Immaculate Conception

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it would be the same old same old.

But bishadi took it in a direction of crazy that I didn't even know existed.

Bishadi, you are genuinely expanding my consciousness.

...Please, please stop.
hhehee i think they had sex before marriage and god was like OOO lets use them!!!

tho, i cant help but wonder, if maybe they lied? what if that was just their excuse? lol.

I agree.
Jesus mother wasn’t a virgin and his birth was a normal human occurrence. The concept and belief of a virgin Mary reveals the credulous nature of humans.
I recall watching a TV program discussing Jesus virgin birth reputation and they were saying, that in some archive a record was found listing a Roman crucifixion in Jerusalem naming a Jesus. The record stated he was the illegitimate son of a sailor.
One last time.

There is a difference between a "Virgin Birth" and the "Immaculate Conception".
Immaculate Conception was NOT the conception of Jesus.

can we get a poll on this one?

Immaculate Conception was the conception of Mary. Mary's mother was not a virgin. Mary was concieved in the traditional way of her dad banging her mom.
That is YOUR idea

and wiki is

The Immaculate Conception is, according to Roman Catholic Dogma, the conception of the Virgin Mary without any stain (macula in Latin) of original sin.

Immaculate Concpetion has nothing to do with being a virgin or being born to a virgin.

that is you changing and still not comprehending the thread inquiry.... all the time.

As far as I am aware, the Catholics were the first in history to even convieve of "Original Sin", therefore, no other group had any need for their savior to be born excluded from "Original Sin" so nobody ever had to make up the "Immaculate Conception" before.

you finally articulated your claim in a fashion of understandibility of YOUR position on the matter. Now anyone can go look up YOUR observances.

In Catholic Doctrine, it is Jesus that redeems man of his Original Sin through his own suffering and death. Without Original Sin, you don't need an "Immaculate Conception".

Do you understand now?


anyone else have a go?

anything older, than today's interpretation
by the 1bird?


mr educational one, perhaps you can share what you find on the 'virgin birth' (your EXACT WORDS) and see if there is something OLDER

p/s.... sure glad you cleared that up, (as you must know the immaculate conception is no where in the bible.) but the concept is observed and attributed to parts within most every book (torah, bible, quran)

you have this thread all over the place now
and wiki is
Wiki is THE SAME AS MINE. Immaculate Conception of Mary, mother of Jesus.
Everyone is born a virgin.

mr educational one, perhaps you can share what you find on the 'virgin birth' (your EXACT WORDS) and see if there is something OLDER
No, because I am done attempting to have an actual discussion with an ass whose ignorance is only matched by his arrogance.
Wiki is THE SAME AS MINE. Immaculate Conception of Mary, mother of Jesus.

that and this
Everyone is born a virgin.

are different

i like that last one

"everyone is born a virgin"............................ that's deep


No, because I am done attempting to have an actual discussion with an ass whose ignorance is only matched by his arrogance.

i was laughing with the return down :D
That's not what Immaculate Conception is - if you are referring to the Catholic Dogma.

Most Catholics don't even realize that the Immacualte Conception was not the conception of Jesus - it was Mary's conception.

Mary's natural conception was a miracle, because God blessed her to be a pure vessel for his son - in Catholic Dogma, this pure vessel needed to be exempt from "Original Sin".

It has nothing at all to do with not having parents or sex.
M*W: I would think that most Catholics do know that Mary was the Immaculate Conception. Yikes, when I was a Catholic, they taught that. Then there are all the Immaculate Conception of Mary Churches. Never heard of one called the Immaculate Conception of Jesus Church. Still, it's just another myth.
I recall watching a TV program discussing Jesus virgin birth reputation and they were saying, that in some archive a record was found listing a Roman crucifixion in Jerusalem naming a Jesus. The record stated he was the illegitimate son of a sailor.
M*W: There is a stele or a tombstone of a Roman soldier named Pantera. I forget his whole name. Too lazy to look it up again. Some people say the name means "panther," but I think it could mean something like "Pan (bread) tera (of the earth), but then, that's just me. The story goes that he either raped Mary or had an affair with her, and that he is the natural father of Jesus. This gravesite is allegedly somewhere in Germany. Info on this can be found on the Internet.
M*W: There is a stele or a tombstone of a Roman soldier named Pantera. I forget his whole name. Too lazy to look it up again. Some people say the name means "panther," but I think it could mean something like "Pan (bread) tera (of the earth), but then, that's just me. The story goes that he either raped Mary or had an affair with her, and that he is the natural father of Jesus. This gravesite is allegedly somewhere in Germany. Info on this can be found on the Internet.

Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera,

From Wikipedia,
Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera (c. 22 BCE – CE 40) was a Roman archer of the Cohors I Sagittariorum. He is most notable because of a suggestion (vita di Gesù, Craveri 1966) that he is to be identified with the Roman soldier Panthera, who the writer Celsus claimed[1] was the true father of Jesus. All information about Abdes Pantera's life comes from his tombstone, found in Bingerbrück, Germany in 1859.

can we get a poll on this one?

A poll?

We can already see that many people do not grasp that the V.B. and the I.M. refer to completely different things.

We can already see that even when someone like one_raven points out the facts, some people STILL refuse to believe it, or even to check the facts (why didn't you look up the VB and IM in a Catholic encyclopedia or something?)

Why would a poll of how many people still get it wrong be of any use?

What matters is the facts, not the people believe otherwise.

The VB and the IM are completely different things, and believers tend to mix them up all the time, but then refuse to admit error when it's pointed out.

them last 2 posts are just funny as shit

the thread was not questioning who said what.

as well anyone with any comprehension, knows that the IM is 'considered' to be "Jesus being conceived by mary, without sex."

if you all like your idea, because your sooooo good loooking, then fine

why not read the OP and deal with the thread

as well anyone with any comprehension, knows that the IM is 'considered' to be "Jesus being conceived by mary, without sex."

The what?
The "IM" ?

You can't even read and write English correctly.


you're still pretending that the

Virgin Birth
and the
Immaculate Conception

are the same?

You STILL haven't checked?


you're still pretending that the

Virgin Birth
all births are children born virgin

and the
Immaculate Conception
is impossible; even read what Jesus said

Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

so if jesus was not perfect (immaculate), then i claim foul to any who say that another is.

but that is not what the thread is on
Well, I claim that he was, because he was the Incarnate being of God. None may come to the Father except through Me. Etc.
Well, I claim that he was, because he was the Incarnate being of God. None may come to the Father except through Me. Etc.

jeff, we know you believe but you just don't read

matt 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ

what did jesus say?

John 14: 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

29And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.

30Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

Mark 10:17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

19Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

i tink he said, i am not HE

that the HE is coming

and follow the damn rules

(that means no false witnessing, jeff)

like i said, you believe but you don't read

the thread was on, has anyone seen anything prophetic, in previous literature about babies being born without women having intercourse;

kind of like OUR TIME (test tube babies)
jeff, we know you believe but you just don't read

matt 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ

Son, you don't get it. Why not leave it at that?