Images of Women in Advertising


Generally those websites use outdated information to support Primitivism. Very similar to "My Ishmael" and other propoganda books produced by a type of social scientist that has a political agenda, rather than the empirical analysis of history and archaeology.

This has information take from Britannica 1961.

Excellent point regarding the dichotomy being the main cause of illness. It's when we are forced to swallow contradictions that neuroses develop.
I must agree with PJ here. The damage most likely comes from the incredible dichotomy between what human nature dictates, advertising insists on, and parents and society demonize.

Sort of like the HAL9000 computer in 2001 a Space Oddessy

So what is the solution to this?
Unfortunately, nothing short of a complete revamp of society and our values. In the US at least. Our christian "morals" are at the base of this problem.

The issue arises when we deny the proven facts of human nature and pretend we can "mold" humans into whatever we want (i.e. the blank slate approach).

I'm not suggesting the rediculous position of just giving in to all of our hunter/gatherer behaviors. But understanding why we are the way we are and accepting it goes a long way toward dealing with society in a rational way.

If you have a cancer and pretend that it's a beauty-mark bulging out on your neck, you'll be pretty confused when it finally chokes off your air supply.


So you would say that the primitive societies where children are not considered children, where they are treated as adults where labor and sex and pregnancy are concerned, are more natural and should be the criteria that all societies follow?
So you would say that the primitive societies where children are not considered children, where they are treated as adults where labor and sex and pregnancy are concerned, are more natural and should be the criteria that all societies follow?

Have you ever, in your entire life, hit the broad side of a barn?
And you did? :shrug:

We could troll or we could wait for supe to respond.

He actually thinks through his opinions.

So what is your opinion of the sexualisation of teenage girls?

Do you believe it is an expression of natural sexuality and that societies where girls are married off at 12 are the ones that have the right idea?

Or anything else?
LIke I said, I have no idea. The majority of people would have to embrace what we currently think of a "rationalism". That may never happen. What we need is some good advertisers :D :m: in politics to sell the idea.

What would your vision of a rational approach be? Details.
Prime example. Given some recent discussions here regarding the appropriate age at which "children" can be approached sexually:

There is strong evidence that many males find the flowering of the young female very sexually attractive. There are appalling statistics that show the rate of "abuse" delivered unto these young girls (especially by family members) with stepfamilies being 3-5 times worse.

So what if we acknowledge the following things as truths:

1) It is natural for males to find pubescent girls sexually attractive.

2) Sexual attraction, for males, is one of the most powerful drives known. DO NOT MINIMIZE OR TRIVIALIZE THIS! If you do, you are making the worst, most fatal, mistake in trying to resolve this issue.

3) Our social structure will always place young girls in situations with adult males (normal and step families).

Given these, which are almost certainly true, how should we proceed to minimize the damage to all parties involved?

I know what I would do. What would you all do?

What would you do?
It's complex and details imply a well thought-out approach. I don't really have one. The problem is that without serious short-term damage to society, I don't see a way.

Now you've piqued my interest.

What serious short term damage?

I say we should gear children to be adults by the age of thirteen and to consider early marriage and solidification of relationships at this age. It is the only way to channel the natural instinct into a socially constructive mold.