossible to visualize an afterlife without using references to physical life, which probably isnt relevant. But then thats the problem for most; nearly all religious concepts of afterlife are firmly rooted in physical references (Garden of Eden, fire and brimstone, etc.) the only exception I can think of is Nirvana, but thats not really an afterlife, quite the opposite.

Yes but do you view the world as chaotic or ordered???

Or are we in a current "changing state" and thus so the afterlife would be?!

Complexity theorises (i believe) that any ordered system however simple the rules will eventually become more complex and chaotic in time.... If physical principles are applied to the "afterlife" then, however simple the rules that were set by "god" his "heaven" would become increasingly complex and chaotic?!
Mmmm, so now we talk entropy --- The universe is a closed system so entropy is rising. Basically, at max entropy everything is in the same state, so thats low complexity, and high order (but you might argue that, as there is no system, its really totally chaotic). Open systems, on the other hand can grow more complex, and they can go toward chaotic or toward systematic behaviour.

Mind you, I'm not a specialist here, so I'm merely pondering.

But all this is for the physical world. I dont think we can infer anything about the afterlife from that.

Mmmm, so now we talk entropy --- The universe is a closed system so entropy is rising.

We may not know for sure. The second law of thermodynamics has been refuted, although is still applies to most situations. Entropy has been proven to work the opposite way, thus recreating order.
We may not know for sure.

We know nothing for sure . Looking at the world in a science-based way, we only know things with varying probability. Anything may be challenged at some time.

We know nothing for sure.

Depends on what you believe the universe is, infinite or closed. And yes, we know nothing for sure, but we know for sure entropy has been proved to occur in reverse.
Not meaning to sound too ignorant... but where other than theoretical models does entropy act in reverse?!

(btw im sure there are physical examples... im just blissfully unaware of them)
I can't remember so I'm not quite sure of it. But if these laws change, then our facts will change along with it. But we can be quite sure of what we have observed so far, till/if it changes.
Just a quicky.. im sure i am wrong... by doesnt entropy to order break the 2nd law of thermodynamics?!.."that order cannot arise from disorder in an isolated system"
Just a quicky.. im sure i am wrong... by doesnt entropy to order break the 2nd law of thermodynamics?!.."that order cannot arise from disorder in an isolated system"

Huh? You've made grammatical errors that aren't comprehensible to me.
Second law of themodynamics is "that order cannot arise from disorder in an isolated system"

If this is the case, entropy acting in reverse would violate that law... therefore I ask do you know of an isolated system where entropy acts in reverse?

Hope my grammar is better, especially considering it's my mother tongue.
I'm not quite sure and I'm too lazy to look for the sources again. But in the very miniscule electrons, or other very very small systems, as found by scientists, that order can return to a disordered system. This has only been found in very small cases or systems. But for now, I think entropy's law still applies mainly to large systems, although the text of it will change.