Asguard: Hang on. i think ive confused you (when i was talking about john i ment john the baptist, NOT john the apposal. I agree john the aposal probably was MM and so im igoring him because he probably never existed)
M*W: I may have been confused, but JtA was MM, so that's settled. JtB was revered by the KT as you said. However, there is some kind of connection between JtB & MM, but I've not read any conclusive evidence about this. The KT revered them both, and JtB was allegedly beheaded. The confusion here lies in the fact that both VM & MM were related to King Herod. An interesting note here is that when both Pontius Pilate and Herod and his family retired, they all moved to Gaul in the South of France knowing full well that MM (and who knows, maybe Jesus, were there)!
In those days it was unheard of a woman writing anything! I can understand why MM wrote under the pseudonym of the Beloved Apostle, John. The strange association is noted, although in the words of the gospel writers, that at the foot of the cross Jesus said, "John, behold thy mother; woman, behold thy son." (BTW, I'm quoting this from memory). This could just be a way for the gospel writers to ignore MM.
Asguard: I was refering to 2 different paintings (actually 4 because they BOTH have 2 versions)
The first one (or rather 2) was the virgin on the rocks your right (sorry couldnt rember the name) where urial is pointing at the baby that is closer to mary (being seltered by her) while reciving the blessing of the other child, in the second painting the pointing finger is gone. Now if urial is the angel who protects john (where i surpose gabrial protects jeaus) and the baby closest to her is JOHN (which makes sence) and so its john blessing jeaus, then why is urial pointing at jeaus? The claw is mary and your right it does look like she is holding a head, so maybe the fingers only significance IS to decapitate the head thats not there. It just seems strange that she is pointing at jeaus. Did john need guidence to know who to bless? i cant honestly think of any reason for the finger. As to the vagina's i cant comment, the video of the painting i saw didnt give me enough of a chance to see those.
The lamb i was talking about was in 2 versons of a painting that i dont know the name of (altho the movie called it a cartoon). It shows jeaus on mary's lap and in the first verson there is the baby john at mary's (mary his mother not MM) feet. I didnt get a good look at what jeaus was doing in the first painting but in the second verson he is playing with the lamb (that has replaced john) and it looks like jesus is trying to rip the lambs head off. He also has his leg wraped around the lamb so it looks like the lambs head is cut off. If your right and john the baptist IS MM then jesus must have had some REAL hatred of his lover because it looks like he is trying to kill the lamb. So i doubt that da vinci thought of MM and JtB as the same person (wether he though john the apposal was repersentive of MM i dont doubt)
M*W: To distinguish Jesus from JtB, JtB is always pointing his index finger upward. I don't think the lamb represents MM, and the GGs indicate Jesus's love for MM. For the most part, Jesus and JtB are depicted as babies. In any event, look for the pointed index finger.
Here's a few I found that you may be interested in:
The Last Supper
Virgin of the Rocks
Notice the phallic symbols and the vaginal orifices painted within the "rocks."
Madonna and Child with St. Anne
St. Anne and Jesus with the Lamb (not correct title)
Other paintings that depict an older man does not mean that it is Joseph, stepfather to Jesus. Joseph held no real place in Jesus's life, but Joseph of Arimathea did. He was either Mary's brother or MM's uncle. There is also the possibility since mother Mary and MM were related through the Herod family, MM and Jesus were probably cousins.
I noticed how Jesus was squeezing the lamb. The lamb symbolizes Jesus -- how strange! Oh, wait a minute! Jesus IS trying to hurt the lamb! Could this mean a self-inflicted wound?
Asguard: As to what happened to JtB i really cant rember. Its about 10 years since i stoped beliving in the catholic faith and since then i havent really read the bible so alot of it i cant really rember
M*W: Well, you really haven't missed anything by not reading the bible. Most of it, if not all of it, is untrue. It's just made up fiction. JtB was beheaded by Herod's family. I don't find this a likely prospect, because JtB and Jesus were cousins, too, and related to Herod's family. Now,the symbolism of the "beheading" could mean any number of things. Salome was involved with her seductive dance of the seven veils. "Veils" itself are symbolic for uncovering the truth. Perhaps JtB and Salome had a thing going on. Beheading would then mean sexual intercourse. The "head" is symbolic for intercourse. The "feet" are symbolic of male genitals.
Asguard: Oh B\W are you saying that VM and MM are related? If so then ICK, isnt there something in the bible about screwing close relitives.
M*W: Yes, VM & MM were related through Herod's family ties. Screwing family members in those days were not only approved of, there were laws to ensure it! When a man's brother dies, he needs to copulate with his sister-in-law to propagate that lineage. In Egypt, it was not only customary to mate with one's biological sister, but it was demanded to retain purity in the bloodline. We just can't do it today!
Asguard: One more thing, what do you think of the authors of templar reverlations implying that it was consitines infulance on catholisium as the reason that judaisum is monothiastic (not sure how islam fits into it because i am not sure wether muhumid lived before or after rome adopted catholisum as its chief religion)
M*W: Constantine surely did influence catholicism and all of christianity, but I don't see how Constantine could influence Judaism as a monotheistic religion. That was Moses's doing. Muhammad lived after the development of catholicism.
Asguard: I really dont understand the conection between JtB and MM tho because if they are saying that jeuse usurped johns place as the christ then who cares about MM, she was just another women with just another husband and no different from anyone else. If jesus was important and therefor MM is the reperenstive of the godess then whats with JtB? These 2 seem to be rather mutually exscusive, but im sure they arnt, there is something missing.
M*W: If JtB was Jesus's cousin, it's possible that he was MM's cousin, too. That's neither here nor there, though. Jesus didn't actually usurp JtB's place as the Christ. That was all of Paul's doing when he wrote the mythical story of the dying demigod savior. The real story may be that JtB was the Christ after all, and that's why he's associated with MM. MM, herself, was Christlike. In fact, I see MM as more of a Christ than even Jesus! All I know right now is that the KT revered them both equally while ignoring Jesus for the most part.
Asguard: I was just talking to mum (who has some background resurch on the gospals ect because she had to take scripture and some historical background as part of her training for teaching in the catholic system) and she was saying that historians (im a little suspicious of some of the infomation because they are catholic historians) belive that john the Apostle actually did exist as a real person. They know his linage ect, but i am still suspicious that maybe some of whats atributed to him may have MM.
M*W: Well, the RCC is going to teach what supports its own agenda -- the existence of the Beloved Apostle John is one of them. This is one of their many "cover-ups!" The language and writing style of the Gospel of John and Revelations are quite similar, and scholars today aren't afraid to speak the truth. Just imagine a century ago how fearful it would have been for anyone to say something against 2000 years of the church of lies!